Page 225 of Mine Forever

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“I can always count on you to do something that’s going to shock others. I would never ask for you to quit your job.” He didn’t have to ask me and I was already unemployed. I had given my resignation. I told my boss that if he had a problem with that that he should talk to Marshall.

We crawled over the table. We were in the middle of it with both of our bodies slamming repeatedly against each other in a cacophony of sexual sounds that was not exactly the kind of sound that you would hear from a boardroom.

We were sprawled on top of it. He lifted himself one last time and buried it. “Marry me…Oh, god… MARRY ME.” I thought that he had just gotten a little carried away, but then the feeling that he was stirring in me was going to give the very answer that he wanted to hear.

“Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes…YESSSSSSSS.” I wasn’t sure if I was responding to his marriage proposal or if I was just going along for the ride with an orgasm of my own. It was a little from column A and a little from column B. He was so happy that he gave me an early wedding gift.

He kept up with the demand and he stayed the course for almost a full hour before he finally gave me my just desserts. I only had to pull down my skirt and he had to pull up his pants. He reached into a pocket and presented me with a gorgeous diamond ring. I leaped into his arms, kissing him passionately and I think that he took my orgasmic cry as confirmation.

“With you by my side, Gillian, there is nobody including Lillian that is going to stop us.” I liked that we were united and that we were a force to be reckoned with. He was my centerpiece and I had the perfect place to put him…right in my bed in my embrace. I was looking forward to spending my life with him. I had this feeling that it wasn’t going to be boring. I was still going to work with those that wanted to know the truth. That was how I met Marshall.

The marriage was scheduled for a year from that date. With Lillian taking a plea deal of six months, it gave Marshall the opening that he needed to swoop in and buy her building out from underneath her with the board’s approval. We had even sent an invitation to her in jail.

It stated that her presence was requested for our nuptials that were going to take place right in that very same boardroom.” I could almost hear her screaming from her cell and it gave me a sense of satisfaction. I wanted to be there to present it to her myself, but I thought that might have been a little below the belt.

I thought that my heart was frozen, but Marshall had somehow thawed the ice surrounding my heart. I was ready to love again and I could say the same thing for him. He was no longer caught in a never-ending line of sex partners. I’m sure that he was going to mention spicing things up, but I would cross that bridge when I came to it.
