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With a groan, he pumped into her once more, spilling himself inside the condom. Losing himself to her all over again. Gaining so much more.

She’d come back to him.

She cradled his head against her shoulder in the aftermath. Eventually she shifted her leg from the table and brushed a kiss over his temple. “So…that question I had.”

More questions. “Oh yeah. Forgot all about that.”

“Well, we were kinda busy.”

“Very true.” He chuckled. “Shoot.”

“Did you miss me, Jeff?” she asked, voice trembling.

He lifted his head, his laughter draining away as swiftly as it had come. If he wasn’t mistaken, tears glistened in her eyes.

His heart lurched. “Fuck yeah, I missed you, Karyn Colette Allison Ja—”

When she laid a finger over his lips, he realized his mistake. She smiled. “I missed you too, Jeffrey No Name Maddox.”


Saturday nights always sucked traffic-wise. Especially when a storm hovered just above Cedar Hollow on the radar map and already blew frosty puffs of snow across the bustling streets.

Not quite Halloween and snowing again. Why couldn’t they ever get a decent fall? This was New York, not Antarctica.

Jeff sighed and maneuvered his old sedan into the crowded parking lot of the local supermarket. Impending storms always caused a run on supplies, which meant crowded aisles and hardly any bread or milk on the shelves. Whether the forecast called for one inch or twenty, the result was always the same.

He entered the store and grinned as he pushed his cart toward the dairy section. Good thing the supplies he’d come to gather didn’t rank on the usual snow survival list. He just wanted to grab what he needed and get home. He had stuff to do.

More importantly, he had the sexiest woman on earth to do.

He picked up a box of instant latté mix and two cans of whipped cream, one regular and one chocolate. For old times’ sake, he tossed some smelly cheese and a couple of sprigs of fat, juicy-looking green grapes into his cart as well.

Just as he turned toward the checkout, George Strait signaled he had a text. His grin broadened as he flipped open his cell. A picture message waited for him.

A picture, huh? He waited for it to form on his outdated phone, eyes narrowing as the image came into perfect view.

Creamy white thighs, spread wide open. A wine bottle between them. Droplets of purple liquid splashed those thighs and clung to the dainty fingers circling the neck of the bottle. It even dripped off the ornately carved white gold ring that flashed amid the array of silver on her left hand.

Don’t know what ur wring but I’m naked. And we’re out of wine.

While he laughed and counted every one of his lucky stars, another text arrived.

I miss u. Hurry home.

He typed back while he hip checked his cart into line. He didn’t have any time to waste.

On my way, Mrs. Maddox.
