Page 13 of Friends to Lovers

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“I don’t think Mom would let me leave. I’ll probably end up working for Dad even with this art degree. Why do you ask? You’re going on to law school, Sterling.” I told him as he shrugged.

“Maybe. I’m so used to Seattle now that it seems weird to leave. Maybe I’ll look into going to California. It’s not too far,” he smiled at me and I held in the thought that was even too far for me. I would never say that to him, so I reached for my wine again.

“You’re out of the family business, then? Must be nice.” I still didn’t hear the end of that and I was graduating soon.

“They’re always going to try, Rosie. It’s up to us to break the pattern.” Sterling sounded so confident as he looked warmly at me. I knew that we both kept to our own families because it was what everyone wanted. Who was breaking any pattern doing that?

“I guess. It’s hard to run from family business and money, Sterling. They know that they have the last word.” I was feeling the pressure of that more than ever right now. I was graduating with an art history degree and I could move to any city and work at a gallery or assisting for shows. The world was my oyster, but I still heard my father telling me to help my brothers with the business.

“Just walk away. Graduate and start over somewhere,” Sterling told me, looking sad for a moment. Would he miss me as much as I’d miss him?

“We’ll see. I just want to walk across that stage and know that I am done.” I smiled at the idea as I reached for my fork to cut off a piece of the gooey lasagna.

“I always knew that you were going places, Rosie. I knew it from the moment I met you.” I stared into his eyes, getting lost in their depths for one tortured moment.

“Come on now. You were always the star in school with sports and… everything.” I almost said girls, but I didn’t want to sound like I was paying too much attention. “I was just the school nerd.”

“I wish that all school nerds looked like you. The world would be a happier place,” he told me, reaching for his fork to stab some lettuce. I laughed and took another bite of the pasta, chewing slowly.

We finished dinner and sipped the wine, taking in the atmosphere. I knew that I would miss this place if I left. It had more charm than every five-star restaurant my family took me to over the years. I had some amazing memories here.

“So, do you want to hit the party or do something else?” I heard him ask me as I looked at him. His eyes were dark and suggestive, and I pressed my thighs together. Didn’t we just sleep together recently?

“Ice cream and your dorm?” I suggested as he grinned.

“Sounds perfect.” He paid the bill, and we walked across the street to the old ice cream parlor, ordering cones. We sat outside to eat, enjoying the sweet treat as we looked out onto the city. I knew what was going to happen if we went back to his dorm, but I couldn’t stop it. We might be parting soon, and I needed every bit of Sterling that I could get. I tossed the last bite of the cone into the trash and looked over at Sterling. His eyes were hot on me and he stepped forward to kiss me, cleaning the last drops of chocolate from my mouth. This was as open as we’d ever been, and I moaned into his mouth.



Her lips were sweet with the ice cream and I could taste the wine on her tongue. I’d never kissed Rosie in public like this, but her lips were too tempting for me. I couldn’t stop myself.

Her moan vibrated against my lips and I slipped my tongue deeper inside of her mouth.

“Come back to my room?” I asked in a whisper as her hands tangled in my hair.

“Yes.” I pulled away painfully, leading her to my car. I could drive now since I’d allowed her to enjoy most of the wine. I opened her door and watched

her slide in before closing it and going to my side. I couldn’t get to the dorm building fast enough tonight. I started the engine and pulled out to the street with a quick right. Rosie inhaled deeply as I drove, and I spared her a glance at a long red light. She looked at me with big eyes and I felt my cock harden in my pants. The light turned green and I hit the gas.

I pulled up and found a parking spot in the last row before letting her out. We were walking to the door when I heard someone call my name. It was a female, and I scowled as I looked around.

“Sterling. Hi. Aren’t you going to the party?” It was Grace, and I frowned as I glanced at Rosie.

“No, not tonight. I made other plans,” I told her as she looked at Rosie. Girls were fucking catty, and I saw the cold stare that Grace gave Rosie as I clenched my fists. She’d been in my life longer than anyone here and I trusted Rosie. I needed Rosie. “Let’s go.” I turned and headed to my building and Rosie followed as I tried to contain my anger.

Rosie was quiet until I was unlocking my door. I pushed it open and pulled her inside as she bit her lip.

“You’ve slept with her.” It wasn’t a question, and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“You went off with some guy at the party last weekend too.” Hell, that’s why I left with Grace in the first place. Her eyebrow rose, and she narrowed her dark eyes at me.

“I didn’t go home with him. I didn’t leave that house, Sterling. I knew that I didn’t want him.” Her words hurt as I thought back to the emotional turmoil that I was in. I was so certain that she left with him and fucked Grace to work my jealousy out of my system.

“What?” I asked as I walked towards her, pressing her against the door. My mouth claimed hers as I reached down around her hips to pull her against me. Rosie whimpered as she wrapped her arms around my neck, her tongue meeting mine hungrily. I pulled her against me with my hands around her ass, turning us toward the bed in one fluid motion. I’d never wanted a woman so much in my life. I took the few steps and dropped her gently to the mattress, lifting her shirt from her body. There was a tight cami underneath and her cleavage was threatening to burst out as I licked my lips. I kissed Rosie again pushing her back as I teased the bottom of the thin shirt with my fingers. Her mouth was wide and open for me as I swept my tongue over hers hungrily. My hands pulled the shirt up, revealing her full breasts and I cupped them greedily.

He didn’t see her like this. He didn’t feel my Rosie like I was going to tonight. Wait… my Rosie?
