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“Really?” She let her forehead hit the window and struggled to reclaim her breath. And her wits. “Feels like I won to me.”

“C’mere. You gotta be cold.” Unaware of her sudden and complete paralysis, he took her arm and tried to get her to stand. “Karyn?”

She shifted clumsily into a sitting position. Her legs felt as limp as undercooked spaghetti, her thighs a quivery mass. “Gimme a sec.”

“Take two.” He disposed of the condom in the trash can and slid down the wall beside her, his ass hitting the bare floor with a thud. He slanted her a sideways glance, a grin again teasing his mouth. “I’m gonna want to do that again. Soon. Just so you know.”

“How soon? I think I broke something.”

“Oh shit. Did I hurt you?” He crawled over to her and cupped her cheek, his brows knitting over his narrowed eyes.

She laughed at how rapidly his fatigue vanished. “No. I’m fine. But it’s been a while, you know?”

“Yeah.” He sank back on his heels, his palm still cupping her face. His hand felt so warm in contrast to the cold gnawing at her spine. “For me too.”


“Yeah. At least a year. Probably more. I try not to think about it.”

His suddenly fierce expression made her laugh again. “It’s harder for guys. You have reps to consider.”

“Some rep. I’ve spent more nights with my hands around a book than a woman.”

She liked imagining him with that pencil she’d seen behind his ear earlier, a thick hardback in his hands. A little line of frustration wrinkling his forehead as it did now. “To some women, that’s a turn-on, you know. Players do nothing for me.”

He hesitated and she knew the specter of Lon had jumped right back into the conversation. He never stayed away for long. “Handy for me.”

Karyn reached out to graze his jaw with her thumb, savoring the beginnings of stubble. She’d never seen her ex with stubble. Or with his mouth as deliciously soft and used as Jeff’s.

“How’d we end up here?” she asked softly, not expecting an answer.

“Luck,” he said, turning his head to kiss her palm. “Blind fucking luck.”

“Guess I was owed some eventually.”

“Me too. I had to listen to Daze all night long last night—” He cut himself off quickly but not quickly enough. His gaze shot to hers.

She cocked her head. “They were loud?”


“Maybe back in the day we were loud too. It all seems so long ago now.” She worried her lower lip. “I want to know. I’m fine with it. Really.”

He shrugged, his features taut. “I don’t know. I g

uess. Probably seemed louder because I was only a wall away.”

She glanced down at her legs, spread wide enough to accommodate him kneeling between them. If her gaze continued, she’d see her curled-under toes, a persistent—and annoying—nervous habit. She wasn’t unaffected and her feet proved it.

Then again, she had other proof. Wet thighs for one. She’d had an orgasm. An astronomically wonderful, beyond compare orgasm. She’d come hard and easily. For someone who’d had to work for every climax for a while, that was huge. The rest she’d deal with later.

“Lon hasn’t been too much of a screamer recently either,” she said, glad her voice sounded thoughtful rather than sad. “Your sister must be really good.”

“I’d rather not think on that much, thanks.”

Smiling, she brushed a stray lock of hair away from his ear. She couldn’t touch him enough. She wanted to cuddle, just curl up and lie beside him with his breathing a steady rhythm in her ear, his heartbeat slow and relaxed under her hand. “You live with her?”

“No. I have my own place. But the damn exterminators were there this weekend. One of my downstairs neighbors has a shitload of cats and we all pay the price after a hot summer like we had. Though you can’t tell it now with the damn snow.”
