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“Okay, it’s my turn now,” Amber said. “Austin, I think it’s time you got in on some of this fun. You have been way too quiet. What do you say? Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” he said, leaning up in his chair.

“Really?” Jessica groaned and rolled her eyes. “You seriously need to step out of that red, white, and blue bubble and live a little. Become a more adventurous man, and do something crazy for a change. I promise there are no secret cameras here.”

“Truth,” Austin repeated, shaking his head.

“Alright, have you ever had a threesome before, with or without Jessica?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. “And you have to be honest because we all have been.”

“No,” Austin said, shaking his head. “Honestly, I have never had a threesome before. I don’t even think I have come even remotely close to having a threesome. One girl was always too much for me to handle, especially this fireball. I never wanted to add another to the mix.”

“Have you ever thought about it?” Amber was pushing him.

“I’ve already answered my question,” Austin said, frowning.

“I think the man does protest too much,” Kristin said, laughing.

“Jessica,” Austin said, shrugging his shoulders. “Truth or Dare?”

Chapter 21


It was really starting to irritate me that even after all the talking we had done, Austin was still refusing to take a chance. He was sticking to the safest route possible in every game and not opening up at all. I had a few drinks at that point and was feeling more than a little warm and really good. Fuck it. I might as well admit it to myself. I was also aroused as hell. Watching Jason doing those pushups had my juices rushing down between my thighs, and I could feel my mound pulsing, making it a little bit uncomfortable for me to sit still. I wanted to get laid, to get fucked really hard and really good, and not just by Austin, by the whole crew.

“Alright, let me see, Truth or Dare,” I replied, mulling over the decision in my head. “I choose Dare.”

I wanted to show Austin that having fun and being a little daring was not a bad thing. I was really hoping that he would push the envelope and ask me to do something a little crazy. I knew he had it in him. It was just getting it to come out that was the problem, especially with as uptight as he had to be all day, every day.

“I dare you to run outside into the storm, grab a handful of snow, and shove it down your pants,” he said, chuckling. “All the way. Not just down the front.”

I looked at him for several moments with a smirk on my face. He could tell that I was up to something, and I loved the concern that flooded him. I stood up and looked around at the others, deciding that it was now or never.

“I’ll do one even better,” I said.

I started taking off my clothes, pausing and smiling at Austin’s shocked look. I pulled my shirt over my head, tossed it to the side, and unhooked my bra, letting my firm tits bounce out. I slowly took my pants off, bending over and giving everyone a view as I stepped out of them. I tossed my panties in the pile and ran for the door, enjoying the appreciative glances I was getting from the rest of the group. Austin might be shocked, but I knew that he was secretly enjoying this. I stopped at the door and flung it open, racing out off the porch and into the snow before I could feel the cold hit me hard. I was really hoping that everyone was watching from the window when I threw myself back down into the frosty wonderland. I moved my arms up and down, creating a naked snow angel.

As soon as I stopped, the cold hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. I jumped up and screamed, running back into the house and closing the door. As I turned around, everyone erupted into applause and cheers. I ran over to the fire and huddled down next to the flames, smiling over at Kristin who was shaking her head in approval. Austin stood up and threw another log on the fire before looking down at me.

“Why did you feel the need to above and beyond?”

“Because I want to have fun,” I said, exasperated. “I want to live a little, get a little wild, make some memories that we will not be able to forget.”

“And catch pneumonia in the process,” Jason said, laughing, but quickly shutting up at the look on Austin’s face.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked back over to where we were sitting. He picked up my clothes and handed me the pile, sighing before turning and walking back to his seat. The fire had already warmed me, so I pulled on my panties but left the rest of my clothes off. I wanted to be more adventurous, really break out of the comfort zone that I had built for myself living in the suburban life that Austin and I had created. I knew that the whole idea of getting wild turned Austin on. I could see it in his eyes. At that point, all I had to do was convince him to give it a try, to loosen his metaphorical tie, and to let himself act on the fantasies that I knew were blowing through his mind, even if he wouldn’t admit it. It was now my turn, and since I was trying to get Austin out of his shell, I decided to just go all out and risk it. The worst that could happen was Austin got upset and stopped playing the game. At least, then I would know where he stood.

I knew right then and there that there was only one person that I could enlist to help me with this, and that was Kristin. She was all about breaking people out of their shells. I could tell she had been holding back with Austin out of respect for me, but now it was time for her to let it all go.

“Kristin,” I said coyly. “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” she said, predictably.

“Perfect,” I replied. “I dare you to kiss Austin, with tongue.”

Austin’s eyes widened, but he didn’t move as Kristin came forward. She moved close, her body prowling like she was a cat. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers, kissing him passionately. It was a long, slow kiss that was so hot that it left me breathless and panting by the time she pulled away from him. I knew she was exactly the girl to get Austin to open up. Kristin had always been an excellent kisser, and I was hoping it was going to have the effect on my husband that I was really hoping for. The good thing about trying to get my husband to be more adventurous was the fact that I had at least two really open people with me that could do a little convincing of their own.

When they finally broke apart, I could see Austin’s massive erection pressing against his pants. It was throbbing and pulsing, and I could tell that he really liked the taste of Kristin’s lips. Not that I blamed him. She was fucking smoking hot all the time. Good, now I just had to make Austin acknowledge the fact that he was finding Kristin and the whole situation completely desirable. I had to get him to say out loud that he wanted to go with this, that he was just as turned on as everyone else, instead of holding it all on the inside.
