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“Six hundred thousand dollars! Do I hear anyone saying six hundred and fifty thousand? Six hundred and fifty thousand for an evening with this beautiful, buxom brunette!” the auctioneer shouts and Stacy can hear a

murmur going around the room as all the men whisper to each other.

“Six hundred thousand dollars! Going once… going twice…” The auctioneer hesitates for just a moment and then Stacy sees the biker turning towards her again and slowly raising his arm up in the air. The auctioneer realizes that he still needs to give the man an opportunity for a last ditch effort to improve on the bid of six hundred thousand dollars, so he waits for just a second.

“One million dollars!” the biker shouts out and the room goes absolutely silent. You can hear a pin drop and Stacy finds herself wondering if the guy has just made a joke… or perhaps a mistake. But the biker punches the air with his first and shouts it out again, “One million dollars for that girl!”

The applause that breaks out right after that is even louder than anything Stacy has heard so far during the evening and she jumps up and down with delight as she realizes that the seemingly impossible is actually true. The group of bikers have just offered One Million Dollars for her virginity and a moment later she hears the auctioneer shouting out above the ruckus.

“One Million Dollars going once, going twice… sold for One Million Dollars to the gentleman there!”

Stacy walks off the stage in a daze of excited bewilderment and she soon sees the group of bikers walking over in her direction. She doesn’t wait for them and starts walking towards the group to meet all of the testosterone filled bikers for an evening of unadulterated sexual fun and excitement.

Stacy’s heart beats wildly in her chest and she can’t wait to see if the rest of this Virgin Auction will work out just as well for her as it worked out for her best friend.

***End of Main Story***

For your reading pleasure, I have also included an exclusive NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED Story – “No Secrets Anymore” which follows on the next page. Go ahead and enjoy!

No Secrets Anymore – An Exclusive Never Before Published Romance


Sahara Daniels has never gotten much out of life. She has always found herself trapped in a one-horse town, wanting to break free but not knowing how. Discouraged constantly by her parents and those around her, to look for a better life, the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in her town feels as though she is ensnared in a cage of gold. While she wants for nothing material, she is hidden from the world and shunned from those in the town because her wealth makes her an outcast.

Sahara simply wants more out of life but lacks the experience to know exactly what she is looking for.

Anthony Shields is a businessman with billions to burn and a list of clients to keep off his late father’s ledger. Yet, while Anthony sees potential in his father’s business and has obviously been able to reap the rewards, something about his father’s success simply isn’t clicking as Anthony hopes having a face to face with one of his father’s biggest clients is the best way to gain the respect of those who now work for him.

However, what he finds when he arrives is not at all what he is expecting. In addition to his father’s unruly client, Anthony also finds Sahara, a woman who intrigues him more than he would like to admit.

With the couple be able to break through the boundaries the other has set, to find love, or will old money and business relations keep them from happiness; not only with one another but also as a result of figuring out the secrets that they have yet to admit even to themselves?

Chapter 1

A sensual scent filled the air that surrounded us as our breath intertwined salaciously.

The feel of his lips, softly dancing across my skin set it ablaze with passion.

Neither one of us cared that we were in a garden, surrounded by nothing but nature, inhibited by nothing but our own imagination.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he rocked me back and forth; his strong embrace releasing me from all my fears.

I groaned as his lips graced my throat and his tongue teased my sensitive skin, which grew warm with raging passion. The rumble of his salacious chuckle erupted against my throat, echoing down to awaken my womanly desires.

Tilting myself back, I slid my fingers down his chest. Even atop the dress shirt he was wearing, I could feel his rippling muscles dance under my fingertips.

Feeling him pulse against me, I pulled away, instantly in need of him.

I wanted him inside of me, before we were caught and before I lost my nerve.

After all, this level of rebellion was not something I was accustomed too.

Yet, everything about Anthony Shields made me feel something I was not accustomed to, so it made sense that I wanted to revel in his essence as intimately as possible...

Growing up, I had always looked forward to turning eighteen. It was supposed to be a rite of passage; a turning point in your life where a person was finally able to make their own choices.

After all, it was the designated age for adulthood and so things were supposed to change.
