Page 70 of Broken

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Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist, and pressing my womanliness against him.

In one swift movement, he took my shirt off, reaching for my breasts.

The feel, however was slightly different than before. It was almost longing, as though no matter what he did, he would never be able to get enough.

Even though I noticed this, I was too busy being ignited by the feel of his now familiar, calloused touch to focus on much of anything else.

From the first kiss we shared, I felt a tingling between my legs, which soon kindled into a firestorm of hot, sensual, emotion that flowed throughout my whole body.

My hands pawed at him, feeling his body, exploring it, as though it was the first time.

Regardless of how long we stayed together, I doubted that I would ever get used to the perfection I saw in his virile physique. I had never seen a man who was built rawer and completely, all-inclusively manly, than Johnathan.

As I tore off his shirt, only pausing our kissing briefly to absolve him from the confines of his clothing, my fingertips trailed down the valley of his flawlessly molded stomach, until my finger hooked on his jeans, which I yanked toward me.

I felt Johnathan simper behind my lips, before he broke away to glare at me and growl, “Oh yeah? Is that how you want to play? Alright!”

He grabbed at his pants, removing them quickly and yanking me up, so that I was flesh against the wall.

I yelled out with surprise and pleasure, before a chill from the cold wall ran up my spine.

“You’re not going to tell me what to do…” He snarled in a sexy, domineering manner as he allowed me to drop down to his level, so that he could press his hard, erotic member against my nakedness. He rubbed it against me, up and down, each time growing closer to penetrating, but never quite giving me the satisfaction.

I felt my legs tighten against his waist as my heartbeat thudded in my chest.

“Is your leg okay?” He asked, breaking character only for a moment, before returning to his domineering counterpart when I hastily assured him I was fine.

Again, he teased me with his essence, before backing away from the wall and sitting back on the bench.

Now, he was between us, with his manliness pressing hard against me, the warmth and implication of it driving me crazy, though I was unable to do anything about it, as my legs were still wrapped around his waist.

Once we were sitting down, however, Johnathan grabbed my butt and easily yanked my body up; his muscles hardly even showing that he was doing anything, before he stared at me and asked, “You ready?” Before guiding himself into me.

Instantly, I sank deep against him and I sighed with a moment of relief, before he guided me back and forth, in a manner that made every small motion he made reverberate deep within me.

“Oh…Yes…” I shuddered, now putting everything else out of my mind as my hands rested on his shoulders and I helped him keep the pace of our lovemaking. Each time he moved me, I felt a sharp, quick bolt of euphoria zip through me, which eventually lead me to moan his name and grasp ahold of his shoulders tighter.

As I grew closer to climaxing, Johnathan picked up the pace and eventually, we were thrashing back and forth. We were both moaning, and our heavy breaths matched on another.

Our lovemaking had become hasty and forceful, as our frustrations were poured out, more with each thrust.

However, the faster we rocked and the more we exerted ourselves, the more we felt absolved, renewed, and entranced by the sensations that our actions were reaping.

I groaned, throwing my head back, while Johnathan shut his eyes tightly, “Yes…Yes…Keep going, Carrie!”

After the exclamation of my name. I felt him shoot into me. At the same moment, my body reacted.

Together, we remained frozen in our own personal oasis, while the world we had no care for at that moment, continued around us.

In that moment, we were both completely transported, out of our bodies, off the mountain and into a world where it was only the two of us, enjoying the intensity of our euphoria.

The moment lasted a long while, completely satisfying us, but still wasn’t nearly enough.

However, when we returned to our minds and were at least somewhat conscious of what was going on around us, I could tell that Johnathan felt the same way when he opened his eyes, stared directly at me, and insisted, “God, I love you, Carrie.”

I felt my heart drop. While hearing those words was amazing, especially since, despite the sensual adrenaline flowing through him, I was sure he meant it, I knew that having such a statement out there would make it even harder to let him go.

Still, I didn’t want to make him feel as though he made a mistake, or that I didn’t feel the same, so I grinned and answered earnestly, “I love you too, Johnathan.”
