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“Come on, Jess,” I said. “You know how high-profile my career is.”

“Oh, come on,” she scoffed. “You are way too prim and proper. No one would have found out about it. It wasn’t like I was giving you a hand job at the United Nations.”

“I love you.” I sighed, not wanting to have this fight again. “Let’s just get some sleep.”

She nodded and turned over, and I followed along, wrapping my arms around her waist. Maybe there was something about all of these people being around us. Maybe, just maybe, they had something to do with how free our sex just was. Either way, I knew that I had to keep it secret, protecting my job and my relationship.

Chapter 5


“Come on, crew,” I said, waving my arm and sliding toward the lifts. “

This is freaking amazing.”

I hopped onto the lift next to Amber and looked back to make sure the others were following. We had decided on a slope that was pretty far off the beaten path, wanting some privacy and to get away from the crowds that flocked the normal ski resorts. This one seemed a little sketchy, but the slopes were long and well-groomed. I was more than excited to get to the top and get some skiing done. I had waited a long time for this. Being out in nature had always made my energy spike, bringing life to my normal robotic movements in society. We were always so busy with life that Jason and I forgot there was an entire other world out there ready to explore, and I, for one, was not going to let this vacation go by in a haze of hotel suites and fancy restaurants. I was already scoping out the secluded spots along the way so that I could pull Jason off to the side and suck his cock.

There was something about being out in the fresh air and wide-open spaces that made me incredibly horny. I was pretty sure that it was the feeling of freedom, like the restraints of what was acceptable were torn off and I was free to do whatever I wanted. At the same time, it could just be the fact that my blood was flowing all over my body, and I was one of those girls that liked the adrenaline that ran through me doing things that might not be acceptable to everyone else. There had been several times when Jason and I were younger that we had fucked in public spaces, and I loved it.

The wind hit my face and raced through my hood and down the back of my neck. I laughed and shivered at the same time, feeling my entire body temperature change in an instant. I scooted closer to Amber and snuggled close to her, watching as she gazed out over the mountain and up at the sky. She didn’t seem to mind my closeness today, which meant I was getting closer to my end goal of doing this, but without any clothes to get in the way.

“It looks like the clouds are rolling in,” Amber said with a bit of alarm in the tone of her voice. “We should absolutely keep an eye on that. I’ve heard that the weather can be temperamental out here, with people getting hit by snow storms without any warning at all.”

“Relax.” I smiled, looking up at her. “We are going to be just fine. Besides, if anything happens, we have each other to keep warm. You know what they say about naked bodies being the best tool to keep away the cold.”

“You are too much.” She laughed.

We hopped off of the lift at the top and waited for the others to make their way over. Everyone looked excited to tackle the slope, and I was excited to reach halfway down and grab my husband for a little play time.

“We should take the main slope first,” Jason said. “That way we can judge the snow and see if we want to take the other routes.”

“Agreed,” Matt said, shaking his head with the others.

“I want to be challenged,” I said, looking over at the more advanced slope.

“May I remind you that you just got off the bunny slope on our last trip?” Amber asked, laughing. “Maybe you should take one step at a time.”

“Meh, I’ll be fine.” I laughed. “I’ve watched that old Goofy cartoon on how to ski.”

“Great,” Amber said, rolling her eyes.

As we talked, the sky began to grow suddenly darker, and the wind whipped around us. We all stopped and looked around, realizing that it seemed to be getting darker pretty fast. I shook slightly from the chill on my cheeks and looked over at Austin.

“The temperature is starting to drop,” he said. “It looks like a storm is coming in. I’m thinking that we might be out of luck for this outing. We should probably find the shortest route back to the bottom and get back to the lodge. If it clears up in a little while, we can just come back out and enjoy it.”

“You, sir, are a worry wort,” I said, smiling. “I’m sure this will pass as quickly as it blew in.”

“Hey,” Jason said, slapping me on the ass. “I don’t know about that. I think that Austin may be right. We should get down the hill and take cover for a while.”

Just as the words came out of his mouth, the snow started to fall. It was heavy, wet, and starting to become a bit uncomfortable. I grabbed onto Jason’s hand, a little frightened and a little excited at the same time. Austin waved his hand to the left to a steep slope that would get us down the fastest. One by one, we started down the mountain, but as we got farther down, the snow started to fall faster, and the wind was blowing so hard that it was damn near a complete white-out. I looked up as Austin swooped around and motioned for everyone to stop on the side.

“We can’t keep going down the slope if we can’t see,” he yelled as we bunched together closely, trying to see and hear what was going on over the sheering wind.

“Hey, let’s all huddle under that big pine over there and see if we can wait out the storm,” Jason yelled, pointing over into the wooden area.

We made our way off of the trail and skied over to the biggest tree that we could find. I huddled close to Jason as he pulled his arms around me and buried his face in my hat. The wind was blowing so hard it felt like I wasn’t wearing a jacket at all. Jessica tapped us on the shoulders and waved her arms.

“We can’t stay here for long,” she shouted. “This is dangerous. Someone is going to get frostbite or hypothermia.”
