Page 190 of The Perfect Gift

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Chapter 1

Six weeks ago, Ivy Hart arrived at the Old Marigold Ranch, where the new owner Leon Cooper, a young brooding handsome billionaire had appointed her as the housekeeper and resident accountant. And six weeks ago, Ivy’s life had changed forever.

She was sitting at her computer now, in the study that Leon had set up for her and she was staring at the screen, her mind elsewhere. It was very difficult to concentrate on the online class that she was taking, trying to get an accounting degree. It was hard to concentrate because she had too many things on her mind.

A few weeks ago, Leon had revealed to her that he had a twin brother, and also that his brother was supposed to be arriving at the ranch, to stay with them. He hadn’t told her when, and since then hadn’t spoken about it again. So now, every day, Ivy waited and was filled with a nauseous sense of nervousness about meeting this new man. A new man who was Leon’s brother.

She was also distracted because she was day dreaming about Leon. Although seven years older to her, he was the man she had given her virginity to. He was the man she couldn’t resist. With his chocolate, brown eyes, sandy blonde hair, chiseled square jaw and a rugged body, Leon Cooper was capable of setting Ivy’s body on fire just by looking at her. She couldn’t help but wonder what his twin brother might look like.

Ivy’s fingers hovered over the keyboard as she licked her lips. Was his brother’s arrival going to change anything between them? She still slept separately from Leon. Over and above anything else, theirs was a professional relationship. She looked after the luxurious eight-bedroom mansion that he lived in, while Leon worked on the ranch. That was her professional role. The undeniable sexual attraction between them was something that they attended to on a few nights a week.

Ivy was happy with this arrangement. She was content in living with Leon as his housekeeper, and on some nights having him in her bed. But would anything change, now that his brother was going to arrive?

She heard the crunch of Leon’s boots in the hallway, and Ivy turned in her chair; just in time to catch him entering her room unannounced. She was surprised because he usually stayed out all day working on the ranch. She only ever saw him in the evenings, at eight, when he returned to the house for his dinner.

“What are you doing here?” She blurted out, when his brown eyes rested on her flushed face. She felt a little guilty when she saw him, because he had caught her day dreaming about him. A small smile flickered on the sides of Leon’s mouth, as though he knew what she had been thinking about.

“I wanted to warn you that my brother is arriving today, so the house needs to be in top shape.” Leon said, in his usual deep calm voice. His eyes were dark brown and sparkling, and Ivy couldn’t help but notice how his large hands looked dusty and hard worked. It immediately sent a shiver down her spine. Just looking at Leon made her wet between her legs. He was the most masculine man she had ever met.

She stood up with a jerk from her chair, tucking in her blonde ringlet curls behind her ears. She could see that he was watching her closely too, he was looking at her body, the body that he possessed. Ivy blushed under his gaze.

“When is he coming? Will he be here for dinner?” She managed to ask. Leon smiled, noticing how flustered he had made her.

“He’ll be here in a few hours. Yes, include him for tonight’s dinner.” He said, still watching her with those hawk eyes. Ivy felt shy under his intent gaze, she didn’t know where to look. And it was like Leon was happy about making her feel uncomfortable. He was smiling too.

“What’s the matter? Are you nervous?” He asked, still standing at the door. Ivy gulped and shook her head.

“I’m not nervous. Just that you haven’t told me anything about him, I didn’t even know you had a twin.” She muttered and Leon gave a short deep laugh.

“What do you want to know about him? Don?

??t worry, Ivy, he’s only human. He won’t bite.” He said and she jerked her head up to look at him daringly.

“I’m not afraid of him! Just curious.” She said and he laughed again. He was enjoying watching her blush and fret.

“Good, some curiosity has never harmed anyone. Just make sure that dinner is ready by seven tonight and the house is in good order.” He said, and without waiting for a response, turned around and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Even though it had been six weeks since Ivy had known Leon Cooper, she couldn’t honestly claim that she actually knew him. Other than making it clear to her that he wanted her body, that he was attracted to her, he had revealed very little else about himself or his feelings. Ivy still spent all her day by herself, taking care of the house, gardening and studying. And at night when they did spend time together, they did very little talking.

Ivy sat back down at her computer with a thump and pouted her lips. She would have to forego her study plans for the day, and spend some extra time on the house today. Not that it really mattered, it wasn't like she was being able to concentrate on her work anyway.

So, she switched off her computer and tied her hair up in a bun. Ivy was ready to work on the house, and was already making mental notes on the variety of dishes she was going to cook for the night. Going by Leon, it was highly likely that his twin would be as impressed by her cooking as he was.

Chapter 2

The house was clean in two hours, and the food was as good as ready, all Ivy needed to do was set the table. It wasn’t seven yet, and she decided to take a bath and get ready for the evening now that she had some free time.

At half past six, Ivy was holding up her recently washed dress up to the washing line behind her bedroom. That’s where she hung all their clothes to dry, but this evening she had only hand washed her own dress. She had a clothes peg in her mouth while she held up the dress to the line as she tried to arrange it neatly.

A gust of breeze was blowing in her direction and Ivy was already regretting stepping out here in nothing but a towel wrapped around her. Her hair was still damp from the bath she had just had and she could feel the goosebumps on her flesh from the breeze. But this was at the back of the house, a small private yard behind her own bedroom, so she wasn’t that worried about the breeze or her towel or her damp hair. Nobody would see her here.

So, when a strong gust of wind blew in her direction again, Ivy took care to hold on to her dress, instead of paying attention to the towel wrapped around herself. Which, in a swift moment, before she could stop it, had untangled away from her body and blown away.

Ivy shrieked from the shock of the cold breeze that lashed against her body. She was standing completely naked, covered in goosebumps and still trying to fix her dress on the washing line. It made her smile, because she assumed that she was by herself.

Till her eyes settled on the tall figure leaning against the brick wall of the house, several feet away from her, but looking at her nonetheless.

Ivy shrieked again. It wasn’t Leon and she didn’t recognize the man. She fumbled quickly to get a hold of the dress from the line to cover her breasts. She had squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to hide the rest of her modesty. But the man was smiling. He had seen what he needed to see.
