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“What’s up?” Matt asked.

I tapped my hand on the door handle, trying to decide whether Matt was going to be all about what I was about to do, or if he was going to be completely turned off by it. The pulsing between my legs was telling me that I really didn’t have a choice in the matter. It was now or never. I turn

ed around and stepped forward, grabbing Matt by the head and pulling him down for a kiss. His skin was warm, and his lips tasted like Scotch, which seemed to turn me on even more. It made me think about the hot nights on our honeymoon when we got wasted on cheap whiskey and fucked for hours with the doors open to our own private beach. He kissed me and then pulled back, looking confusingly into my eyes. Butterflies flew through my stomach, and I could feel myself starting to back away from the idea of getting laid, just from the reaction he was giving me. I had never been scared to proposition my own husband for sex before, and he had never once turned me away, even if he wasn’t in the mood.

“Amber, what are you doing?”

“I don’t know.” I sighed. “Well, I do know. I am so damn horny, especially after getting interrupted yesterday and passing out last night. Being here in this house, knowing it is where people have played out some of their most intimate fantasies, is just making it worse. I have got to take the edge off before I explode.”

“The door doesn’t lock,” he whispered. “We could get caught.”

“I don’t care,” I said, walking forward and squeezing his cock through his pants. “I can’t wait any longer. I need you to fuck me right now and right here. Do you understand? I need your fucking cock inside of me, or I am going to burst, and not in the way that I want to.”

He nodded his head, never before seeing me so horny. As fast as I could, I opened up my snow pants, pulling them off and taking off the leggings underneath them. I kept my panties on, wanting to be able to get dressed quickly afterward and knowing how much it turned him on to see my juices soaking through them. My eyes stayed glued on his as he watched me undress and walk over to the vanity counter. I turned around and faced him, lifting myself onto the counter and spreading my legs. I ran my fingers down and pulled my panties to the side, showing him just how much I wanted him inside of me at that moment. My cold fingers touched my warm, wet skin, and I gasped, wanting to feel more and more.

Matt looked over at the door and shrugged, quickly moving forward and pressing his lips against mine. I lifted my hips and rubbed my pussy against his crotch, grinding against the hard shaft trapped inside. I moaned softly, looking deep into his eyes. He groaned and unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the floor. He pulled his cock out of his base layer and stroked it once before grabbing my hips and thrusting it inside of me. He held me steady as he fucked me deep and hard, his knees hitting the cabinet doors. I pulled up my sweater and shirt and latched onto my nipples, rubbing them hard between my finger and thumb.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, feeling the pleasure of his body smacking hard against my clit. My hands clamped down on my breasts as the fire in my belly began to ignite, filling me with pleasure. I arched my back and grabbed onto the counter with one hand while covering my mouth with the other. My body lurched and writhed, and I could hear Matt groaning as he pushed hard into me and felt my release. His body shook against me as I came hard, my pussy wrapping around his pulsing cock. The release was amazing, and as my muscles relaxed, I exhaled, finally feeling like I could manage a conversation without jumping someone’s bones, but I wasn’t quite done yet.



I walked over to where the hangers were by the door and started to take off my jacket and snow pants. The others looked over at me and nodded, following suit since the room had already begun to heat up. I hung my pants on the hook by the suspenders and looked over, watching my wife make her way toward the bathroom. I walked after her and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her close and leaning close to her ear. She smelled so fucking good and was always turning me on.

“You know that Matt and Amber are in there,” I said, lifting my eyebrows at her.

I knew my wife really well, and I knew when she had something mischievous on her mind. The look on her face let me know that this was exactly one of those times that she was working something up in her mind. I tilted my head at her and smirked.

“Okay, what are you doing?” I asked.

Kristin threw her head back and laughed, reaching for my arm. She pulled me along and put her finger to her lips, motioning for my silence. We stepped up the bathroom door, and she pointed at the wood. I gave her a confused look, and she smiled coyly.

“Listen,” she whispered.

I looked at her for a moment, knowing she was up to something, and smiled, leaning slowly into the door. I pressed my face against it, glancing back to make sure the others weren’t paying attention to us. I let out a deep breath and listened. At first, I didn’t hear anything, just some slight movements and a muffled sound. However, as I listened closer, I could hear Amber on the other side, moaning into her hand. Immediately, my jaw dropped open, and I listened closer, making sure that I was hearing things correctly. Yep, that moan was unmistakable. Amber was in there, and those noises were most definitely coming from her. I would know. I used to be the one making her sound that way.

“Are they fucking? Now?”

Kristin smiled and nodded her head, giving me a knowing look. Immediately, I was turned on, but I also knew that she was not going to let this one go. This time, though, she was not going to embarrass Amber. She was going for something much more golden.

“I have a plan, one that you are going to thank me for later,” she said, smirking. “I need you to watch the door and make sure no one else comes in.”

“You think this is the right time?”

“It’s now or never,” she said, smiling and kissing me on the lips.

I nodded my head and turned, walking forward toward the living room. I looked back over my shoulder and watched as she slipped into the bathroom. I shook my head, thinking about my wife. She was so crazy sometimes, and it was one of the things that turned me on the most about her. I never knew what to expect, and even when I thought I did, she would come along and surprise me.

I stood there watching Jessica and Austin talk, not wanting to miss a moment of this. Fuck it. I turned back to the bathroom, keeping one eye on the living room and peeking through the crack in the bathroom door with my other eye. As much as I wanted to go in with them, I was going to trust my wife’s plan. I could see Kristin slowly walking toward the couple, so quiet that they hadn’t noticed at all that she was moving toward them. Amber’s eyes were closed, and from the way she was biting her lip, I could tell she was enjoying every inch of Matt’s cock. Kristin walked up, stopping directly behind Matt, out of Amber’s field of vision. She stepped back slightly and looked Matt up and down, watching his hips move slowly in and out of Amber. She had her hands on her hips as if she were observing them scientifically, but I knew she was planning out her next move.

She stood there for several moments, listening to Amber’s muffled moans and watching as Matt’s ass flexed and contracted with each thrust. Kristin’s breasts had perked, and her nipples were rock solid, showing through the thin, ribbed sweater she was wearing. Slowly, she lifted her hand up and placed it on Matt’s shoulder, finally making her move. I watched as Matt jerked in shock, his eyes flying open and his head turning to look behind him. He glanced back at Amber and paused, not yet saying a word to alert her to Kristin’s presence. It was clear that he didn’t know how to feel about her standing there.

“Do you need a hand?” Kristin asked.

I looked over at Amber as her eyes flew open and her arms instinctively covered her perfectly round breasts that she had just been massaging. Kristin rubbed her hand across Matt’s shoulder and turned to Amber, rubbing her hand across her cheek and shushing her. My wife smiled coyly, glancing over at my eyes peeking in through the doorway. She knew I was there, and she was going to give me a show.

“You don’t need to be shy with me,” Kristin said to Amber, leaning in close to her face.
