Page 142 of The Perfect Gift

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“What else?” She asked as her eyes darkened. I distracted her with another bite of the cake before I tugged gently on the blanket. She let it go and I bared her to me again, watching her eyes as she fought the urge to cover herself.

“You’re beautiful. Don’t hide that,” I murmured as I dipped my finger into the ice cream and rubbed it gently over her nipple. Molly gasped at the coldness of it and pebbled against me as I smiled at her. “Have you had a finger inside of you before?”

“Yes, I have done most of everything else. I just haven’t had sex yet,” she said as I repeated the motion with her other nipple. I kept the cold going for a few moments as her body reacted strongly and she started to moan. I scooped some more cake on the spoon and fed her again, watching her lips wrap tightly around the spoon as I hardened again.

When I was ready, I spread some frosting over her nipples and hovered over her, staring into her eyes. I lowered my mouth over her, sucking the sweetness from her body hard, watching her drop her head back to moan. Her legs parted on their own, giving me a good view of the underwear that she’d fixed while I was gone. I stared down her stomach as I sucked, eating the thick frosting from her body to taste the vanilla underneath as she started to cry out.

I finished cleaning her off and moved my lips down her body, nipping and kissing gently as I gave her a good idea of where I was going. She looked at me, scared as I paused and stared back at her. “Are you okay?”

“The last time this happened…it was rough. I didn’t like it.” Anger filled me at the idea of someone ruining something so intimate and erotic for her.

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked her as she took a deep breath. Molly shook her head and I pressed my lips to her skin tenderly.

Chapter 16


My heart was racing as I felt him moving closer to my core. Lance did this a couple of times, but he was so rough and I never enjoyed it. I stopped him after that and I was certain that was part of what led to our demise. Robert was being so sweet, kissing me all over before he actually touched me there. His lips were so soft, tickling me as he found my inner thighs, so soft and wet. I whimpered as he traced me with his tongue and spread my folds open before breathing against me.

By the time he was finished teasing me, I was close to sobbing from the need building up inside of me. “Please. I can’t wait any longer.”

“You smell so sweet, Molly. I can’t wait to taste you.” Robert paused before he pressed his lips against my pussy, his tongue tracing me.

I’d read a lot of erotic books since ending things with Lance, realizing that sex was supposed to be enjoyed, even revered. It probably wasn’t always like the authors presented it, but sometimes it could be. I saw that in the couples that came through the cafe, younger and older. The Smiths wouldn’t be celebrating their seventieth weddi

ng anniversary and be so crazy about one another without some spark.

He spread me open further and sucked my clit into his mouth. I jerked as he wrapped his hands tightly around my thighs to hold me still and feasted on me aggressively, but without the pain that Lance had caused me. I wondered if he wanted me to try to hold my release, even if it felt like it was close.

My hands cupped my breasts, feeling the sticky sugar still on the skin as I squeezed. “Yes, Molly. Keep doing that.” His voice was a low hum of approval as I kept cupping them and then pinching the nipple, finding all of it to be a heady combination. “Don’t come yet.”

“Ugh…okay,” I said grumpily before he started to suck on me again, even using his teeth. “Rob…yes!” This should hurt me but it didn’t. It stirred me deep inside and I cried out as he kept going. I plucked at myself and pulled hard, adding to all the sensations.

This was moving so fast but I wanted him. I wanted him to keep taking me to the moon with the orgasms, feeling like there would never be enough. It was so foreign yet so welcome and I felt a part of me that had been hiding for so long clawing her way out.

“Now,” he said before sucking on me again, sliding a finger in as I pinched my nipples hard. I screamed this time, feeling the way I jerked and went black for a few seconds.

I remained still, catching my breath as he moved beside me, kicking off his jeans. I felt numb and closed my eyes as I breathed, feeling him kiss my hair. “You taste like honey, Molly. You taste like the sweetest honey there is.”

We drank some more water and finished the cake that was soggy with ice cream before he pulled the blankets over us. “Do you want to do anything before you go to sleep?”

“I should wash up. Brush my teeth. All of that cake,” I murmured even though I didn’t want to move. I knew that I needed my phone to wake up as well.

“Me, too. I want to wash you off, anyway.” He said softly and I opened my eyes wearily.

We made our way up and I went to get my backpack, pulling out my toiletries. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and watched as he got a damp washcloth. He cleaned off my breasts gently with warm water and then between my legs before offering me a shirt from his closet.

I shrugged into it and brought my phone and charger to the bed, plugging it all in before we snuggled under the covers together. I knew that Robert was in his boxer briefs since I’d been drooling at him for the past several minutes and I realized that he had no release of his own yet. “Are you okay? Do you want me to help you?”

“I’ll be fine, Molly.” He pulled me against him and I smiled in the dim light of the room, loving the feel of his body pressed against mine. He’d agreed to take me to work and I tossed around the idea of getting my own car. I had a little money saved and Keith was good friends with the owner of the car lot in the next town over. I had just been sharing the Jeep with Noel since I didn’t have too many places I went on my own.

That might be changing.

We fell asleep tangled together as I thought about my new comfort with intimacy. It was a huge change but one that I felt ready for as I closed my eyes and pressed closer to Robert.

The alarm chimed too early in the dark room and I groaned as I reached to hit the snooze. I didn’t love getting up early anyway but to do it here and leave this warm bed sounded terrible, making me sigh as he pulled me closer to him. “Are you sure you want to take me? I can send Noel a text and she can come by.”

“It’s fine. If you want to shower, there’s clean towels and everything that you need in the bathroom,” his voice was soft with sleep as I felt him press his lips against my hair. “I’ll dress for a run when it’s time to take you in.”
