Page 45 of Love at First Sight

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“I had an ultra sound so I already know that I’m not too far along…” I giggle. “But it’s twins.”

“Twins?” Katherine looks blown away. She darts here eyes between us both. “You cannot be serious.”

“I am, and honestly, stop worrying, it’s going to be fine.” I give her a reassuring smile while resting my hand on her arm. “We aren’t worried, we’ve been preparing for this, we’re used to the idea now.”

“Well, I’m not.” She gulps loudly, swallowing down what sounds like a giant ball of fear. “Let me get used to it, okay? It might take some time. I wasn’t expecting you to come back with this surprise. Just a souvenir.” She glances down again. “How did you even find out? Did it not shock the crap out of you?”

“It did, of course it did. Especially as I wasn’t even sick, I barely had any early symptoms. Just a bit of stomach pain. It was Logan who suspected before me.” I grin at him. “He’s been great about it actually, really happy.”

I did think he’d be more freaked when I got that positive test, and even more so when we found out that it was going to be twins, because it’s going to put a halt to his plans to see the world. But he didn’t even consider it. He was simply happy from the start, infectiously so, bringing me along with him. I haven’t had a moment to fear the future because he’s made me so damn happy about it. this is why I love him so much. He’s amazing.

“The babies aren’t coming to live with us, are they?” Al looks shell shocked. “I don’t know if I can cope with two screaming kids all night long. I need my beauty sleep, you know, for work and that.”

“Don’t worry,” Logan laughs. “I won’t be cramping your bachelor style. We’ll move out. We’ll have to get our own place because we’re going to need the room. There will be four of us.”

“Four of you…” Alistair’s face actually pales at the idea. Clearly, he’s not pleased. “Woah. That’s heavy… I mean, really heavy. Do you know what you’re getting yourself in for? Two kids… two!”

“I know,” Logan laughs. “But it’s fine. It’s also going to be awesome. I’m going to have a family. I’m going to be a dad. It’s scary, but in the best way. Don’t look at me like that, Al, it’s fine. Honest.”

“Come on, let’s go out to celebrate.” I flick my eyes between a very shocked couple of people. “This is good news, honestly, we’re really happy about it. I know it’s a shock but it’ll be fine. Also, we still need to tell you about our trip, don’t forget we have all that news to share. And we want to hear about you too. What have you been up to over the last six months? There must be some gossip to share and I want to hear it all.”

“Not as much as you, obviously.” Katherine shakes her head. “I don’t think I can have anything to share that’s as big as your news. I’m still just… I’m a bit speechless about it all… pregnant. Twins. All of it.”

I cup my belly again and smile at Logan who’s pretty much remained silent through it all. I know that he’s a bit nervous about all of this, I suppose I am too, but it’s going to be awesome, we both know it. We’ve been through enough to get through any life hurdle, and that includes this one. Babies will be no trouble. Well, I don’t want to say no trouble, that’s just asking for it, but I’m not worried.

Coming back home is strange, it isn’t like I thought it would be, but that’s because my life is in a completely different place. I always assumed that it would be back to normal life but this is anything but. It’s a brand new adventure. One that we’re going to tackle hand in hand together.



I keep darting my eyes towards Al as I scroll through the pictures on my phone. He’s taking it well at the moment, but I’m not sure if he’s burying his real feelings deep down or not. He’s been hard to read ever since me and Tamara got back from our trip. I’m not sure if that’s because he’s more closed off or because I’ve spent some time apart and I’m not longer used to him. But it’s okay, we’ll stay friends through everything.

“So, this is your new place.” Al nods slowly. “It’s nice. Plenty of room, that’s for sure. I like the kitchen, that’s massive. The bedrooms too. You won’t know what to do with all that room. You have no stuff.”

“It might not feel that way when the babies come,” I reply wryly. “I’m sure they’ll take up lots of room.”

“I still can’t believe that you’ve grown up enough to have kids. It seems nuts! When did that happen?”

Al gives me a strange look, almost as if he’s trying to size me up. He hardly recognizes me anymore, but I can understand that because I don’t know myself. I’ve changed completely, I’ve really grown into the person I was always supposed to be. And there’s only one person who is responsible for that. Ever since that moment on the train, I’ve began growing into a more well rounded version of me. I love that about her.

“It sounds soppy, but the moment I met Tamara. That’s when it happened. She changed me.”

I prepare myself from an onslaught of jokes, but somehow, they don’t come my way. Al is actually nodding thoughtfully as if this is actually something that he’s considering. It’s weird to see him pensive, especially when it comes to relationships, but I suppose we all have to grow up at some point. Maybe this is time for him.

“When do you move in?” He hands me back my phone and smiles, managing to look happy for me. “It’s all gone through now, hasn’t it? Have you got a date set out? Contracts all signed, that sort of thing?”

“In the next few weeks. It might take a little while for us to get all sorted, but it won’t be long.” I dart my eyes towards my bedroom, wondering what will happen there. It’ll take a while for me to get used to someone else living in there, I’ve been there for such a long time. It’ll be weird to visit and know that there’s a whole other life going on between those four walls. “Have you thought about another roommate?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I don’t really need one, I can afford this place on my own if I want to so I might just do that for a while. It’ll be nice to have my own space once I get your smelly ass out of here.”

I laugh and punch him in the arm. “Me? Oh my God, you’re a freaking nightmare. I have been the model roommate compared to you, I can’t even begin to list all the things you’ve driven me crazy with.”

But we do share a look filled with all the memories we’ve shared here. I’m determined not to let our friendship fade away. Yes, my life is completely changing but I’ll always make time for him. Just like Tamara will always make time for Katherine. They are friendships that we cannot let go no matter what.

“Well, at least I’ll have somewhere to crash when the babies are a nightmare,” I tease. “When I need a break from the crying. We can go out for drinks

or something and come back here. If you don’t have a woman…”
