Page 11 of Oh! Katherine

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Despite the fact that my house is nearer, we go to Alistair’s because we have so many memories there. We turned it into our own little love pad in the six months when our friends were away and I can’t wait to return. This time it’ll be different too because it won’t just be a hook up. It’s going to be real.

“It feels good to finally call you my girlfriend,” Alistair muses. “I never thought it possible, Kitty Kat.”

Finally, my nickname makes it out into the real world, the symbol that this is more. I cling tightly to his neck, burying my face into his neck and inhaling his musky scent. Boyfriend, a name no one has ever been able to call Alistair Chance before. I’m the first, and I very much hope that I’m the last as well.

Alistair doesn’t drop me back down again until we reach his apartment and as soon as we do the kissing starts. Not just kissing, but passionately make love with our mouths. His hot tongue massages mine, it makes my head spin, I fall deeper and deeper into the abyss of emotions, tipping closer towards love.

“Oh, Alistair,” I moan with my head tilted back. “Oh God, that feels so good.”

His lips fall down over my neck, my collar bone, my breast. His needy lips tug and tease as he guides me all the way into the bedroom. My little black dress that I chose so carefully with Tamara in the aim of luring another man completely falls to the ground and leaves me in my white cotton underwear.

“Ah, you didn’t plan to get laid tonight.” He nods happily. “Good.”

“Of course not!” My hands fling onto my hips. “It was a first date, who do you think I am?”

“Oh, I know exactly who you are Kitty Kat.” His eyes bore into me and I know he’s telling the truth. No one knows me as well as he does. “And I want to know you even more, alright.”

He flips me back onto the bed and tugs my panties down. He nudges my thighs further apart and buries his face not my flesh. The pleasure shoots all the way from my core up to my chest, warming up every inch of my body. Usually, when he has his mouth all over me I have my eyes closed, almost like I’m trying to forget who it is making me feel so incredible. But today I prop up onto my elbows and I stare at him. I watch him feeding on me like he’s in a frenzy. And it feels fucking phenomenal.

At the pressure builds deep in the pit of my stomach I reach out to him to pull him up towards me. I want to experience him everywhere. I need to be connected to him in every single way.

“Come here.” I hook my hand around his neck and drag his lips down to kiss me. I can taste myself on his mouth and it causes my back to arch with pleasure. “Oh, Alistair. You are just too…”

“I’m yours now.” He grinds his hard rock erection into me, causing a white hot puddle to spill into my panties. I gasp, I pant, my heart racks hard against my rib cage. “I belong to you.”

I push my hips back to meet him, making him groan as loudly as me. I shift his trousers and boxer down just enough. I don’

t have time to get him as naked as I would like. Then I reach into his pocket to grab the condom that’s always there. From now, this condom will only be for me. I still want him to keep it there because I don’t ever know when the passion is going to get the better of me around Alistair.

I roll the latex down over him, smiling at him the whole time. His eyes dance, emotions flow over his face, this is the most expression I’ve ever seen. I hope that’s because of me, I want to bring that out of him. I want to know that I’m the one person who can make him feel as comfortable as he does me.

I want to be his ‘one’. I don’t know if he’s the sort of man to believe in that sort of thing, but I still want it.

Once it’s on I angle my hips up to him and feel him there. the eagerness intensifies, my need for him grows.

“Don’t tease me,” I beg. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

We both know that I’m not just talking about right now. I’m talking about the long wait it’s taken us to get to this place. Sometimes it’s been fun, other times it’s been like torture, I’ve smiled, laughed, and cried many a time, but now we’re here it all feels worth it. I would go through it again to have him here. He’s everything.

This isn’t a love story that I ever would have thought would belong to me, but it does now and I’m ready to own it. It seems like the rest of the world already knows anyway, at least, the important people do, so it’s okay.

Alistair pulls his hips back and he thrusts powerfully into me, but it doesn’t feel the same as before. The deep passion is still there, but it’s combined with something softer, kinder, full of love. It feels amazing, it unlocks a

“You…” He strokes my hair and grinds his hips. “My little Kitty Kat. I don’t want to be without you again.”

“You don’t have to be. You won’t be. It’s me and you in this forever now.”

“Forever… a word I never thought I’d like.”

I lose the power to speak any longer, the breath is stripped from my body and I lose myself to the sensations. The nice thing is I don’t have to switch off my brain anymore, I can think at the same time. I can study every single inch of this wonderful man’s face and I can lock it away in my brain to keep.




Three eyes give me an odd look, all of them waiting for me to say something. I will, in a minute, for now I just want to appreciate how strange this is. We’ve never all been sitting here without one of us kicking off before. Usually me, to be fair. But now it’s silent, weirdly so. I don’t know how to take it.
