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She pressed the indents around her nipple, shocked by the zings of heat that arrowed through her. They streaked straight to her clit, the place currently occupying her lover’s attention.

Her lover. God. How long had it been since she’d known the simple joy of having one of those?

Too long. Even if that reminded her she shouldn’t have lovers because she happened to be married—in name only—it didn’t diminish the fluttering in her chest. This wasn’t hurting anyone who hadn’t already hurt her and then walked away.

Jeff gripped her thigh and anchored her leg on his shoulder while he licked from her mound all the way down to near her ass. She held on tight and wiggled at the continuing bursts of warmth, her hips flexing uselessly with the need to be filled.

“That’s it. Fuck my mouth.”

She tentatively stroked the curling hair at his nape, her explorations turning more daring as he latched on to her clit and drew hard enough to make her vision spark. The flower on the canvas beside her seemed to pop with color, the oranges and yellows bleeding together and pulsing with life. But no, she was pulsing, inside and out, her ass cheeks clenching from her instinctive attempts to hold his tongue inside her pussy.

“Not like this,” she whispered, pulling on his hair more roughly than she’d intended.

He lifted his chin, setting it on her belly. When she saw all the moisture smeared around his lips, she inhaled a shuddery breath. “Sorry. Didn’t hear you. Head’s about to explode,” he said, his tone reverent.

She smiled, shocked she could while she was so embarrassed and overwhelmed. And aroused. Especially aroused. “I’d like to feel your,” say it, dammit, “cock inside me when I…when we…”

Luckily he rescued her from the most pathetic command ever. “Works for me.”

“My bedroom’s just down the hall,” she began.

He stood and crossed the room to retrieve his plastic bag. It was only then she noticed he’d yet to remove a stitch of clothing.

Some lover she was. She’d thought Lon was selfish?

“Fuck the bedroom.” He arched a brow as if he expected her to argue. “We’re doing this right here.”

“Is fuck your favorite verb?” Karyn asked breathlessly as he came back to her, condom in hand.

Make that condoms. He had a whole handful.

“Verb, adjective, adverb.”


; She licked her lips as he shucked his sweatshirt, tossing it aside without a care for where it landed. The thermal was next, then his jeans, which he dispatched in about ten seconds flat. Down to just his boxers, he hooked a finger in the waistband, grinning at her inability to look away. He pulled them down slowly, baring his firm cock. His firm, long, thick cock.

Even when she’d fantasized, what she’d come up with hadn’t ever matched this reality. She’d never envisioned a sexy, borderline grouchy guy with a glint in his eye and an erection this tempting. Surely a guy couldn’t get that hard if he saw her as just a run-of-the-mill schoolteacher.

“Adverb? How can you use fuck as an adverb?”

“Easy.” Jeff wrapped his arm around her and rubbed his foil packets against her back in wordless promise. He nibbled her lower lip, biting down. She cried out at the sensations that rolled through her, gathering between her legs in a molten rush. “Hear that? Well, that’s just the start. I’m going to make you come so fuckingly hard your neighbors are going to hear you scream.”

She reached up to trace the smile lines around his mouth. “I’m really not a screamer.”


“Jeff,” she started, surprised by the way his nose flared and his jaw tensed as if she’d jabbed him with a sharp stick. Maybe she had. His pride anyway.

“Karyn,” he countered, his expression turning intense. “God, I love a challenge.”

He guided her toward the window seat and pressed her face first against the cold glass, making her throw her hands out to hold herself back from the icy pane. She always kept the curtains tied back to let in natural light. Nothing would hide her nudity from view if anyone happened to walk by outside.

She was naked with a stranger. Naked with a stranger in front of a window. What the hell was she thinking?

But that was the whole point. She wasn’t thinking. Much. And God, it felt great.

Her nipples stiffened in the sudden draft as he pushed her closer to the window. Freezing air wafted over her blazing-hot torso and she cried out again at the difference in temperature.
