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Though we had missed our chance to have our seventh-floor romance since our lunches didn’t coincide, I still couldn’t get Jason off my mind. Maybe it was bad that my boyfriend’s office was right across the hall, but in all reality, I almost worked better knowing if I got everything done, I could send him messages and harass him throughout the day. I watched as he got up from his desk and began filing a bunch of paperwork that his secretary normally did. The flu was going around the office, and though I didn’t often catch stuff, my stomach wasn’t feeling too hot. I shook it off and went to grab a cup of coffee, exhaustion seeming to be taking over more in

the last couple of days than normal. It was probably all the time I had taken off. It had made me lazy. I poured the coffee in my cup and put sugar in it before walking back to my desk. As I entered through the doors, my phone rang. I set the coffee down and hurried around, pressing line two and answering.

“Hello, this is Miss Wells.”

“Tiffany, it’s Doctor Hartford,” he said seriously. “I wanted to call and see if you could come back in this afternoon. I want to take another blood test from you.”

“Is everything okay?” I sat down in my chair, slightly alarmed.

“Well, all your results came back, and they were correct. It doesn’t come as a surprise that you do have PCOS,” he said. “But we took a blood test because you indicated you’d had intercourse since your last period, and the results are a little confusing.”

“How so?”

“Well, we gave you a pregnancy test with that blood sample,” he replied. “And it came back positive.”

“Wait, what?”

“I know,” he chuckled. “It was a bit of a surprise for all of us.”

“I mean, that can’t be right,” I said shaking my head. “My last doctor told me it was impossible for me to get pregnant. Like, he literally said I had a better chance at winning the lottery.”

He chuckled. “Well, I’d like you to come by and give me another blood sample. Can you come in this afternoon?”

“Sure,” I said, glancing up at Jason who was staring down at his screen. “I’ll be over as soon as I can.”

I hung up the phone and sat in complete amazement for several minutes. Jason scrunched his brow in concern when he looked over across the office. There was no way I could be pregnant. We had just started sleeping together not that long ago, and my chances were slim to none. Specifically, none, at least according to my previous doctor. If I’d thought there was a possibility, we would have used condoms.

I felt like I was in a dream, and everything around me was moving in slow motion. The doctor had to have made some kind of mistake. All I needed to do was to go down and give them a blood sample, and they would see they had made a mistake. I stood up from my desk and walked out of the office, so much in a trance that I didn’t even see Jason standing in his doorway. I knocked on John’s door and entered as he signalled for me to come in, finishing his phone call. I stood there in a daze until he hung up and looked over at me.

“How can I help you, Tiffany?” He said looking at me concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, yeah,” I replied. “Just not feeling too hot. Would you mind if I left a little early? I just had my doctor call, and he needs me to come in and give another blood sample. I am not sure how long it will take, but if I can make it back in time before the day’s over, I will.”

“Sure,” he said, smiling. “Should we be worried about anything?”

“No,” I scoffed. “It’s just some routine stuff.”

“Okay, good,” he replied.

I walked out of his office and back to mine, my eyes still fixated off in the distance as if I could see everything changing in front of me. I pulled on my jacket and grabbed my purse, walking out and to the elevators before Jason even realized I was gone. I wanted to make one hundred percent sure the doctor was right before dropping that kind of information on him like that. I stared up at the numbers on the elevator as they dinged by until I had reached the lobby. I walked out of the building and grabbed a cab, giving them the address after sitting down and closing the door. My mind was racing, and I couldn’t even get my thoughts together before we reached the doctor’s office. I was walking around like I was some sort of zombie. What if I was pregnant? What would Jason do? What would he say?

I paid the cab driver and walked into the building, unbuttoning my jacket as I approached the front desk. I told them who I was, and they took me straight back to an exam room. The nurse came in and took my vitals, and then the doctor came in to talk to me. I had so many questions, but I didn’t even know where to start. He smiled at me, flopping my file on the desk and leaning back against the sink.

“So, does all of this mean I’m actually pregnant?”

“As far as it looks right now,” the doctor replied. “Yes, you are pregnant. We are going to take another blood sample and double check that the HCG levels are going up, and then, I can officially stamp it that you are indeed pregnant. You scared that sperm so bad that they made a baby before I could even recommend a treatment for you.”

“Ha,” I laughed. “This is crazy.”

I sat silently as the doctor took down some notes. He stood up and walked over to me, grasping my shoulder. I was quiet, and my face must have shown how stunned I was at the news. The doctor was smiling, though.

“Relax, and take a deep breath,” he said. “Remember, this is what you wanted. Congratulations. I’m going to send in the nurse to take that blood sample. We should have the results back in a day or two. As soon as we have confirmation, we’ll get you over to your regular doctor and start preparing you for this amazing journey.”

I nodded my head, words unable to make it out of my mouth. I sat there with my feet dangling from that same chair I had wanted to get out of so quickly just a couple days before. I looked up at the pictures on the walls, and they had a completely different feel to them. I could picture my face on the woman’s, Jason’s face on the man’s, and a beautiful little baby looking back at us. Immediately, fear followed, flooding my chest with dread. I was going to have to tell Jason we were going to have a baby. We had just started dating and hadn’t even told each other how we really felt about each other. Now, I was going to be telling him I was pregnant before I even told him I loved him. I knew this was what I wanted at the beginning, but my life had changed. I wasn’t in the circumstances I’d planned for a pregnancy. It just wasn’t time yet. This was so unexpected, and my mind was whirling around me. I ran my hands over my face and took in a deep breath, trying to get control of my emotions.

I looked up as the nurse walked in, carrying a syringe and a couple of tubes to put my blood in. I rolled up my sleeve and stuck out my arm, staring blankly at the picture on the wall as she tied the rubber band around my arm. I flexed my fist, trying to make enough pressure for her to get a good sample. She released the band after pushing the needle into my arm. Usually, I winced, but it was like my mind wouldn’t even let me react to the needle she stuck in my arm. I looked down as she filled the vials with blood and then removed the needle, putting a bandage in its place. She walked over and wrote down some things on my chart and stuck stickers to the vials. She turned back toward me, but I was too lost in my thoughts to even notice until I felt her warm hand against my skin.
