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It said, BrotherPackLove i hear you i see you you are here you are home.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” he asked.

I nodded in his hands. “I’m sorry.”



“That’s… appropriately vague.”

I said, “Please. Please let me stay. Please let me come home. Please don’t let me leave again. Ox, Ox, Ox, I can’t do this on my own anymore. I’m tired. I’m so tired, Alpha. And I can’t, I can’t, I can’t—”

He pulled me up before I knew what was happening. And then he enveloped me, wrapping his arms around me, holding me against him. I clutched at his back, and for a moment I was reminded how it felt to hug my father. How safe it always made me feel. How it always felt like everything would be all right in the end. I didn’t know what I’d had when I left. I didn’t understand, not fully. I did now.

Ox whispered in my ear, quiet words of love and peace, a song that only exists between brothers. Even when my knees buckled, he held me up. I tried to take it in, tried to take it all in, but it was too much. It was too big. Too grand. I felt so small.

He pulled away, but only just. His breath was warm on my face.

He said, “My Beta. You’ve been gone from me for a long time. From all of us.”

“I’m sorry, I’m so goddamn sorry.”

He shook his head slowly. “There’s time for all of that later. Let me look at you. Let me see you.”

I did. His gaze crawled over me, and then his fingers brushed against my throat, and there it was in my chest. A bright light. A bond between an Alpha and his wolf. It wasn’t like it was with Joe. Joe’s was ingrained with me because our blood was the same. Ox’s was different but no less important. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I knew everyone was watching us, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that my Alpha was accepting me back, even in the face of all I’d done.

He said, “He’s here. You found him.”

I nodded. “He’s scared, Ox. He’s—”


I barely had time to react before my breath was knocked from my chest. I went down hard, rolling on the ground, heavy bodies falling on top of me.

“You stupid asshole,” Rico growled, orange eyes bright.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” Chris snapped.

“You’re the dumbest wolf in the history of any wolf ever,” Tanner snarled.

“Can’t… breathe….”

“Yeah, well, you deserve it

,” Rico said, sitting on my legs. He was dressed like Ox, in his work shirt and pants. He’d apparently decided a goatee was the right thing to do for his face. I wondered how much shit Bambi gave him for it. I hoped it was a lot. “What the fuck were you thinking? I always knew you were an idiot, but I didn’t think you were that big of an idiot.”

“It’s the mystical moon magic,” Tanner said. He was behind me, near my head, leaning over me and studying my face. “Makes you do dumb things like killing deer and running away to chase after a piece of ass.” He frowned. “Do you even know what do to with a dick? I mean, good on you for realizing what everyone else knew for a long time, but man, you’ve gotta change your whole outlook on things. I know what to do with my dick, but someone else’s?” He shook his head. “That’s a lot of work.”

“Would you stop talking about dicks?” Chris hissed at him. He was crouched at my side, my hand in his. “Everyone can hear you!”

Tanner rolled his eyes. “Oh, like they don’t know.” He looked down at me again. “I’m being serious. Everyone knows.”

“Jesus Christ,” I muttered. I glared at Rico. “Would you get off me?”

“Nope,” he said easily. “You’re lucky I’m not tearing out your intestines.” He lifted his right hand, holding it above my stomach. Claws popped out from the tips of his fingers. “I’m pretty much the best werewolf that ever existed. I got that shit locked down like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Are you… threatening me?”
