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“Well, don’t be too relieved,” I laugh. “Just because he’s gay doesn’t mean he hasn’t been with girls before.”

His whole face falls and I break out into laughter. Fucking priceless.

“What?” Noah grunts.

“Yeah, I don’t doubt Tully is in there now trying to convince him to go back to his old ways.”


I shrug my shoulders as my hands run up those impressive arms of his. “Don’t believe me then, but just remember; I warned you.” He tries to ignore me, but my fun isn’t over yet. “You know, he was just fucking with you, right? You’re more than his type.”

“Of course, I am,” he says in the same cocky attitude. “What did I say? I’m everyone’s type. I’m the prettiest motherfucker around, remember?”

I roll my eyes but can’t help the laugh that escapes me. “You better watch out though. I wouldn’t be surprised if Aiden starts offering you a few too many drinks at the next party and tries to convert your innocent little soul. You should have seen him checking you out at lunch today. You’re a tall drink of water and he’s thirsty for a sip.”

Noah shakes his head. “I’m not about to start fucking dudes when I could be fucking you.”

“I know,” I grin up at him before he leans in and presses a kiss to my lips.

“I don’t get it, though. What’s the point of putting so much effort into denying that he was into me? It’s not like I have a problem with it.”

“I don’t know,” I tell him, “But it couldn’t be easy telling a straight guy that you fancy him knowing you’ll either get laughed at, shut down, or beat up.”


“Maybe he’s been burned before.”

Noah studies me for a moment. “You weren’t kidding this afternoon, were you? You really do want to adopt him.”

“Yeah,” I say. “I get this feeling that life hasn’t exactly been the easiest for him, and don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way trying to replace Rivers, but I feel that Aiden needs us in his life. Besides, he’d be good for me and Tully. It’s always just us and it’s not like it’d kill you to start being friendly to a few people other than us.”

“Yeah, but…I don’t like being friendly.”

“Suck it up, big guy.”

He rolls his eyes and pulls me down onto his bed with him. “So, what’s this big plan?”

“It’s not exactly a big plan,” I tell him. “But Aiden’s concerned about the team finding out so Tully is going to pretend to be his school girlfriend. You know, they’ll do everything that we do at school, just more ‘G’ rated.”

Noah stiffens beneath me. “I don’t like it.”

“You don’t have to like it,” I tell him. “They’re doing it with or without your consent.”

“You’re so fucking difficult all the time.”

“And you’re an overprotective asshole all the time, but you don’t see me complaining.”

“You complain about it every hour of the day,” he deadpans.

I grin down at him, holding back a laugh. “Shut up and kiss me,” I demand.

Noah doesn’t waste a second before his lips are on mine, absolutely devouring me. His hands slip inside my jacket before sliding it off my shoulders and letting it fall to the bed.

Tingles spread all over my skin. I adore this feeling. Next up, he pulls at my shirt and not thirty seconds later, we’re both skin to skin, our bodies pressed against one another, falling in love all over again with the feel of his body on mine.

Noah rolls us and situates himself between my legs as I hook them around him, using my heels to draw him in. He doesn’t miss the chance to push up inside me, completely filling me and giving me what I’ve been craving from him all day long. Our bodies begin to move and he works me until his lips are crushing down on mine, swallowing the sounds of my screams as I come apart beneath him.

I lay with Noah in a mess of tangled sheets and limbs. My thigh is up over his hip and his finger draws circles on my sensitive skin as I relax into him, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. This is the fucking life. Nothing will get better than this.

“I love you,” he murmurs.

I was wrong. Nothing will get better than that. Hearing those words from Noah is like pure extasy. It’s incredible and has me feeling so freaking alive every damn time. It will never get old. “I love you too,” I tell him, raising my chin to kiss him once again.

I look him over and take in his features. Usually, after sex, he’s completely at ease, just happy being in the moment, but right now, he’s fallen back inside his mind. My fingers splay on his chest. “Are you ok?” I question softly. “What are you thinking about?”
