Page 31 of Broken

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I contemplated all of this and nodded, “That makes sense.”

“Also, this is his home turf. He knows this area. He doesn’t know where you live. Even if he finds out your address, he doesn’t know were to hide and where to go if things don’t go his way. Here, he feels comfortable. Where you live, he’s a caged rat. It’d be a suicide mission.”

Again, I shook my head with understanding, “That makes sense…”

“So, don’t worry about it.”

“Why did you go to get my stuff?” I asked, “And don’t tell me that it was a perimeter chec

k…” I grinned weakly, as I finally felt the color start to return to my face.

“I don’t know,” Johnathan responded, “I was just wandering around and honestly, found myself back at the spot where you were attacked. I did briefly think about trying to find the bastard, which was how I ended up by your campsite, but when I realized he wasn’t there, but the crazy killer bag was, I thought it would be better if I came back…Just in case.”

“Thanks,” I answered.

“I don’t know what you’re thanking me for. If he caught up with you here, he could kill you and blame my ass. I was protecting myself,” he snickered.

“Thanks,” I retorted, this time a lot more sarcastically than the first time.

“Don’t mention it,” he insisted, before turning his attention toward my ankle. “I should probably check that. If it’s not too bad, I want you to walk, okay?”

I nodded, though for some reason, I was a little apprehensive. Perhaps it was because I hadn’t been on my feet in so long and I didn’t want to fail, or maybe it had more to do with the fact that I was still recovering from the news. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but I figured that getting up and walking around was the first step in regaining my life. So, I agreed.

Carefully, Johnathan removed the splint that he made, freeing my ankle for the first time.

Once it was released, he pushed my pant-leg up and easily felt around my ankle.

I grinned at the feel of his touch. I closed my eyes as I noticed that I was reacting in a sensual way to the way he was feeling my leg. His hands were rough, warm, and firm. I felt a fire start to rage in my midsection as my heart started to beat quickly.

“Oh, admit it, Johnathan...You just want me to stay longer because you like the company,” I teased, trying to gauge whether he felt the same way as I did

“Does this hurt?” He asked, trying to be objective, though a simper crossed his features.

“No,” I replied, trying to be serious, though the way he was stroking my leg, massaging it in a manner that caused every bit of feeling I had to come alive, made it hard to be objective.

Right now, even if my ankle should’ve hurt, I didn’t think the amount of euphoric attraction I felt toward him would allow a legitimate response.

With all the raging hormones and pleasant vibes reverberating through my body, I felt it was likely impossible for me to feel any kind of pain.

My heart was racing by this point. I felt a spark between us reverberating through my body, feeding a fire that was already raging. I knew already that this was a feeling that I wanted to explore, but this wasn’t like me at all. I didn’t normally do this. I was far more the girl who waited for the man to make the first move.

However, I didn’t want to lose this feeling, so, before he pulled his hand away, I reached out and grabbed it with my hand.

My mind was reeling. I had no idea what I was doing, but when his eyes rose to meet mine, I could tell that he was purposefully trying to keep his distance. It was then that I was sure he felt the same way I did.

My gaze fixed on him, focusing in serious, intense insinuation.

He didn’t pull his hand away, but he waited for me to make a move.

“Thank you,” I insisted, drawing closer to him, “Seriously, I don’t want to think about what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”

He grunted slightly, as though unsure, but didn’t pull back.

Johnathan was hesitant, but I was sure that I wasn’t the only one to be experiencing such an intense current of emotions.

The sexual tension that flowed between us was nearly palpable.

I had never felt such a strong connection, with a person who I barely knew. It was a strange sensation, but one that I welcomed.
