Page 53 of The Perfect Gift

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I can't help but remember how those simple little statements pull me up to my feet.

"Go ahead, why don't you?" He taunts after fishing out for his phone, taking pictures of me that could ruin me and everything I build so hard.

Well, I guess this is where I'm heading at the end of the day anyway. Just got a little too early than anticipated. The asshole got a few steps ahead of me; I give him that.

Chapter Eleven


Luke and I agree on still living in our houses although he insists I move in with his already. He points out all the logic why it's smart to move in with him and almost persuade me to it. But I manage to hold my ground even through his different tactics on convincing me. Yes, that includes the delicious part which is hard for me. But after a while, he stops bringing the subject and just enjoys each other's company whenever we drop by to our rightful places.

He's been to my studio type of an apartment making it smaller than it is with his towering height. He moves around cautiously, but he never makes a single comment about it. We sit on the roof of my window one night watching the stars since it's a good weather then we get to cuddle in one blanket because it's the beginning of fall.

Vice versa, in his house we have a movie marathon with lots of snacks or enjoy a cup or two of wine. Some days we read in silence, and there are also days where we don't see each other fully to focus on paper works. My work mates notice his extra special treatment on me which I ask him to keep down. Asking him that small favor is like asking a wall.

This past week that went by is the first time in forever that we get separated for so long. He informs me that he'll have a week of business dealing overseas, but it's already Monday, and he hasn't come around. I leave him a couple of messages, but it's his record that always picks up.

I keep telling myself not to jump to conclusion, but I have this sick feeling in my guts. Lorina reassures me that Luke's fine and that he does this now and then when work gets too busy. I hold on to her every word hoping that she's right.

It doesn't help that my worry is messing up with my sleep pattern and eating. Lately, I keep waking up dizzy and nauseous due to lack of sleep. The sight of food makes me want to throw up.

Austin o

ffers to bring me to the doctor one time when I come across him heading home. He drives me to the nearest clinic, and that's when my world falls apart.

My feet dangle as I sit in a patient's bed with Austin keeping me company. He's been kind and helpful, offering help where he can.

Finally, the doctor, Ms. Faustina comes with the result, a big smile on her face reassuring me that I'm perfectly fine just over fatigue.

"Alright, Olivia. I'm pleased to be the one to congratulate you for your first child."

My breath's knock out of my chest, making my head spin.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hemmington." She says joviantly.


The days blur uneventful. After that afternoon Austin drop me off, he offers to stick around in case I need help, but I manage to kick him out after a while of convincing him. I mope in my room waiting for a call I never get.

Until one day...

I fall asleep in an awkward position, waking up to a blaring sound of my ringtone. My heart is drumming; I don't bother to look at the caller because I know who's it going to be. Except not.

"Hey, Liv. It's Austin..." I try to listen to what he's saying, but I only got a few words since I keep dozing off. The only thing I can comprehend is that we'll have to meet up. He sounds urgent, so I guess it's important.

As if guessing that I never really listen to our conversation even with my response to his every question I never actually hear, he texts me where and when to meet up.

I try to make myself look at least as decent as I can, taking the taxi to town where I meet up with Austin in a French cafe. He's already sitting at the back when I arrive. He got up and assists me to my seat.

"I didn't mean to pull you out in the forbidden hour with this deadly weather, but it's essential Liv." With the way, his eyes keep watching my expression with weariness has my stomach sinking.

"This has to do with, Luke?"

He nods, grim.

I steal myself.

Wordlessly, he glides an envelope I fail to notice. "This is for the best, Liv."
