Page 49 of Love at First Sight

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I’m hardly surprised, but I am glad. It’s good to have this extended family now, I love having those two around for everything.



“I’m off to the office,” Tamara calls out to me with a happy lilt in her tone. She clips earrings into her lobes which complete her seriously smart outfit. She truly looks the part of a manager, which now she is. She’s suited to this role more than I think she knows. I hope she eventually comes to believe in herself as much as I do. “Will you be okay with

the twins while I’m there? It should only be for the morning and Katherine said she’ll pop in…”

“I’m fine.” I roll my eyes at her. “I have had the twins before by myself, you know. They’re sleeping anyway.”

“Thank goodness they finally started to match with that, I didn’t think it would ever happen.”

“We can laugh about it now, but the tiredness was real. It was hardcore. I don’t know if I can ever do it again.”

“I’m not even thinking about doing it again right now, so put that idea from your mind. The twins are plenty for me, and I think they are for you as well.” She laughs. “I can’t consider a football team yet.”

“No, you’re right.” I glance over to the cots. “They are perfect for us right now. This little family is awesome.”

I’ve had the babies a lot actually, which is of course awesome, I love them to bits and I’m so grateful that I’ve had so much time in their early months to bond with them, but watching Tamara grow and flourish makes me want something more too. I’ve had temp jobs, just things to get us by which work with our life style, but now… now I want something else. I want something that makes me feel the way that her charity does her.

“You don’t worry about any of us, you just focus on the people you’re helping.”

It took me aback at first, the idea of Tamara wanting to start a charity to help people suffering from amnesia and memory issues sounded a little too hard to digest, I thought it might be a challenge too far, but the more she explained her vision to me, the more I got it. She suffered with anxiety and depression as she tried to work through it all and I think it would’ve been better if she wasn’t alone. That’s what she wants to create, a place where people understand. There are going to be faces involved who have been through it too.

The website will be a massive part of this and she’s already reaching out and finding people all over the world who want to help. People who will be a remote assistance from afar. At least, for now. I think this might grow very fast and it’ll soon become a much needed non-profit organization which the world needs.

Tamara is going to be important, and I want that too. Or maybe not important as such, I don’t know if I have that within me, but I want to be useful. I want to share my passion with the world, which is where a little idea is forming in the back of my brain, something that might become my dream. I will share it with Tamara but I want to be certain before I do. I wan to have everything set in place.

“Okay, well thank you.” She smiles and kisses me. “I do appreciate it, let me know if you need anything. I’ll have my cell phone with me all the time and I can be back in an instant if needs be.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m going to be just fine. I’ll see you later on, okay?”

Once Tamara leaves I let out a deep breath and I pick up a few of the toys scattered around the floor. The house definitely doesn’t look like it did when we first moved in, there’s more mess and less of our stuff than the kids, and I’m sure that will only get worse as they grow older, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“Knock, knock. Can I come in?”

“Yep.” I grin, glad that he’s right on time for a change. “Come through, Al. How’ve you been?”

“I’ve been all good.” His expression matches his words, he really does look happy. “How about you? I’m very excited to learn all about this investment opportunity you’ve lured me over here with.”

“It isn’t an investment thing. I don’t want your money, I just want you to hear about it.”

“And if it sounds good enough, I’ll invest. I want to help you build your company.” He takes a seat. “And if it sounds like it sucks, then I’ll tell you as much. So, come on… wow me.”

I part my lips, just about ready to speak but before I can one of the twins starts crying. It’s India and I know what she’s like, once she starts she’ll howl until she’s lifted from her bed. She isn’t as laid back as her brother. She’ll wake him up too if she carries on. I might be able to get through this with one baby but not two.

“Hold on, let me just get India. I’ll talk to you about it then.”

I grab her up, shushing her until that adorable little smile returns to her face then I move back to Al. He extends his arms, wanting to hold her which is something I never thought would happen. He loves the babies more than I could have ever hoped for. It seems that he really is softening up over time, it’s kinda sweet actually.

“Right.” He cuddles India closer to him. “Let’s hear all about it.”

“Well, actually, what I’ve found is a way to make all of my research that I’ve done in the past useful, it’s something that I’m passionate about and something I know that I can do well. I know tips and tricks, hacks to make it cheaper and ways to make it fun. I basically want to give people the same experiences that I had.” Al looks at me expectantly, not quite getting it. “I want to start a travel company…”

I wait expectantly, but it takes a little while for Al to say anything at all. During which time the panic in my body intensifies. I thought I had this all worked out, I assumed this was the perfect plan, but now I’m doubting myself completely. This is something that people want, isn’t it? I would have liked it when it was me.

“That… is brilliant!” Al’s face lights up. “I think you’ll be amazing at that. I’m in.”
