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“At this hour, I should think so,” my mother insisted as I heard her shuffle toward the staircase. “Sahara, you have a visitor.”

“Thanks, Momma,” I called back to her, trying to hide my excitement at getting to see Anthony again so soon, “I’ll be right down.”

“Good morning,” I insisted as I slid out the front door, past my mother’s glare of disapproval, shutting the door behind me. “Sorry about my momma. She can be grumpy before she’s completed her morning routine,” I chuckled.

“I am so sorry if I’m here too early,” Anthony insisted, for once sounding as though consideration had actually caused him to rethink his decision. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to breakfast with me. I forget that people might not get up as early as I do.”

“No, it’s okay. Really, we were all awake. I’m not sure what my mom’s deal is. I thinks she’s mad I got in late last night.”

Although he didn’t say anything, I could tell there was a sense of concern in his gaze.

I shrugged, “I just didn’t feel like going home yesterday. I needed to think and being with my parents isn’t easy with a clear mind.”

“I definitely understand that.”

“Hey, look, I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“Sahara, I get it,” he replied, catching my gaze, and staring into my eyes intently, “I know that there is a lot going on for you lately and I guess you’re a little lost but it’s okay,” he grinned with confidence, “You’ll figure it all out.”


“I just can’t believe your mom was that upset over you getting home late…” He answered, seeming to be genuinely perplexed.

“I’ve been getting home late a lot,” I replied, heavy with insinuation, trying to change the mood of the conversation to something more enjoyable, “Last night was just one of many…”

“Well, I can’t apologize for that,” Anthony admitted as an evil grin slid across his face while a flicker of insinuation rose up in his eye.

“I don’t want you too,” I answered immediately, responding to his alluding facial expression with an encouraging gaze of my own.

“Well, I definitely can’t promise you that it won’t happen again,” he replied, encouraged by my response.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” I teased as we started down the stairs, toward his sports car, idling in the driveway. “So, where do you want to go for breakfast?”

“Honestly, I was hoping you could be my tour guide, since I’ve only ventured to the complimentary breakfast at the hotel.”

“Well, the town isn’t big…”

“So, the tour won’t take all day,” he beamed as a destination immediately came to mind.

“Although, I think I know just the place,” I replied as Anthony opened the door for me.

Chapter 7

I directed Anthony to a little family-owned diner in the center of the town that had the best southern breakfast I’d ever had; my momma was more of a dinner chef and even she admitted that her grits and gravy couldn’t compare to the succulent dishes prepared at this restaurant.

“So,” I asked as my curiosity got the best of me after we were shown to a private booth in the midst of the busy diner, “Not that I’m in any way complaining but, what’s with the early-morning wakeup call?”

“I thought a lot about our conversation yesterday as well and finally came to the conclusion that, it was no wonder you thought we were just having a fling,” he grinned, “I never took you on a proper date.”

“Is that what this is?” I teased, “Well, in that case, I think I can show you around the town enough to satisfy your debt.”

“Debt? Are you kidding? I love spending time with you,” he insisted as his gaze settled on her with amorous intent. The intensity of his expression made me slightly uncomfortable but in a daring, exciting way. It was as though his expression was daring me to come out of my element and do something I had never done before. It was a look of admiration that I wasn’t certain I deserved but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

“Thanks,” I answered, unsure of another response, or if the response I was giving him was even worthy of his comment.

Staring into his eyes, a juxtaposition of intense emotions consumed me. I felt lost but content. I felt nervous but protected. I wanted to turn away but didn’t want to break our current connection.

Eventually, the waitress came to take our order, which inevitably shattered the intensity of the moment but once it was gone, I feared never being able to get it back.
