Page 82 of Going Deep

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She was the last to go over, her body buffeted by theirs, slick skin sliding together as she rocked her hips and chased her orgasm. She found it with a cry that exploded into Colt’s mouth, her release soaking his dick and nearly making him hard all over again.

“So sweet, darlin’.” He kissed her damp hair and caressed her hip, bringing her down from the peak. “You took us like a champ.”

“Freaking amazing.” Drake leaned forward and kissed Paige’s shoulder, then turned her head to brush a kiss over Colt’s mouth. “I might just keep you both.”

“Hell yeah you will,” Colt growled, lips twitching.

“Me too,” Paige mumbled, still sprawled between them. “But no horse riding until at least next…year.”

They all laughed.

Want to read how Wade and Charlene got together? Then be sure to check out GOING LONG, available now. And in 2016, watch for Rafe and Hollie’s story, GOING HARD.

Also available now, the other two Boys of Fall books, which happen concurrently with GOING DEEP—RED ZONE by Mari Carr and ILLEGAL MOTION by Erin Nicholas. The books can be read in any order. Be sure to read on for excerpts of both RED ZONE and ILLEGAL MOTION!

The Boys of Fall Series


In Quinn, Texas, the temperature isn’t all that’s heating up…coming home has never been so hot!

Coach Nicholas Carr was the greatest high school football coach the sleepy little to

wn of Quinn, Texas had ever seen. He led his boys to the state championships year after year. However, only once did the Quinn Titans ever bring home the state title. Quinn locals still insist that high school team was the greatest Texas ever had or ever would see. The exceptional group of athletes went on to do incredible things, bolstered by the qualities their cherished coach had instilled in them.

But when a retired Coach Carr suffers a heart attack and risks losing his beloved family ranch, his boys return home, anxious to give back to the man who’d been like a father to all of them.

Little did they know that returning to Quinn meant they’d fall in love—and into bed with strong, sexy women that are their match in every way. Home is definitely where the heart is, and so is the shower, and the wall, and the kitchen table…

Warning: Keep a glass of cold ice water handy to avoid sudden heatstroke—and a change of panties never hurts either.

part 1




part 2




Red Zone - Mari Carr

Boys of Fall - book 2

She allowed Oakley to take her hand and lead her to the taxi as Joel pressed his palm against her lower back. She caught more than a few sideways glances from people as the three of them left together. God only knew what everyone was thinking.

Actually, Sadie had a pretty good notion what they thought. As she climbed into the cab—Joel and Oakley doing exactly as she’d expected as they trapped her in the middle—she wondered if the dirty-minded people didn’t have a great idea.

Oakley kept hold of her hand, his fingers absentmindedly toying with her rings. Joel leaned closer, his arm draping around her along the backseat. Sadie gave the driver her address, though it was hard to speak with a dry mouth.

They hadn’t been in the cab more than two minutes before the darkness of the night wrapped them up in a cocoon that wasn’t lost on the guys.
