Page 12 of Friends to Lovers

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“No. I want to relax that night. Let’s go to that Italian place and have some wine.” I suggested as she nibbled on her glossed lip.

“That sounds better than a party.”

“Good. It’s a plan.” I looked at the clock and knew that I had to leave. I took the coffee with a smile and we walked out together and parted to go to our classes.

I watched her walk; her perfect ass shaking with her steps and shook my head. I loved having that in front of me. I pushed the idea away and forced my thoughts to the next test I had. Human sexuality was the class, and it made me laugh because I knew plenty about that.

Girls had been coming around since I hit middle school. They were all flirty, and they smelled good. They liked to kiss me, and I liked doing that to them. Heather James was the first girl I had sex with in freshman year when we were dating for all a month. It was clumsy as most first times were, but I discovered that girls were willing to have sex with me easily after that.

So, I did. My friendship with Rosie had cooled down since our families were always fighting about business now. I saw

her a few times away from our houses but that stopped in time. I had school and the parties and girls that kept me busy though I tried to focus on school.

I was aware that Rosie had been dating. I still kept an eye on her and saw her with a kid named Troy Williams for a few months. They were always holding hands in the hallway and went to some dances and parties together. I heard that they had sex through a group of girls at a party one night and wanted to kick his ass. I was still protective of Rosie even if we weren’t close.

They broke up shortly after that rumor. She seemed to shy away from guys after that and kept to herself while I added girls to my list. It made me feel wanted though I wasn’t stupid enough to think that it meant anything. It was just a moment that I was close to another person. When the first girl tried to take it further and tell me that she thought she loved me, I took a break.

Somehow, I gained a reputation, and the stories surpassed the truth. That was just the way it was, and I let it go. I didn’t think about it too much but when I went to college, it seemed to precede me. That didn’t bother me until I ran into Rosie and we reconnected away from the pressure of our families. I had no clue that we’d end up sleeping together then.

Once I kissed her and things intensified between us. I regretted my past. Rosie was different from the others even if I wasn’t ready to commit to her. We never talked about my love life and she seemed to avoid the subject. I slept with her sometimes when we were drunk and alone, or just alone. It was great sex, but we didn’t ever say it was more. I still had the other girls that I met at parties or out with friends. For the first year, I mixed it all together well.

I walked into the next class and took my seat as the girls that sat around me greeted me. I’d slept with two of them and they both giggled during certain lectures in the class. It was irritating, and I made sure it never happened again. I took that test and felt great about it when I left with enough time to grab some lunch.

Every day was the same throughout the week. I took a lot of tests but also had normal class days. I ate when I could and slept hard at night as the feeling of missing Rosie faded away. I had dinner to look forward to and showered after school.

I dressed in my best slacks and a Henley that brought out my eyes. I wore boots with it and headed out of the dorm to meet Rosie outside. It felt like a date, but I told myself that it wasn’t.



I showered after my class and dried my hair in loose curls. I didn’t know why I cared about what I wore being that Sterling had seen me naked several times already. We were past that and we weren’t even dating. I selected a pair of heavy velvet leggings and pulled a black cami to match. I added a cropped sweater in a vibrant pink and black boots as I looked in the full-length mirror that Violet propped against the wall.

I looked good, and I smiled, which reminded me to add some gloss to go with the sweater. I added some mascara to my eyes and a setting powder to my face before glossing my lips. I told Sterling that I’d meet him in front of his dorm and he would drive from there. I grabbed a coat and slipped it on before I slipped my purse over my body. Violet was already gone for the night, out to dinner with Brian before the party.

They were getting serious.

I left the room and locked it before making my way to the stairs. I walked down them, seeing students go through the room as I smiled to myself. I recognized one as a girl that Sterling was talking to and my mouth dropped into a frown. I didn’t know how many he’d had sex with but there had to be a lot.

I walked out of the front door and looked over at his building with a sigh. Was I doing the right thing? I walked to the right and across the road to him, seeing someone out on the front steps. When I got closer that figure walked down and greeted someone as I smiled weakly. I kept walking and made my way around a group of bushes and saw Sterling leaning against the building and looking up at the sky. I glanced up, seeing some dim stars as I pressed my lips together.

“Hi,” I heard him say, and I glanced in the direction of his voice. Sterling was dressed to the nines tonight, and I looked him over as he approached me.

“You look great,” I told him as he spun around slowly, making me laugh.

“I could say the same to you. You look beautiful tonight.” He kept walking towards me and I looked into his face.

“Thank you,” I replied as we started to walk to his car. He opened the door for me and I slid inside, seeing flashes of the old Sterling from when I was younger. He got in and started the engine, giving it a moment to warm up. This felt different, and I was terrified to think of the reasons, staying quiet as I looked at him. We backed out of the lot and he headed to the restaurant, looking confident and sexy as he drove. Little Sterling was a sweet boy who watched out for me and defended me from bullies. Big Sterling was a man now, and he was sexy. He was magnetic for me. He was kind, and the man knew what to do in bed. If someone told me back when we were younger that we’d be sleeping together, I would have laughed at them. Sure, I had a little crush, but I never thought much past that.

I could count on two hand the amount of times I’d felt him inside of me. I felt his fingers, tongue, and lips all over me and it was everything that people described in books and movie. I didn’t think that I’d find that a lot in life.

We pulled into a parking lot and I blinked, coming back to reality. We were here. Sterling parked and smiled over at me as I pulled my jacket around my body. He turned off the engine and walked around to my door to open it, smiling as I slipped past him. I’d been here many times before due to the cheap Italian food and cheap wine. Every student came here but tonight felt different. It didn’t seem too crowded tonight but there was a big party going on. Every student probably wanted to drink themselves blind and forget all about tests and classes.

The owner greeted us and signaled for Sterling to pick a table from what was affordable. He nodded and walked to his favorite corner booth as I followed and glanced around at the tables that were filled. Even older women stopped what they were doing to take a long look at Sterling. He was gorgeous, and he lit up every room that he walked through. I didn’t even send out a spark, and I shook my head as I slipped across the booth from him.

We ordered wine and decided to split a plate of lasagna with a big salad. We chatted about school and what was going to happen after school.

“You’re going to stay here, aren’t you?” Sterling asked me as I gazed at him.
