Page 239 of Broken

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“I’m so glad to see you,” Kristin said, pouring me another glass of champagne in the limo. “I have been looking forward to this trip forever.”

“Me too.” I sighed, extremely aware of Kristin’s hand on my thigh in a more than friendly way. “I love that skirt. Where did you get it?”

“Oh, it’s Marc Jacobs from like three years ago,” she said. “I may love fashion, but I will not be the girl that never wears something twice. Besides, I tend to keep my clothes longer than normal because the homeless shelter always looks at me strange when I donate couture.”

“My donation center is always open.” I laughed. “I may be not in fashion, but that definitely doesn’t mean I can afford to wear it.”

“Neither can she,” Jason said, eavesdropping. “But we make sure she is a happy girl.”

“And that I am, my love,” she said, kissing Jason on the cheek and turning back to me. “Okay, you have to tell me all about this swimwear line.”

“It’s still in the design phase,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’m going to start producing the trial-run pieces when we get back. You should come out and try them on. I am in need of a model that knows what she is doing.”

“I dabbled in modeling.” Kristin laughed. “However, I would love to come take part in this. It is so dang exciting. Jason will be on a book tour soon anyway, so I’ll be bored out of my mind.”

The champagne, combined with the movement of the car and Kristin’s hand squeezing my thigh, had me feeling completely flushed. I found my eyes continuously being drawn back to Jason and his charming smile, strong muscles, and tanned skin. He was talking sports with Matt, not paying much attention to us at all, but the scent of his cologne in the small space of the limo was more intoxicating than the bubbly in my champagne glass. Jason had always been handsome, turning heads everywhere he went. When we were in college, Kristin and I used to count the girls that would do double takes when he passed by. It was extremely humorous to us, especially since most of the time, we were the ones who had his attention. I would have figured, though, that like so many others that started out as incredibly handsome, his looks would fade as well, but that was completely wrong. As I glanced over at his rippling muscles and perfectly-chiseled jawline, I knew that he was one of those people that would only get more handsome with age.

When we were going to college, Jason was an English Literature major, and he was constantly working on his next “masterpiece,” or so he called every work he ever did. I had read every single one of them and knew that he was an incredibly talented writer, so when he hit it big, I was not even the least bit surprised. He had successfully published several books that all ended up on the top ten lists, and his last play was picked up by an incredibly well-known Broadway producer that was currently pitching it for production to the bigwigs in New York. That success just added to his charm and sex appeal.

I could feel Kristin’s fingers start to run over the back of my neck, bringing

goosebumps to the surface of my skin. I cleared my throat and squeezed my thighs together, remembering that familiar feeling of her skin on mine. I could see the smirk move across Kristin’s lips as she continued to talk about her and Jason’s life in New York. She could tell from my reaction that I wasn’t ignoring her hands on me. She had always delighted in teasing me, even when we were younger. There had been many nights in college that we had spent in just that position, and it brought one specific memory to mind.

Kristin, Jason, and I were at the apartment we rented together, spending a normal night in, drinking too much alcohol, and playing drinking games. When I had become too drunk to remember the rules of any of the games, Jason and Kristin talked me into playing strip poker. That led to kissing, and the next thing I knew, we were having an all-out threesome in Jason’s bed. I was replaying every moment that I could remember of that night in my mind when Matt startled me from my thoughts by kissing me on the cheek.

I straightened up in my seat, realizing that while I was daydreaming, Kristin had leaned into Jason and they were whispering and giggling to each other. I smiled at Matt and leaned into him, remembering how excited I was to be spending a vacation with him. We both worked so much that getting time away like that was a huge treat for both of us.

“I want to know what you are thinking,” he whispered, making me blush.

“You,” I said, kissing him sweetly and turning back to Kristin and Jason.

I had never told Matt about my college sexcapades, worried that he would think of me differently. He might find it hot, but he also might find it completely crazy and uncomfortable, something I did not want to take the chance with. It had been a long time ago—no matter how much it was on my mind at that moment—and it wasn’t anything that was going on by the time Matt and I had met each other. He had hung out with all of us in college, but not in the same way that we hung out behind closed doors. He was the star football player, completely absorbed in his game, trying to make it to the big team like every other player, only Matt was also dedicated to his education. In the in-between time, he would hang out with us at the bars, talk about his last plays on the field, and was completely oblivious to the chemistry between the rest of us. It was all for the best in the end, since he probably wouldn’t have taken me seriously had he known.

Matt and Jason had always gotten along so well, constantly talking about sports, rehashing the memories of when Matt used to play football, which he loved, and bonding over the fact that they were both married. Men did that, and though I thought it was weird, I guess it wasn’t any weirder than two girls bonding over the fact that they wore the same lipstick. Since the two of them were good friends, at least when we were around each other, I didn’t want there to be any possible occurrence of jealousy or awkwardness between them. So, I kept silent about everything from our past, just trying to keep everything on an even keel.

Instead, I put some serious thought into how good it felt when Jason would lick my body from head to toe, bringing me immeasurable pleasure. I could feel my palms sweating, knowing that his face between my legs was what was on my mind while I cuddled up with Matt in the limo. I was more than relieved when the limo finally reached the resort and we piled out, going to the front desk to check into our own separate rooms. I needed to get away from the situation for a minute in order to get my mind straight.

When we got into our suite, I let out a deep breath, relieved that I was finally alone with Matt. The feeling inside of me couldn’t hide much more, and I was overflowing with desire because of Kristin’s teasing the entire way from the airport to the resort. I put my bags down and watched my husband milling around the room, my eyes searching his body and my bottom lip between my teeth. As soon as he turned around, I lunged forward and pounced on him. My lips pressed heavily against his, immediately pushing my tongue inside his mouth and tasting the champagne on his lips. I pulled and tugged at his shirt, needing to feel his skin. He chuckled at my eagerness and pulled his shirt off, flexing his muscles. From there, he didn’t stop, taking his clothes off as I hurriedly got naked and jumped onto the bed. He crawled up towards me, running his lips just close enough to my skin for me to feel his breath. The intensity and want was unimaginable.

He pulled himself in front of me and sat up on his knees, grabbing his long, hard shaft in his hands and smiling down at me with mischief in his eyes. I bit my lip and grabbed my perked breasts, wanting to feel him inside of me. There was no time, nor any need for foreplay, especially since I had been primed and ready since the limo ride. He began to move forward but stopped and looked over at the door.

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” Jessica asked.

My head shot up, and I peered around Matt, staring at Jessica with her bright red hair and green eyes staring back at me. Behind her was Kristin, and they were both laughing hysterically. I didn’t even know what to feel, but I knew it was somewhere between arousal and irritation. I quickly moved back, scurrying to grab the covers and pull them up on myself. I knew that if they were there, that would mean Jason and possibly even Austin weren’t that far behind.

“Oh, please, don’t rush covering up for us,” Jessica said, leaning her head sideways and biting her lip as she stared at Matt’s dick.

Luckily, Matt knew them both and wasn’t the shy kind of person. He chuckled and nodded his head as he grabbed a pillow and sat back, covering his crotch. I, on the other hand, was starting to feel like it was too much, too fast, and the fact that my husband was slightly flushed, irritated the hell out of me. They could have at least let me get laid before barging into my room.

“Okay, how the hell did you two get into my room?” I stared at them, waiting for an answer. “I’m fucking serious. I’ve been here like five fucking minutes. How the hell did you get into my room?”

From the looks on Jessica and Kristin’s face, I could tell this was just the beginning.

Chapter 2


“Seriously, how the fuck did you get into my room?” I could hear Amber freaking out as I made my way down the hall toward Amber and Matt’s suite.
