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The day was warm, but my nerves made me feel cold and empty. It had only been a few days since the argument with my parents but in that time, it felt like so much had changed.

I was happy, consistently.

Even though Anthony and I had yet to leave the town where I grew up, my life had become one of adventure. Everywhere Anthony and I went seemed new and exciting. I wanted to be with him but part of the reason I enjoyed it so much was because I could finally be myself. I never felt like I was being judged or made to feel inferior.

In fact, Anthony stayed true to his word and allowed me full access to his company’s books. I had spent a few hours in the morning and in the evening going through and organizing everything. I enjoyed working with the books and we both felt I was making progress. It was nice to be able to enjoy his company and feel as though he wasn’t nervous about me knowing something he didn’t. Anthony was thankful for my help and I appreciated it.

However, since we had made our plans, I had dreaded this day. I knew it was coming and now that it was here, all I wanted to do was get it over with.

“Everything is going to be okay,” Anthony assured me as we walked up to the door of my parent’s house.

The gate was closed again and even though we had called and told them to expect us, so we figured, while climbing the fence that they were still angry.

Let them be angry. I told myself. You are making yourself happy and that’s all you can do.

My insides quaked as I heard commotion behind the door a moment after Anthony knocked.

“Maybe they won’t answer it,” I hissed, “Or maybe it’s not too late to just leave a note.”

“No,” Anthony insisted. “You need closure. Remember, you’re not running away. You’re living your own life. You’re donning what you want to do. That’s it, so don’t act like a fugitive. Show them that you are a strong, independent woman who knows what she wants.”

Before I could respond, the door opened, and my father’s scowling face glared back at us.

“Have you come to bring her back?” My father snarled with a sinister sense of humor lining his tone.

Instantly, I felt Anthony tense with fury, but I spoke before he had a chance to defend me.

“No,” I replied, “We’re here to close the deal you had with Anthony’s father.”

Again, my father chocked a cold, sinister laugh as his attention slid over to Anthony, “Oh, I see. You didn’t have the balls to do this yourself, so you’re getting my half-whit daughter to do it for you. That’s real manly.”

“Dad, that’s enough!” I screamed, this time causing my father to back up slightly with surprise.

“Excuse me?” He demanded.

“I said, that’s enough. I am not going to let you belittle me like this and I am certainly not going to let you treat Anthony like that.”

“You’re going to to take this man’s side, over your own parents? God, the fuck must be good.”

“Shut up!” I screamed, too angry to realize that the fear I presently had of my father had dissipated, leaving only repressed aggression. “Just because you have money doesn’t mean you can do and say whatever you want. I am a grown woman and I am happy with Anthony. You’re welcome to be a part of my life but I don’t need you in it, especially if you’re going to continue to underestimate me. Just because we’re related by blood certainly doesn’t make us family.”

“Fine, but you remember that when you’re in the middle of some city, hooked on drugs and dying in a sewer because being just another slut didn’t get you anywhere. Don’t call me,” he insisted as his face turned red from outrage.

I felt Anthony next to me, lunge out as though he was going to attack my father, but I grabbed his arm and held him back.

“Oh, so you’re a tough guy now, huh? You want to fight me?”

Anthony drew in a long breath and let it out slowly before answering, “No. I don’t. You’re not worth fighting but your daughter, she’s worth everything. If you weren’t so wrapped up in yourself, you’d see that. It doesn’t matter though because you never have to see me again. I hope you come to your senses about your daughter, but I’ve come to tell you that the deal is off. Never contact me again.”

“And unless you want to make an effort at actually being a father, don’t call me either,” I answered, turning my back on him as Anthony followed suit.

For once, it appeared my father was at a loss for words. As we returned to the car and drove off, toward the airport to get the hell out of this town, he didn’t say a word.

I was excited to start my life, the way I wanted to live it, so I didn’t care one way or the other. I had the man I love by my side and a world of possibilities before me.

Regardless of the outcome, I had already achieved my happily ever after; so, whatever came next was simply an adventure!

***Well, the party doesn’t stop here. Turn ahead to read my 6 Full length Best Seller Novels. The 1st once is called “The Perfect Gift” which has sold more than 25,000 copies!!!***
