Page 46 of Love at First Sight

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“So, what’s going to happen with you and Tamara? Are you going to put a ring on it?”

At the mere mention of Al’s previous playboy lifestyle, he changes the subject. I have noticed that he hasn’t been out every single night and I haven’t had to listen to him with other women either. It’s odd, but progress I suppose. I can’t push him though, he’ll talk to me whenever he’s ready to. Maybe he’s met someone…

“I am, as it happens. I was going to head out to buy a ring today. Will you help me?”

“Me?” He widens his eyes in shock. “I’m honored, but wouldn’t Katherine be better for that?”

Oops, now is the time to confess something that he might not like. I bite down guiltily on my bottom lip before I begin speaking. But at least I have something to soften the blow… or so I hope.

“I have asked Katherine as well, but since you’re going to be my best man, I want your advice too.”

His face blushes with pride, I can see it bristling under his skin, but of course, he can’t just give me a sentimental comment about that, not that I would ever expect it. “Presuming she says yes.”

“Oh yeah… good point. I suppose she’ll have to though since she’s pregnant. She’s stuck with me now.”

“Ah wise… you locked her down to get the guaranteed yes. Now I can understand what your plan is. I did wonder if you had your head screwed on for a while, but now it’s all very clear.”

My cell phone blasts out and I spot Katherine’s name on the screen. “Right, we’re already running late. I think Katherine’s outside so let’s get going.” I shoot him a warning stare. “Be nice, okay?”

“I am nice… why don’t you ever tell Katherine to be nice? She’s the one who hates me.”

I roll my eyes, not too pleased about the parenting practice. It cannot be like this all day long.

“I just cannot deal with bitching today, it isn’t what I need, so just keep your opinions to yourself.”

“Mate, you have no idea how hard that’s going to be, but I’ll do it for you.” He pats me on the shoulder. “Just because you’re growing up and you’re becoming a real man. I have to support that, I suppose.”

“You’re going to be fine,” Katherine reassures me while straightening my tie. “You look good. You know what you’re doing. You have it all worked out. It’s going to be fine, just calm down.”

I try to get my breathing steady but it isn’t the easiest thing to do. My heart is racing, it’s spiraling out of control, I don’t know if I can do this after all. I haven’t ever been so nervous in my life.

“Mate, don’t forget, we’ve talked about this. It’s a guaranteed yes!”

“Thank you, Al,” I chuckle. “That is surprisingly helpful.”

“Well good, because she’s going to be here in a moment so it’s time to get your ass in gear.”

“Oh my God, what are you guys going to do? I thought you were going to leave.”

“We’ll hide in my room,” Al reassures me. “We want to watch it happen. You can’t turn us away now.”

I nod because I don’t have any choice. If Tamara is almost here then I need to get them away quick. I suppose they also deserve to listen in after all that they’ve been through with us. Then I’ll also have back up if I fail really hard which I still fear I might. I’ve practiced like nuts, but my brain is foggy and blank.

“Okay, get out of here now and keep quiet. At least until I’ve got it all out.”

They scurry off and I check my reflection in the mirror for just a couple of seconds longer. I suppose I look okay, aside from the obvious anxiety darting behind my eyes and the perspiration popping on my forehead. I wipe it off but it’ll only come back, there’s nothing I can do about that.

It’s going to be fine. I wrap my fingers around the ring box in my pocket. It’ll be okay.

I jump as a rapping sound knocks at the door. “Hey, it’s Tamara, can I come in?”

I glance around the room, checking everything is in place. The dinner is on the table, the candle light is flickering, the balloons are flying high above the chairs, the odd trinkets from our travels dot around the room as little reminders. It’s just as sweet and intimate as I planned. I just hope the rest of it goes as I want it to!

“I’m coming, hold on a moment.” I move to the door and swing it open. “Hi, Tamara.”

Wow… even with her pregnancy bump she manages to look glamorous and stunning. She has tight fitting leggings on and a baggy tee shirt which hangs low. Her hair is glossy and hanging around her natural face which makes me smile. She’s the most beautiful mother to be that I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Ooh, something smells good, are you cooking?” She moves past me before spinning back quick. “Woah, what’s going on with you? You’re all, like, dressed up and stuff. I look half homeless.”
