Page 92 of Going Deep

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Two minutes later, she listened to his voice mail and tried not to shiver at the rough timbre of his voice. It wasn’t right that he sounded that good. That was just his speaking voice, for pete’s sake. But then came the beep and she tried to seem cool. They should get together while he was in town and talk. That would be

a good idea. By the time she hung up, the waitress had arrived to clear the table and collect the check.

Which meant it was time to get back to work.

Throughout the rest of her day bustling around at the store and later, teaching her yoga class, she mentally replayed the message she’d left for Wade. She’d probably sounded stupid. Her voice tended to get breathy when she was nervous. For all she knew, he might think she was trying to pick up the big singing star before he was accosted by all the locals.

Unless he already had been. He could be in town this very second. She hadn’t pumped Lela for more gossip yet. She also hadn’t heard back from Wade.

After class, she’d call her friends and see if they could get together for a late night drink at Pitchers. It was a Thursday, but Lela and AJ both worked for the school district so they were off for the summer. Paige, on the other hand, would’ve hit the sheets with her eye mask and earplugs at eight on the dot. Early to rise and all that.

As she led the class through the downward dog position, Charlene sent up a quick mental prayer that she would get through the rest of the evening without tripping or falling on her ass.

She managed the latter without trouble. But when she walked out the back door of the studio at a little after nine p.m. and turned to hurry across the parking lot to her car, she caught the tip of her shoe on a groove in the sidewalk and went hurtling into a pair of strong, steady arms that folded her into an equally strong chest.

“What the—who?” She glanced up at the man holding her. There was no doubt he was male, thanks to the smoky citrus scent wrapped around him. And the muscular arms. Mustn’t forget the arms.

But when she glimpsed the dark cowboy hat casting the stranger’s face in shadow, she knew. Oh, she knew.

“Wade,” she whispered.
