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We take a walk down to the brand-new bar on seventh Avenue and find a nice table next to the window. A friendly waiter brings us our drinks and it feels good to be a part of the L.A. crowd. I look out the window and see everyone getting home after a long working day and feel happy to know that I’m finally one of them… no longer an unemployed, needful young girl with no direction in life.

“Don’t you just love the idea of working at our own business rather than slaving away for someone else?” I say and take a satisfying sip of my gin and tonic.

“You can say that again! This is definitely a dream come true for me and I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming,” Stacy says and I can tell that she really means every word of it.

“Now, if only we can find ourselves two suitable men to keep us warm at night this will really be the perfect life,” I say with a naughty twinkle in my eye.

“Speak for yourself… I am currently dating two guys at the same time and if all goes well I might just have someone to keep me warm at night pretty soon,” Stacy chuckles.

“I’m impressed! You really are becoming a true L.A. girl and I suddenly feel like I’ve been left behind,” I say.

“Well, perhaps it’s time you stopped comparing every man who is interested in you to your late father… That way you might just actually end up dating someone for a change,” Stacy says.

“I know I do that comparison thing, but I don’t really have a problem with it. I mean, why can’t I find a guy who’s a real quality man just like my father used to be?” I say.

“You see, the thing is, I don’t think you’re looking for someone who’s necessarily the same quality of man that your father used to be… it’s more like you’re looking for a carbon copy of your dad!” Stacy says and her words make quite a deep impression on me. I’ve never really thought about it that way and wonder if she might have a point. I decide to tell her about Brad and his persistent efforts to try to get me to go out with him.

“I’m not entirely sure whether you’re right about that, but perhaps I should tell you that Brad has been calling me nonstop and he wants to take me for another ride on his Harley,” I say, slightly apprehensively. I’m not sure what Stacy will think of the fact that I have been talking to a guy who took part in a massive gang bang with me on the night of the Virgin Auction.

“Well, why don’t you just go out with him?” Stacy says, let tomorrow be the surprise.

“You mean you don’t think Brad is just after me for one thing?”

“Even if he is Jenny, do you really think it would be such a bad idea for you to have a man like Brad in your life?” Stacy says with irresistible logic, “it’s not as if you have someone else you’re seeing at the moment.”

I sit back and think about Stacy’s words for a moment. I know that she is right about the fact that I compare every single guy I meet to my father and perhaps the time has come for me to stop setting the bar that high. I know that no one is ever going to be the man my dad used to be and if I keep having such a high expectation I might just end up staying single for the rest of my life.

“I guess you might have a point there. I think I’ll give it some more thought and perhaps next time he phones me I won’t be quite so hard on him,” I say and change the conversation to another topic. Stacy and I spend another two hours or so at the bar and then we make our way to our separate apartments.

I take a long shower and then head for bed. I started thinking about Brad again and realize that it’s becoming quite a habit for me to fantasize about him before I go to sleep. It’s almost like I have some kind of split personality the way I push him away when he tries to come and see me at work and then I head home to have sexual fantasies of him before I go to sleep.

I reach for my drawer and remove my favorite dildo from its hiding place underneath my panties. I open my legs and put the rubber instrument of pleasure against my clit. Then I push the switch to turn it on and the quick vibrations immediately send shockwaves of delight through my entire body. I keep the dildo against my pussy with one hand and squeeze my breasts with the other… soon I am soaking wet and I proceed to push the vibrator all the way into my wet slit. I gasp with delight as it reaches down the very depths of me and move it around in circles to get the most out of its vibrations. It’s not long before I start building up to an incredible climax and when I finally find myself sliding down the slopes of orgasmic delight I arch my back and clench the vibrator tight between my pussy lips.

“Aah!” I moan loudly as my entire body shakes all over with incredible pleasure. When the waves of joy and delight finally subside I pull the vibrator out of my pussy and place it in the drawer next to my bed. I get the feeling that I might need it again tomorrow morning…

Chapter 10: Brad

The fact that she keeps rejecting me is making me more determined than ever to make her mine, or at least to get her to go out with me again.

I think back to a girl I used to know in school and how she always used to give me the cold shoulder. I was tempted to give up on her, but decided to give it one last try and one day, after school, I went over to her house and simply knocked on her front door until she finally got tired of the noise and opened up for me. I told her that I really liked her and that I believed we were right for each other. Just like that. My words seemed to stun her at first, but then it was as if she slowly started melting right in front of my very eyes. That girl ended up going out with me and the experience became a point of reference for me ever after, reminding me just how important it is not to give up on your dreams and not to let go of a girl if you really want her.

“My dearest Jenny, I’m not quite ready to let go of this thing just yet and I do believe I can make you change your mind,” I muttered to myself as I finished my breakfast, consisting of black coffee and some toast.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I’m going to need someone to help me figure this out. I start calling some of my buddies from the motorcycle club, but all of them are still away on the road trip and I know they never take their cell phones with them when they go out on the highway like that. I finally locate one of the guys at home, a jovial man by the name of Trevor Whitehead. Trevor is a happily married man and he often skips out on road trips to spend some time at home with his wife. He’s quite happy to take some time off to chat with me and we arrange to meet at a local restaurant for coffee.

“Hi buddy, what is it that you want to discuss with me,” Trevor says when we sit down at our table. He is about forty years of age, slightly overweight and balding; the kind of guy everyone wants to have as a friend. He’s always smiling and you can tell by the way he walks and talks that he is a really happy man.

“I would appreciate it if you can give me some advice… I’ve been trying to get close to this girl and she keeps pushing me away… I get the feeling that I need to find a different way of approaching her,” I say and look at Trevor expectantly. Being happily married, he didn’t take part in the orgy at the mansion with Jenny and my other friends, so he has no idea who the girl is that I’m talking about.

“Ah, girl troubles!” Trevor says and throws his head back with laughter, “I’m so glad I no longer have to deal with that kind of stuff”

“Are you serious? Don’t you ever miss the excitement of the chase and the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your veins when you set your sights on a new woman?” I ask curiously.

“Nope, I can honestly tell you that I never miss any of those things. My wife and I

are best friends and I wouldn’t trade my relationship with her for all the hussies in the world,” he says with great conviction.

“Okay, if you say so… I just find it hard to believe that a man can ever settle down with just one woman and be happy for the rest of his life,” I say.
