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Chapter 30


The sun coming from the windows crossed over the floor and right across my face. I slowly opened my eyes, definitely feeling the repercussions of a night like the one before. I was sore in places I didn’t know you could be sore in. I looked around at the piles of naked people and shook my head, chuckling, realizing that I was the first one to wake up. The fire had died down, but it was still pretty hot in the cabin, so I left it alone. Slowly, I pulled my arm out from under Amber and my leg from under Jessica’s and crawled away from the entangled limbs before standing and finding my boxers. I pulled them on and made my way over to check on the storm through the windows. I could feel the Scotch and rum in my head, beating heavily against my temples. The light from outside was almost blinding, but that was probably because I spent the last twenty-four hours in the darkness of the cabin, with no more light than that of the fire in the fireplace.

I held myself up on the window sill and blinked rapidly, letting my eyes get used to the light. The snow had finally stopped, and although it was thick and deep around us, I was pretty sure that we would be able to get down the mountain on our skis. It was strange to look out the window and actually see the sun shining through the branches. There were birds flying around, and when I looked hard enough, I could actually see the blue of the sky. It looked like a beautiful scene from some Disney movie, if you cut out the fact that the seven dwarves inside the cabin were all naked and covered in sex and sweat.

I laughed to myself, picturing the girls singing as they went around the room cleaning up the liquor bottles and wiping down the furniture. It was definitely not a G-rated movie if that was the case. I reached my hands over my head and searched around until I found my long johns and socks. I put them on and took in a deep breath, looking at my beautiful wife curled up next to Kristin on the rug on the floor. I was actually feeling pretty sad that we were going to have to leave. The sex was freaking amazing, but the friendship and the closeness was even better. I had a feeling of contentment inside of me that I hadn’t ever had before. I had never had friends like these people before, and after this weekend, I finally fully felt like I was part of the fold. Leaving was necessary, but I really didn’t want to do it, and part of me hoped that another storm would blow in before we were able to leave.

Slightly deflated, I dragged myself into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for everyone. As I stirred the eggs in the frying pan, I felt Amber’s arms wrap around my waist. She pressed her face against my back and just stood there, breathing me in and feeling the warmth between us. She would do this almost every morning when she would wake up and find me cooking us breakfast in our kitchen. It was honestly one of the best parts of my days. It was just quiet, the two of us being together without any need for words or plans, or anything that we would be facing that day. After several moments, I turned around to face her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in tightly.

“Good morning, Mrs. Jameson,” I said.

“Good morning, Mr. Jameson,” she responded, looking up at me with love.

“I want you to know something,” I said. “I love you so deeply and completely. I am so glad that I had the chance to experience something like this without it doing any damage to our relationship. This was amazing, but you come first and foremost in my life. Our relationship and future are the most important things to me.”

“I love you too, baby,” she said, smiling. “And I want you to know something, too. I would never do anything to hurt you, not in a million years. I am so glad that you had fun. That was the whole point of this entire trip. I wanted us to have time with each other, to get away from our crazy life, and just be with each other. I have to admit I didn’t expect all of this, but I am so happy that it happened the way that it did. I have never felt closer to you than I do now.”

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Well, you know, I’ve had better,” she said, giggling. “No, I’m kidding. Yes, I enjoyed myself. It was absolutely amazing in every way possible.”

“Good,” I said. “Let’s finish making breakfast.”

We stood in the kitchen finishing up the eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast, serving the others as they gradually began to wake up. Slowly, people searched out their clothes that were spread all over the house and got dressed, bundling up as the fire dwindled down to ash. I did all the dishes, wiped all the counters down, and pulled out a piece of paper. I wrote a note to the owner of the cabin, apologizing for the break-in and explaining why we didn’t have any choice but to do so. I explained the ski trip and the storm that blew in, and how we would have died from exposure if we hadn’t gotten inside.

Afterward, I walked around to everyone, taking up a collection to cover the door and the alcohol, and we left a large wad of cash on the kitchen counter with the note. I knew that it was going to be strange for them to walk in and find a note from the people that broke in to their home, but there wasn’t much more I could do from there. I didn’t want to just leave it how it was without an explanation. I knew that once we got safely down the mountain, I would track down the owner of the cabin and let him know about the broken lock. Then I could make sure that enough money was left to cover the damages, and we could thank them profusely for having the place there because it really did save our lives. It actually did more than that, but that wasn’t something I could talk to a complete stranger about. At least, not yet.

I turned the light off to the kitchen and walked out in the main room to find everyone standing with their gathered things, ready to go. We were all decked out in our snow gear again, and the mood was ominous, none of us really wanting to let go of the amazing time we had in that cabin. We packed the rest of our things and headed out, slowly making our way down the mountain and back to the lodge.

We had one night left at the resort, and we all dispersed to our suites, excited to get into the hot showers and dethaw our bones from the trek down the mountain. We took our time getting ourselves together, especially since I wasn’t the only person feeling the aftermath of a night of crazy sex and way too much booze. It had definitely been something I would never forget. When we were all cleaned and dressed in new warm clothes, we ordered room service and all piled into Jessica and Austin’s executive suite. We all sat around talking about what had happened in the cabin, and luckily, everyone seemed to have an overall positive response to everything, even Austin.

“I had the time of my life,” Kristin said with a smile.

“It was definitely a new experience for me.” Austin chuckled. “One that I am really glad I decided to partake in.”

“Me too,” Jessica said, kissing Austin on the

cheek. “For me and for him.”

I sat back and smiled, watching everyone start discussing the next day’s events. Everything was as normal as I hoped it would be. There were no weird feelings or awkwardness to any of it and that was a really good thing. The next day, we were all scheduled to return home, and I couldn’t help but feel more than a little sad about it. These people had become family to me in a very short amount of time, but I knew I couldn’t live in a fantasy world forever. I had known all of these people since college, even Austin, though we didn’t spend a lot of time together. Still, until that weekend, I really didn’t feel like they were a huge part of my life. Now, I felt like I had turned them into great friends, people that all felt very close to one another in one form or another.

“You know guys, this does not have to be the only trip we have together,” Kristin said, looking around at us. “We can take more vacations just like this one, but maybe in a place with a little less snow and more sand. And hey, we still have tonight. This vacation is not technically over yet. It won’t officially be over until each one of us lands back in our hometowns and goes back to our normal, or not so normal for some of us, existence.”

“But we are back in reality,” Amber said with a pouty lip. She was damn good at that look.

“Okay, so let’s make it less of a reality,” Kristin said, smirking and walking over to the kitchen.

“And how do we do that?” Her eyebrow lifted and her pouty façade faded. Interest lit up her expression. I couldn’t help but smile at the two of them.

“How about a party in my suite?” Kristin turned around, holding a bottle of rum and smiling as she swung it back and forth.

Everyone groaned at the thought of another one of her concoctions and then laughed loudly, talking about how she was the glue that held us all together. Personally, looking around at everyone all clean and done up, my cock started to get hard. Just the thought of having another round with everyone was exciting and arousing at the same time. I wasn’t sure if I could quite do what I did the night before, but I could definitely go for another round of hot sex with the girls. I already couldn’t wait to get them out of their clothes.

Amber looked over at me and smiled, nodding her head yes in my direction. I mouthed the words, “Of course,” to her and laughed. I could see that the rest of the group was just as excited about the idea as I was. It was crazy how we all seemed to be on the same page all the time, at least, when it came to sex and spending time together. It was a shame that we didn’t all live closer, or this could be a regular occurrence for the six of us.

That weekend in the mountains of Utah had turned out to be one of the best weekends of my life. I sat there thinking about how I had never experienced a vacation that left me wanting more and not wanting to leave the people I met behind. I was blessed for sure, and yet, instead of being content, it left me wanting more adventure, more love, more everything.
