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“Well, I might not touch you,” Alessio said. He cocked his head to the side and smirked. “Maybe I’ll go do something for a few hours…just leave you here. You look like you’re getting along well, don’t you?”

I cried out from behind the gag at the thought of being left for hours. My muscles were burning and tired from being held captive in such an uncomfortable position, and I could barely manage to hold my head up. Alessio smirked.

“You wouldn’t like that, I take it,” he said. “You’d rather I stay…” Alessio’s voice was as raw and smooth as silk as he walked around me in slow circles, occasionally smacking me with the riding crop. It didn’t even hurt. Every flick only served to increase my pleasure, and soon I was straining and thrusting my hips towards Alessio’s wicked instrument.

Alessio stepped closer. He licked his fingers and ran them up the inside of my thigh. I jerked my hips, desperate for his touch on my clit. When he got to my labia, he began massaging me in a sensual manner. Pleasure shot through my body and I wriggled and moaned and thrashed in my bonds.

Alessio chuckled. “You’re quiet like this,” he teased. “I think I’ll keep you this way, Beth. No need for you to be so loud all the time, wouldn’t you agree?”

I groaned in frustration. Alessio snickered. He slid his fingers from my labia to the inside of my thigh again, tickling the sensitive skin above my knee. I cried out and my leg jerked forward. Alessio moved his hand back towards my crotch. I blushed hotly as he ran a thumb over my exposed clit. I trembled.

“Oh, Beth,” Alessio growled. “You really want me, don’t you?”

I nodded my head furiously. Alessio grabbed my chin and pulled me close until my body was straining against the bonds. When our lips met, he slid his tongue into my mouth and caressed the ball-gag. In response, I could only groan and silently beg for more.

Alessio stepped back. He pulled his shirt off, then stepped out of his pants and walked towards me with his erection bobbing. He was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen – like a living statue. As he got closer, the musky odor of his body washed over me. It mingled with the scent of my pussy and the blend was intoxicating.

Alessio grabbed my hips, pulling me forward. The bonds on my legs, knees, and ankles strained but didn’t break. As he pulled me close, I ga

sped when I realized he was planning to fuck me without releasing me first. His cock pressed against the entrance to my secret womanhood, and I moaned as Alessio buried himself within me.

Alessio grinned. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, enjoying the sensation. Then he began to rock his hips, bucking against me, fucking me deeply. I couldn’t resist. I couldn’t say no. I couldn’t even move – the bonds holding me were stronger than anything I’d ever experienced.

As I swayed from my bonds, Alessio fucked me like a rag doll. Pleasure swirled and swam in my belly, creating a hot blend of desire and lust that flowed through my body like honey. I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to Alessio’s lust as we moved together in a slick, slow rhythm.

A loud knock sounded on the door, breaking me of my fantasy. I gasped and sat up straight in the tub, pulling my hand away from my crotch and wiping it on the washcloth.

“Hey, Beth! Someone’s at the door for you,” Heather yelled.

I blushed hotly and clambered out of the tub, hastily drying myself and reaching for my robe. I’d been masturbating in the tub for so long that the water had turned cold. Hell, I hadn’t even heard Heather come home!

“Sorry,” I mumbled. I pushed past Heather and into the hallway. The buzzer to our front door was ringing persistently and I tripped over my feet as I pressed the button.


“Beth? Come downstairs.” Alessio’s voice was stern and low. Just listening to the way he said my name sent a shiver of arousal down my spine. My pussy was still soaking wet from playing with myself in the tub, and my clit was rock hard with arousal.

I swallowed. “Okay,” I mumbled into the intercom. “I’ll be right there.”

When I got downstairs, Alessio was standing there. He’d changed his suit from earlier, and he was wearing dark sunglasses that obscured his eyes completely from my vision.

“If I agree to change,” Alessio said heavily. “You can’t testify against me. How about that?”

“What?” I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t think I understand.”

“If I agree to change,” Alessio repeated. “If I become a good man – not a criminal – you can’t testify. Deal?”

“What?” I shook my head slowly. Strands of wet hair lashed against my neck and I blushed again, embarrassed at how unkempt I looked.

“I can change,” Alessio said hotly.

I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to push past the arousal and lust I felt creeping through my body.

“It doesn’t matter if you change in the future,” I snapped. “You already killed someone,” I added in a low hiss. “You think that just because you change into a better person, that’s going to bring Michael back?”

Alessio grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the door. Before I could move, he pressed his mouth to mine and kissed me deeply. His tongue slid into my mouth and caressed my teeth and lips. My knees turned to jelly and threatened to give way as Alessio kissed me passionately. He shoved one of his muscular thighs between my legs, pressing it against my hot and swollen crotch through the thin fabric of my robe. All I could do was moan into his mouth as Alessio’s muscular body pressed against mine.

When Alessio broke the kiss, he didn’t pull away. He rested his forehead against mine, panting hard.
