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We keep fucking, making love and doing beautiful things to each o

ther all night long and when the first rays of the morning sun shine through the sunroof above the indoor swimming pool I realize that we’ve actually made it through the night.

“We’ve been having sex all night long,” I say with a wicked grin, “if you want to we can go upstairs and take a nap in my bed now.”

Jenny looks at me for a second and then shakes her head, “No, just one more time and then we can go and rest,” she says and we end up having sex one last time in the Jacuzzi before finally toweling off and making our way upstairs to my bedroom.

We fall asleep in each other’s arms and wake up just before noon. We are both very tempted to start all over again and spend the rest of the day having sex, but Jenny tells me that she needs to get to the office and catch up on some work. I reluctantly agree to let her go and drive her off to the office on the back of my Harley. The security guard is in his place in front of Jenny’s Travels and I feel satisfied that Jenny will be safe and okay while she does her work.

I drive back home and Rawlins is waiting for me at the top of the stairs.

“I hope I’m not speaking out of my place Sir, but I just have to compliment you on the lady friend you had over for dinner last night… she truly is a welcome change from the other women you’ve had here in the past,” he says with just a hint of a smile around his mouth corners.

“Thank you for saying that Rawlins, I think you are right and I don’t know why it has taken me so long to find a woman like her. I think you should prepare yourself to see a lot more of Jenny in the future!”

“That sounds wonderful to me sir and I can assure you that I will always make sure she feels like a queen when she visits you here,” Rawlins says and holds the door open for me. I go inside and make myself a large pot of coffee. It’s after noon already, but I still feel like I need to get some caffeine in my system just to regain my strength after the incredible night I spent at my place with Jenny.

I go and sit in the lounge and allow my mind to wonder over the past couple of weeks. I feel really happy about the place I’m at with Jenny and I find myself thinking back to my conversation with Trevor, the happily married biker who told me that everything would change once I found the right girl. I now realize that he was one hundred percent correct and I know that Jenny is the right girl for me. I don’t need to ever see another woman for the rest of my life.

I think about the incident at Jenny’s office where someone walked in and claimed to be one of my biker friends before insulting Jenny and upsetting her so badly that she ended up leaving LA for two weeks. I still don’t know exactly what to make of the whole thing and, even though I have a lot of respect for all of the guys in my motorcycle club, I know that there is a distinct possibility that one of them is the devil in disguise. With a girl as beautiful as Jenny there is always the possibility of someone forming an obsession about her and I make a firm mental note to stay vigilant and keep a careful lookout for any signs of trouble. I finish my coffee and then decide to go and drive past Jenny’s office, just to make sure some person with bad intentions isn’t lurking outside. I have great confidence in the security guard who is guarding the front entrance of Jenny’s Travels, but I decide that it can’t hurt to also do my part to make sure Jenny is safe at work.

I stop two blocks away from the place where Jenny’s magazine is located and walk the rest of the way over there, making sure that I stay on the opposite end of the street so a possible stalker would not see me. Everything looks fine to me and the security guard is at his post, so I find myself gradually relaxing as I take in the entire scene in front of me. When I’m one hundred percent certain that everything is in order, I walk over to my bike and drive back to my own place.

It feels as if the whole world is on my side and I know I’ve never been this happy before in my entire life. The sun is shining and the weather is beautiful. I have a song in my heart and a lightness in my spirit.

I decide to go and spend some time practicing new songs on my guitar. I’m already planning the next evening with Jenny at my place and decide that I will give her a little bit of a private show by playing guitar and singing to her while Rawlins serves us cocktails.

My entire focus has shifted and, even though I’m still the badass leader of an LA motorcycle club, there is now a brand-new dimension of caring and emotional depth in my life which was never there before I met Jenny.

Chapter 17: Jenny

I know that I’ve never been so happy in my life and the fact that it’s all because of a man is the greatest surprise of it all. Even though I would never have expected it, Brad turns out to be the most romantic person I have ever known in my life and he treats me like a real lady. The original way we met has now long been forgotten and we have started a brand-new relationship, almost from scratch.

Stacy is, perhaps, the happiest of the two of us about the fact that I finally met the man of my dreams and I often tease her that she will be next. I’m not entirely sure whether she even has a boyfriend, although she assures me that she’s not lonely.

The magazine is doing really well and Stacy and I hear of a competition for local online magazines in California and decide to submit our entry. The idea of the competition is to identify the magazine that best represents the area and its tourist attractions.

“I think we should enter one of the articles you wrote about the restaurants in San Marino for the competition,” Stacy says and I find myself in perfect agreement with her. The work I did in San Marino were some of my best culinary articles and I get the feeling that we have the chance of doing really well in the competition with it. Stacy and I decide on one particular article, the one I wrote about the hidden little sushi restaurant which Brad showed me, and we send it off to the judges.

I soon forget about the ugly incident we had at the office when the biker showed up and insulted me. The security guard is really trustworthy and, on top of that, Brad shows up at random intervals to come in and check on me while I’m at work. Not only does this deter any would be stalkers, it also makes me feel very special and we often sit around in the boardroom having coffee and laughing. Stacy joins us and she keeps telling us that we make the most beautiful couple she’s ever seen in her life.

Because of the growth of the magazine, I soon have to hire new photographers and bloggers to help me write new articles. Stacy and I even start discussing the possibility of getting correspondents overseas to do some write-ups about foreign restaurants and I get the feeling that this magazine is soon going to burst out of its seams, the way it is growing. One day, Stacy and I sit in the boardroom and we discuss the general direction we want to take with the business.

“I never imagined that this magazine would grow to the point where we start thinking about branching out internationally… do you think this is the way we should be looking for the future?” I ask.

“I have to be perfectly honest with you that I never imagined it either, but if that’s the way things are naturally progressing I think we should just go with it,” Stacy says.

“The reason why I think it’s important that we discussed all of this is the fact that a much larger organization, especially an international one, will demand a far greater number of staff and a lot of additional logistical considerations. Are you ready for that?”

“I guess you’re right… I never thought about it that way, but I must say I enjoy having so many other people around here working with us. It really makes it feel like a happy workplace… almost something like a festive group of journalists or something!”

“I think what we should do is wait for the outcome of this competition and then we will really be able to judge the quality of our magazine. If we do well in the competition, I will have far more confidence in branching out internationally,” I say and Stacy nods her head.

“I think that’s a great way of looking at it. At this point we can’t really tell exactly how we stack up against the competition and if we don’t really shine in the competition then we will know we need to r

atchet up our quality… On the other hand, if we do really well, then sky’s the limit and then I think we should just continue branching out and exploring all possibilities for expansion.”

The next couple of weeks are really crazy and we work very hard on our next issue. Stacy gets a lot of new advertisers and everyone pulls their weight with the articles, so that we end up with almost twice the output we achieved for the previous issue. Even Brad gets in on the action and makes some suggestions about the layout of the magazine. It turns out he has quite an eye for that kind of thing and I find myself surprised, once again, at ease artistic talents. He often plays me songs on his guitar and he has promised to have a special evening at his house one night where he will entertain me with a full show of guitar music. I really look forward to it and keep telling him that he should take his music much more seriously. I get the feeling that he can be really good and I know that he needs something like that in his life to really excite him. He has lots of people taking care of the international chain of hotels he inherited from his dad and I get the feeling that music can become something he ends up doing professionally.
