Page 34 of Friends to Lovers

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“There was no future with us, Sterling.” Rosie said slowly. “Ever.” She looked at me. “You’re moving home. Do you think that I’d actually be welcome?”

“Probably not.” I had to be truthful. “I’m not moving back home. I’m getting a condo for the time being. They’re handling the first part and I’m going to make payments on it. If I decide to move and go to law school, I can sell it and keep the money to use towards school. They’re fine with that. I don’t know what changed but something did.” Pain filled her eyes, and she nodded slowly.

“Makes sense. They are your family forever. My parents weren’t as forthcoming as yours, so I chose to leave.” I hated those words. I leaned in to kiss her, needing the taste of her mouth on mine. Rosie moaned in surprise, stilling before she kissed me back. We moved together with the same desperation and I pushed her back onto the bed.

We kissed heavily, but she fought my hands pulling up her shirt. I sensed her need in the kiss, but her hesitance confused me. I knew that sleeping together was stupid since I was leaving tomorrow, and she was going to move out of the state. Rosie pulled at my shirt and I lifted it, looking down at her for a moment.

“Rosie, do you want this?” I asked her as she looked at me with big eyes. She slipped her arms out of the sweatshirt and lifted it over her head, revealing a gray t-shirt underneath. I looked at her expanding breasts and blinked for a moment as she blushed. “Wow. You look different.”



I felt my stomach twist as he looked over my body, knowing this was the moment of truth. I should have told him about Texas and wished him well. I should have left this room but being near him made my uncontrollable hormones flare up. It was terrible to be pregnant and single because they never stopped.

When he kissed me, I knew that I was done for. I was going to fuck the hell out of Sterling tonight for closure. I wasn’t showing too much apart from my breasts and maybe he wouldn’t understand what was going on.

I pulled Sterling down to me and kissed him again, needing his tongue against mine. This was a goodbye tonight because we were going our separate ways. He pulled me over his body and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I moaned as I straddled him, knowing that our baby was inside of me.

I was keeping it. I was wavering on telling him because he’d made a choice that couldn’t include me or this baby.

We stripped each other, and he kissed me again before moving down my neck. One hand cupped my breast, and I arched my back, needing the contact. Sterling held me as he pressed his lips against me, circling my nipple with his tongue.

“You look beautiful.” Sterling told me before he sucked me into his mouth.

“Thank you.” I felt his hand move between my legs over my soft abdomen and nearly came when he brushed my clit. He looked at me and slipped his fingers harder over me as I reacted loudly. “Make me come,” I begged as he pushed me back and pressed two fingers inside of me. I cried out and spread my thighs wide as he moved deeper.

“You’re so responsive,” Sterling murmured as I rocked against him, so close to the edge. I moaned as the pressure released and I flooded him. “Jesus.” He moved his mouth down to cover me and drank in my juices as I gripped his hair. Nobody ever felt this good before nor would they again. Sterling made me come again that way and kept sucking as I tried not to cry. “Do I need a condom?” He asked as he pulled away and reached down to stroke his cock. I craved it inside of me and let out a breath.

“No, I’m good.” You couldn’t get pregnant twice. He cursed and positioned himself before sliding inside. I moaned, feeling him fill my tight pussy. I couldn’t masturbate enough to come the way I did with Sterling,

“You’re so tight,” he said as he moved inside again. “Has it been since the last time, Rosie?” I felt his lips brush mine and smiled as I pulled him closer. This was so perfect, but it would never happen for us. “Why?”

“You know me. I don’t sleep around,” I answered as I rocked against him. Our rhythm came back, and I felt him moving harder as I felt my third release take me over. Sterling joined me as me moaned my name and I felt it deep inside. This is what made my baby, and I felt emotions flood me. Sterling rested his head over my chest, closing his eyes as he breathed in. I felt silent tears slide down my face as I struggled to wipe them away.

“Rosie? What’s wrong?” He asked as he lifted his head to look at me.

“I… I’m pregnant, Sterling.” There it was. His eyes widened, and he lifted his body,


I gestured to my breasts.

“That’s why. I’m not showing quite yet.” He stared over my body slowly, stopping at my stomach.

“Were you planning to tell me?” There was a hint of anger in his voice as I felt more tears.

“I don’t know.” He raised an eyebrow at me. “I came here to say goodbye, Sterling. You’re moving on and I’ve got this. I can do this.”

“I want to help. This is my baby, right?” he asked as I nodded. “Are you healthy? Is the baby doing well?”

“We’re both fine.” I replied as he rolled from me to his side.

“Texas?” He asked softly as I shrugged.

“She’s going to help me. She’s all I have.” I sounded so selfish and I watched as he broke before me.

“Rosie, I want to be here for both of you. I’m getting a place and you can come with me. Please.” This was why I didn’t tell him.
