Page 245 of Broken

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“At least we won’t die on the mountain,” I replied, walking over to the fire.

I picked up the poker and pushed it into the cinders, stoking the fire. The warmth blew right over me, and I turned, watching the room lighten up with the glow of the flames. If it weren’t for the fact that this was someone’s sex shack, it would actually feel pretty cozy on this blizzardy, late afternoon. All we would need would be some bearskin rugs and big, comfy pillows, and we could enjoy the mountain like we should have been in the first place, snuggled up in a cozy cabin, not an upscale resort.

“Well, if we are going to be stuck here for a while, why not make ourselves comfortable,” Kristin said, smiling and walking into the kitchen.

Maybe she was right. Maybe we should relax a bit and treat this as a welcome addition to our vacation, not a reason to feel like we were trapped in a blizzard. We all had different reasons to be here, but one of the main ones was so that we could all catch up and relax with each other. What better way to do that than to be forced into a situation where we had nowhere to go? I smiled at Austin and slapped him on the shoulder, looking out the window.

“Try to relax,” I said. “This could be exactly what you need to get away from the craziness of your job.”

“This could be a really good plot to a book,” Jason said as he exited into the main room. “Six people caught in a blizzard, forced to survive the elements in a cabin in the woods.”

“Yeah, real tough survival.” Kristin laughed, walking in with an old bottle of Scotch and six glasses. “If this is survival, then I’m open to it anytime and anyplace.”

“Whoa, crazy.” Jessica laughed, walking out behind her. “You do remember that despite the blizzard outside, it is still early in the day?”

“Meh,” Kristin said, shrugging and setting down the glasses. “If you think about it, there are only two things that anyone could do in a place like this, and that is fuck and drink. I happen to have Scotch here in my hand and six glasses, unless you’d prefer the latter? Because, hey, I’m down for whatever.”

“You are too much,” Jessica said, shaking her head.

Jason laughed, and I smiled, knowing exactly which one I would prefer. Amber started passing out the glasses, making sure each one of them had at least two shots worth of Scotch in them. I handed one to Austin and smiled, wishing he would loosen up a bit, but understanding why he might be a little uncomfortable. This was probably the most amount of time he had ever spent with all of us in captivity, and it was probably the same for me, too.

“Remember, folks,” Kristin said, smiling. “We are all on vacation, and that means that it is time to live a little.”

“Well,” I said, taking a step forward and raising my glass. “This is, without a doubt, turning into one of the most interesting vacations I have ever been on. At the same time, though, I couldn’t imagine being snowed-in a swinger’s cabin in the middle of a blizzard with a better group of people.”

“I don’t think I could imagine that at all.”

Jessica laughed.

“Very true,” I said. nodding my head. “So, here is to surviving the blizzard and to good friends and warm fires.”

“And to rich bastards with huge liquor closets.” Jason laughed.

“Here, here,” everyone said.

We all took a big drink of our Scotch. Everyone except for Austin, who was still staring out the window, hoping someone would rescue him. I felt bad for the guy. He didn’t seem to be open to our group trip at all, and I wondered how Jessica felt about it. She was pretty stone cold with outward emotion, so I knew there was no way she was going to let on, but it still made me think about Amber and how lucky I was to have someone who could move and turn with the tide, instead of looking at the worst in a situation.

Jessica glanced over at me, laughing, and then turned her attention to her husband by the window. She gave me a sweet smile and wandered over to him, turning and facing him. She tipped her glass back and emptied it, Austin watching her lovingly. She reached forward and clinked her glass against his.

“We’re on vacation,” she reiterated, staring at him intently.

He let out a deep breath and lowered his shoulders, nodding and taking a sip of his Scotch. I watched their interaction for several moments before Amber came up and kissed me gently on the cheek, drawing my attention back to the room. I smiled at her and leaned over, pecking her on the lips and clinking my glass with hers, letting her know I was having a really good time. Still, even with the alcohol beginning to flow, the room was awkward and tense, and I knew that I needed to do something about that.

“Since we don’t have television, I think this calls for a little story,” I said, drawing everyone’s attention. “I went on a ski trip in high school, something that my parents should probably have thought twice about before letting me do. My best friend Charlie snuck a bottle of tequila into his suitcase. Why tequila? I will never know. It was probably all that he could find in his parent’s liquor cabinet the night before.”

“It’s always the right time for tequila,” Kristin said.

“True.” I laughed. “Well, that night, we all passed it around the cabin we were staying in. We got absolutely and completely shitfaced. We were a bunch of high school dudes getting wasted on tequila, not looking to impress any girls because they were all the way across the resort. That afternoon, we all went out to go skiing, not to anyone’s better judgement. Charlie seriously left a trail of vomit from the top of the mountain, all the way to the bottom. I seriously don’t know how he stayed upright the entire time, not that I was any better. I ran straight into a snowbank and was too dizzy to get out of it. I am pretty sure if it weren’t for some random stranger, I would have just stayed there and passed out.”

As the snow continued to pound the mountain outside of the cabin, the six of us sat inside next to the fire, having a really good laugh at my misfortune. Everything was starting to get a little bit more relaxed inside, and even Austin cracked a smile.

Chapter 7


As I listened to the story, Kristin walked up behind me and started to massage my shoulders, digging her fingertips into my tense muscles and relaxing my neck. It felt really good, and I relaxed into her hands. Kristin was the girl of the group that always had her hands on someone, and there wasn’t anyone yet that seemed to mind it even a bit. I didn’t mind feeling her digging into my tense muscles, and it brought memories back from college. She used to give me the most wonderful and sensual massages when we were roommates, and I hadn’t found a masseuse yet that could match it. Maybe it was because she made me so comfortable, or because they were usually followed up by a steamy night of rolling around in the sheets. Sometimes, Jason joined in, and sometimes, it was just the two of us.

No matter how much I enjoyed Kristin’s hands, it wasn’t helping my current mood. I wanted to fuck my husband. I was sitting there in a place where I could imagine the steaming bodies writhing on top of each other, and I was picturing the six of us spread out across the living room in every position imaginable, and all Kristin’s hands were doing were making me hornier by the second. I could feel the warmth between my legs growing hotter and tingles shooting through my legs and into my mound. If it were college, I would have already jumped in full-force, ripping clothes off, and searching for release. The night before had been a bust since I had drunk my body weight in wine at dinner. Combining that with the champagne on the plane and in the limo, I had fallen asleep as soon as my head had hit the pillow.
