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“And do what?”

“I don’t know.”

“So you just ran away, half-cocked, with barely an idea of what to do.”

I said, “That sounds about right” and “Can you say my name?” and “I know this isn’t real, I know it’s just a dream, but please just say my name.”

And there, in the warm sunlight, he said, “Carter. Carter. Carter.”

I reached for him.

He wasn’t there.


A ceiling fan spun lazily.

I sat up with a groan, my head foggy.

A piece of paper fluttered in my lap.

I picked it up. There, in sharp script, were the words:

Your wolfsong will always be heard xx

THE SHOP LOOKED AS IF it’d been empty for a long time. A thick layer of dust covered the counter. The shelves were bare. The bones were gone.

There was a placard in the window where the neon sign had been.

FOR RENT, it said, followed by the name of a realty company and a phone number.

THE TRUCK WAS WHERE I’D LEFT IT in the parking lot.

A slip of paper lay underneath the windshield wiper. I thought it was a ticket.

It wasn’t.

As I got closer, I knew.

It was wild, the scent. Like an old forest untouched by man, overgrown and thick.

I recognized it.

Don’t. Touch. Him.

I rushed forward and grabbed the paper, almost tearing it as I opened it.


“Fuck you too,” I said in a choked whisper.

But I was smiling.

And for a moment, it felt like it was enough.

better candy/need to stop

Five months later I was barely holding on.
