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“First of all, he broke up with you, let’s keep the facts straight,” she pointed out. “And there is one stipulation for us going on this trip.”

“Okay, now that you have pointed out the painful and obvious,” I replied. “What is this stipulation?”

“You get over Grant by sleeping with another man,” she said. “Something unexpected and wild. That is exactly what you need.”

“If it gets me a vacation in Aspen, they better line up.” I laughed.

In reality, I had zero interest in making any love matches, even if it were just for the night. I knew, however, that Hailey was not going to let it go unless I agreed, so I appeased her. I was also not looking to get in an argument over sleeping with a random stranger in the middle of the restaurant, so I knew just saying yes would handle all those issues. I would just simply go to Aspen and not sleep with anyone. I mean, what was she going to do? In the meantime, I was pretty excited, and my mind was already off Grant and my lonely spinster Christmas. This was the perfect opportunity for me to break out of my shell, do something crazy, and just have a good time. I mean, I would never see any of these people ever again, except Hailey, so what did I really have to lose?

My hopes were that I would go, get refreshed, get inspired, and come home with a whole new view on life, something that resembled being a happy, successful woman for once. I sat there thinking about the whole trip, smiling, knowing that I was about to get a break from the norm. I was about to turn this situation into a gold mine for my life.

Chapter 7


I stirred my drink, staring down at the bubbles that were surfacing. It had been a long day already, and it was only half over. I sat there at the bar, not wanting to move, just wanting to go climb into a hot shower and then collapse in my warm bed. But I wasn’t done yet, and that was weighing heavily on me. I didn’t know why, but I was not in the mood to deal with the normal resort people that day, and even the girl that was currently walking toward me was of no interest to me. I took in a deep breath as she approached, mustering my last bit of energy. She was going to want to talk, and I was not in the mood for talking.

“Hi,” she said happily, sitting down next to me. “I’m Amanda. I’ve seen you in here the last couple of days and thought I’d come talk.”

“Hello,” I replied, uninterested. “Cameron. I’m Cameron.”

“Nice to meet you, Cameron,” she said. “My friends and I saw you and your friend out teaching on the slopes yesterday. That is such an awesome job. I would love to do something like that.”

“Mm hmm,” I said, not paying her much attention. “It’s a pretty cool gig.”

I did not want to talk to this woman at all, but I was cornered. She was hot and everything, exactly the kind of girl I would approach when I was on the hunt, but at that moment, I was just trying to relax. It was my few minutes of alone time before being thrown back into another beginners’ class with a million giggling rich girls. Seeing there was really no way out of this, and not wanting to hurt the girl’s feelings, I turned toward her and listened to her talk about coming from New York, the snow, and all the other things I heard on a normal basis. As she spoke, I kind of tuned out enough to not hear every word she was saying. I picked up my drink and took a sip, glancing over at the main doors to the hotel as they opened.

My heart did something strange. It pretty much froze. In through the door came walking one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She had beautiful, long, brown hair that I could see tints of red in as she walked through the streams of sunlight in the lobby. Her eyes were strikingly beautiful and a light green. She looked excited but shy, walking across the marble floors with her friend leading the way. I was so taken aback from her, I didn’t even hear the girl in front of me asking me a question.

“Earth to Cameron.” She giggled. “Are you okay?”

“Huh?” I stood up and looked out into the lobby. “Um, yeah. I’m sorry. I have to go. It was nice meeting you, though. I hope you have a great time here.”

“Uh, okay,” she said, looking out where my attention was drawn. “Bye, then.”

I had to talk to this girl, this beautiful, brown-haired vixen that just walked straight into my life. I pulled a twenty out of my wallet and handed it to the bartender, telling him to keep the change. I gulped the last of my drink and then walked forward into the lobby. I looked around at the front desk but didn’t see the girl anywhere. The lobby was pretty much completely empty, everyone either in their rooms or out at the slopes. I walked toward the doors to the outside but stopped, hearing the bell on the elevator ding. I ran over, stopping as the elevator doors slid shut, my eyes grasping at the image of this girl standing in the elevator, talking to her friend. She didn’t see me, but I most definitely saw her. I hadn’t ever been completely enamored or knocked off my game by anyone like that before. I had to find out who she was.

Maybe I was crazy for chasing after this girl. Maybe it was exactly what I was trying to avoid,

but at that moment, I really didn’t care. I just wanted to meet her. I turned around and looked at the lobby, trying to figure out how I could find this girl. I started to walk over to the reception desk, ready to use my clout at the resort to get the information out of the woman behind the counter. If that didn’t work, I would resort to using my charm. Before I could get there, though, Glen stepped out of the lobby bathroom, drying off his hands. He tossed the paper towel in the trash can and walked over to me.

“Hey, man, I was looking for you,” he said. “They canceled the next class because the snow was getting too thick up there.”

“All right,” I said, staring off at the desk and around the lobby.

“Uh, you okay? I saw you talking to that cute girl at the bar.” He chuckled. “I figured you’d be deep in seduction right now.”

I stood there thinking, formulating, and not paying a damn bit of attention to Glen, or anyone else for that matter. I had never been that enamored by anyone, and I knew that was a sign. I had to talk to this girl. For all I knew, she could be a complete wacko, but it took a lot to knock me off my game, and she had done it in two seconds flat. For most guys, that would cause them to run in the other direction, but not me. For me, that was a challenge, a challenge I was more than ready to accept. I stood there, just staring at the front desk, with Glen talking, but me not hearing a word that he was saying. Her green eyes were burned into my memory, as was the generous and sensual curve of her lower back, and the way her breasts bounced naturally up and down as she pulled her suitcase along.

“Hello,” Glen said waving his hands in front of me. “Earth to Cameron. Come in,”


“Dude, what’s going on?”

“I seriously just saw a woman that stopped me in my tracks,” I said, shaking my head. “She was tall and curvy, with reddish brown hair, and her eyes, man, her eyes were this light green, almost like a cat. She was incredible looking, but by the time I got out here, she was going up the elevator, and I lost her.”

“Wow, she sounds incredible,” Glen said. “Though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this bent out of shape over a girl before. You sure you’re okay?”
