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“On three!” I say and count to three. We both put the snails in our mouths and, to my shock and surprise, it’s absolutely delicious! It has a buttery, garlicky taste and it simply melts away on my tongue like some kind of heavenly angel’s food.

“Hmmm, this is absolutely gorgeous,” Stacy says and closes her eyes as she puts another snail in her mouth. We sit there and enjoy our starters, washing it down with copious amounts of expensive French champagne. It feels really good to have money to spoil ourselves for a change and I find myself thinking back to all those evenings when Stacy and I used to sit in her apartment, eating two-minute noodles and drinking Kool-Aid because we didn’t have money for anything better.

“You know me and I’ve never been a snob, but after tasting this I can totally understand why people spend thousands of dollars for dinner at these restaurants,” Stacy says and I am in perfect agreement with her. The good life tastes really great and I know that I never want to be poor again… ever.

“Are you ready to order your entrées?” the friendly French waiter asks and I and shake my head, almost violently.

“No! We plan on staying here all night and it’s way too soon for us to have the main course,” I say and the waiter nods his head.

“What I’d really like to try is an oyster or two… If you don’t mind?” Stacy says and looks at me, almost feeding.

“Tonight, Stacy my dear, you can have all the oysters in this restaurant if that is your heart’s desire,” I say and the waiter inclines his head slightly before disappearing to go and fetch us each a couple of oysters.

“I almost feel like I’d like to try each and every single thing on the menu,” Stacy says with a grin and I totally agree with her. We end up trying to more starters; one which consists of fried mushrooms with pepper and cream and another one which is basically some kind of raw meat mixed with spicy herbs. It all tastes like heaven and I find myself wondering if I’ll ever have any room left for the main course after all of this. Stacy and I each have some more of the champagne and when I look at the bottle I realize that it’s nearly empty. I quickly order us another bottle of the same heavenly liquid and it’s not long before Stacy and I are slightly pissed.

“I propose a toast to the Virginia auction!” I say excitedly and Stacy laughs out loud.

“Don’t you mean the virgin auction?” she laughs.

“Yes… whatever, I propose a toast to it” I say and drain my glass.

“Now that your tongue is well oiled, dear girlfriend, I want you to tell me each and every juicy little detail of the unspeakable things you and those eleven bikers did to one another up in the bedroom at the mansion last night,” Stacy says and leans forward with great expectation.

I proceed to tell her everything we did and I leave out absolutely nothing. Stacy listens with bated breath and I can tell that she’s getting hot as I tell her how I sucked off all the bikers and allowed them to shoot their come all over my naked body. When I tell her how they each took turns fucking me while I was handcuffed to the bed railing, it looks as if she’s close to experiencing an orgasm of her own.

“Okay stop… you’re getting me so hot that I’m going to slide right off this chair if you carry on any further,” Stacy says after about half an hour and I sit back in my chair with great satisfaction.

“Great! My job here is done and I hope that I have now got you so horny that you won’t be able to concentrate for the rest of the evening.”

“I wouldn’t say that I was in much of a condition to keep my concentration before you started… but whatever, I now feel like I can focus even less accurationateley,” Stacy giggles and also drains her glass of champagne.

“What the hell does accurationateley mean?” I ask and also start giggling.

“It’s not my fault you didn’t pay attention in English class… go look it up!” Stacy says in her best headmaster’s voice and we both laugh so hard that everyone in the restaurant stops eating to look at us. By this time Stacy and I are giggling at absolutely everything and we don’t even care that we are causing a commotion. All of the champagne has made me hungry and I finally feel like I’m ready for the main course.

“I think I’ll be having the lobster,” I say when the waiter c

omes around again to ask us what we would like to order.

“And me!” Stacy says, drunkenly. The waiter soon returns with two delicious looking plates of food with massive lobsters on top of beds of rice and vegetables. It takes us a while to figure out exactly how to eat the lobsters, but once we manage to get the meat out of the shells we both smack our lips as we taste just how delicious it is.

“I can really get used to this lifestyle,” Stacy says for the umpteenth time and I just nod my head. When we’re done with the lobster I can tell that Stacy is just as full as I am and I don’t think I have place for one more bite. We get the bill and, unlike so many other times when I’ve paid with my credit card in the past, this time I have no fear that the payment won’t go through. I add a handsome tip for our friendly waiter and he offers to call us a cab. We gladly accept his offer and have two cups of delicious coffee just to sober us up a little bit before we go home.

It’s not long before the waiter walks over to tell us that our cab has arrived and we stumble out of the restaurant, still laughing and giggling. We sing all the way over to Stacy’s apartment and somehow make it up the stairs and get inside without causing ourselves serious injury after the cabdriver drops us off.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to sleep on my couch again!” Stacy says as I flop down on the couch in her apartment.

“Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much when you’re drunk?” I say and pull the blanket over me as I make myself comfortable. It’s not long before I fall asleep and Stacy snuggles up on the other end of the couch with me, just like she’d done earlier that morning. We sleep until late the next morning and when we finally get up I can tell that Stacy has just as bad a hangover as I do.

“Good grief… It feels as if someone is banging on my head with a hammer or something,” Stacy says and I know exactly what she means. I have a throbbing headache and we both stumble over to the kitchen to have some black coffee and aspirin. After while I start feeling slightly better and Stacy and I go and sit in the lounge, just to talk.

“What exactly are your plans now?” Stacy asks, “I guess you no longer have to go and grovel in front of fat old men for a job?”

“Nope, that part of my life is over… I’m definitely going to start something of my own and I’ve kind of been thinking that I’d like to open up my own magazine. Would you be interested in coming on board?”

“Interested?! I’d absolutely love it!” Stacy says and I suddenly feel very excited, despite the fact that my head still hurts. We talk about it some more and decide that there’s no point in allowing any grass to grow under our feet. We make plans to go and look for office space that very same day and it’s not long before we start thinking about various possible names for the magazine.

“What about Jenny’s travels?” Stacy suggests and I immediately like the name.
