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“Shall we get a bottle of wine and go to the library?” Alex asked. “Maybe play chess?”

I wrinkled my nose. “No, thank you. I don’t feel like getting annihilated tonight.”

“Drink wine and read books?”

“Now you’re talking.” I followed him into the kitchen and fetched a bottle from the fridge while he grabbed two glasses.

Alex took the bottle from me, and we made our way to the library. My feet were killing me, and I supposed I should have removed my heels at the door, but here we were.

At least if I could drink wine and read in peace, then I could kick them off in a few seconds. I desperately wanted to open the book Elizabeth had gotten me, but I also didn’t want to get wine on it, so I’d save it for another day.

“I’ll have to run upstairs for a book in a minute,” I said to Alex. “Get one of the new ones.”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you, did I? I found that book on our family history. I set it aside yesterday for you.”

“You did?”

“Yes. I asked Ma to help me since she was probably the last person to read it.”

“Even better.” I smiled.

Alex stopped outside the doors. “Er, could you get the door for me?”

He was holding everything, so I laughed, nodded, and pushed open the library door.


For the second time today, I almost fell backwards. The library was filled with my friends—our friends—and the most important one: my family.

My sister.

“Oh, my God,” I breathed, looking around. “Eva!”

She ran over to me and hugged me tightly. “Happy birthday!”

“Happy birthday, you filthy fucking liar,” I muttered back, squeezing my eyes shut so I didn’t cry. “How could you do that?”

She pulled back and held me at arm’s length. “I didn’t want to!”

“She took some convincing,” Gabi said, tugging me into her. “Happy birthday!”

“You were in on this, too?”

“We all were!” Mum laughed, taking me from Gabi’s arms, hugging me, and then passing me to my dad.

Dad’s hug was like a big, warm blanket. “Alexander wouldn’t take no for an answer, so we all made it happen.”

I turned my head and looked at him. From start to finish, he’d done everything to make this the most perfect birthday in the world.

He smiled at me and nodded his head in my direction. I buried my face in my dad’s chest—if I didn’t, I was going to burst into tears, especially if I looked at Alex.

“Oh, princess.” Dad laughed, rubbing my back. “Happy birthday.”

I pulled back and sniffed, looking around. The whole room was decorated, and there was a huge banner that had both mine and Eva’s names on it. There were balloons and streamers, several drinks trays complete with servers, and a buffet table where everyone could eat to their heart’s content. The doors to the back garden that I’d never seen used were open, and the patio was lit up with fairy lights, and several tables and chairs had been brought over to it.

I didn’t even know those doors opened.

I blew out a long breath and smiled at my sister. “Who else is here?”

Eva reeled off a long list of names.

“And Matthew,” Gabi whispered as someone turned on some music.

Eva’s expression darkened. “Go away.”

I laughed and looped my arm through hers. “Oh, I’ve missed you. Both of you.”

“We know,” Gabi said. “Come and see everyone.”

“Hold on. I just want to see Alex a second.” I touched her arm. “Give me a minute.”

“We’ll get you a drink.” Eva turned Gabi away, even though she herself kept craning her head around as I walked to Alex.

She was not subtle.

“Happy birthday, Addy.” Miles was standing next to Alex and gave me a hug.

“Hey, Gabi was able to get you away from the magpie war!” I laughed. “Thank you.”

“We’re in a ceasefire.” He gave me a lopsided grin. “Besides, I needed to talk to someone other than the incompetent new apprentice gardener who mixed up a rose and a geranium.”

“Even I know the difference between those.”

“Exactly. I thought I could handle a toff party for one night.”

“Your sacrifice is very much appreciated.” I grinned. “Although this isn’t quite a toff party.”

He looked around. “I don’t know. That blonde over there keeps looking at me like she wants to eat me or throw me out. I haven’t decided.”

I looked in his direction. “Ah. That’ll be Marie Laurent. She’s descended from a branch of an old French noble house, although I forget which one.”

“They don’t have a monarchy.”

“No, but they still fancy themselves noble. Like most nobles in republics.” I smiled. “Avoid her, if you can. She and Gabriella don’t get along.”

“You know, I’ve met more people Gabi doesn’t get along with than ones she does. Which always surprises me, given how bloody nice she is.”

Alex laughed at that. “She might be nice, but she takes no shit.”
