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“It’s cold out here,” she said, shivering. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t care,” I said, pulling her over to the corner of the porch.

I looked over to make sure that we were out of the view of the windows, not caring about privacy, but not wanting to freak Austin out too much. I knew he was next on Kristin’s list, so I wanted to make sure she had ample opportunity. I turned Kristin around and pushed her hard against the side of the house, catching a smirk on her face. I yanked her pants down around her ankles and lifted her coat, thrusting deep and hard inside of her. She was already soaking wet, which wasn’t a surprise at all. I put my hands up on each side of her head, pushed her thighs apart, and started to fuck her furiously, so aroused by what I just witnessed that there was no stopping me. I fucked the hell out of her, with the wind and snow falling around us, thinking about the juices flowing out of Amber and the taste of her on my lips mixed with my own wife’s.

Chapter 9


Even after the Scotch, the laughter, the stories, and the realization that we weren’t going anywhere, Austin was still acting like a complete asshole. His attitude was so bad that I hadn’t even noticed that all four of my friends had disappeared. I watched Austin messing with his phone, trying to get some kind of signal like his life depended on it. He didn’t even look at me. He just sat there muttering about how he was missing an important email, even though he had promised that he wouldn’t be working while we were on vacation. This was exactly why I had brought him there in the first place, so that we could have some time away from all of the technology and distraction. I sat listening and waiting for quite a while, letting my irritation and anger fester up inside of me, trying not to cause a scene in front of everyone. I knew that Austin was different from the rest of us—I had known that from the beginning—but until that point, it was part of his charm. When I had enough, I stood up, snatched his phone from him, and flung it across the room, watching it hit the wall and fall into the corner.

“What the fuck, Jessica?” he yelled. “Why in the world would you do that? You know that I have very important people relying on me for things that go beyond just silly little business deals. I am in charge of orchestrating international government contracts with countries that we waver between war and peace with. That phone gives me the capability of not pissing off an international super power.”

“I can’t freaking stand it,” I said with a pouting face. “I can’t stand how you are always working, always checking your phone, never fully present when you are with me. I knew your job was stressful from the beginning, but that doesn’t mean I accept being second to your email, text, video messages, and work calls. I am your wife, and I am only trying to help you.”

“By making it impossible for me to do my job?”

“No,” I said, standing up. “By forcing you to relax on this vacation, even if it is the last damn thing that I do. I love you more than anything, Austin. You know this. Part of my job as your wife is seeing when you need an intervention and being the one to step in and force that intervention.”

I looked down at him, feeling bad for yelling at him and not being more understanding of everything in his life that was so stressful. I bent down and wrapped my arms tightly around him, wanting to make things right. I loved him, I wanted him, and I needed him.

“I miss you,” I whispered into his ear.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes, sadness inside of them. I knew that he never wanted to make me feel that way or make me feel like I had to do something that drastic to get his attention. We really needed to start listening to each other and really hearing, not just nodding and saying okay.

“We need to reconnect because we haven’t spent time very much together recently,” I said. “We go and go and go, and we don’t slow down for anything. I know that you are an important man, and there are many serious issues that fall on your shoulders, but that doesn’t mean you are doomed to a life where all you do is work. This is the perfect time to remind yourself why you work so hard in the first place. This is the time to reconnect with me, with yourself, and with the people that legitimately consider you a friend, and not a friend of a convenience like so many people in your life.”

He sat there staring at me, his eyes going from angry to knowing. I could tell that he was really taking the time to think about what I was saying. I knew he knew that a life outside of work was important, but he needed me to remind him of that. He needed me to say what we were both thinking. If he continued to work like that without reprieve, he would end up alone and cold at the end of his life. I loved him, but I couldn’t spend the next eighty years wishing he would notice me. He went to open his mouth to reply, but the sound of stomping drew our attention. Jason came storming from the back, through the room, and toward the door, dragging Kristin behind him. I was a little thrown off, but Kristin had a smirk on her face, so I knew there wasn’t anything seriously wrong. We sat there and watched as Jason grabbed their coats and turned toward us.

“I need to talk to my wife alone,” he said frantically.

I shook my head and watched as they stormed out of the door, the cold air bursting in and causing the flames of the fire to dance around wildly. I shivered, pulling my arms around my body, and stared at the closed door. I couldn’t even start to think what might be going on with them. They were just in the other room and nothing had happened. Knowing them, they were fighting just so that they would have

the excuse to have make-up sex. My mind twisted and turned through everything that could possibly be going on, but before I got too far down that rabbit hole, Austin’s voice brought me back to our conversation.

“There is something that I have been holding back from you,” he said, looking down at his hands.

“What is it? You know you can tell me anything.” I tried to get him to make eye contact with me.

“I’ve been working all the extra hours on these cases because I have been trying desperately to get a promotion,” he revealed. “It requires a lot, but once I have it, the workload will go down a lot. I want to start a family with you, and in order to do that, I need to know that we have stability. This promotion will bring job security, regardless of who is in office. It will bring financial security that will only go up from that point, and it will allow me to feel comfortable knowing my family will always be taken care of, no matter what. That is why I’ve been putting in the extra hours.”


I was completely overwhelmed by what he had just revealed to me. I had no idea that he was thinking about having a family with me. I thought I was the only one with that on my mind. I figured that everything he did was to further his career, not to further our relationship or our family. I leaned in and threw my arms around his neck, squeezing him even harder than before. Everything was starting to make sense to me now. The longer nights, the extra workload, it was all a pathway to a better life.

“I want all of those things, too,” I said, choked up. “But we are here now, and I want us to enjoy this vacation, not continue to keep looking past where we are standing, especially if you are going to go right back to working just as hard when we return home.”

“I understand,” Austin said, nodding his head. “You are right. They know I am on vacation. They don’t expect anything from me, and if I keep pushing through the present, I am going to reach the end of my life and not remember what and who got me there to begin with. This promotion is important, but I promise you that I will try harder to be present during our trip.”

“Thank you,” I said, hugging him again. “I just want all of it to be worth it, you know? I want to know that we will be okay so that when we get to that place to start a family, we are still there as partners, not strangers.”

We sat there staring into each other’s eyes, finally feeling like we were back on the same page. It had been a while since I felt that kind of connection to him, and I was glad that we could talk things out without screaming, or tears, or anger. I really did want a family with him. After a few moments, Austin raised his head and cocked it to the side as if he were listening for something. I looked at him funny.

“What is that noise?” he asked.

I lifted my head and waited to hear whatever it was he was talking about. Suddenly, I heard it too, an almost rhythmic pounding coming from the side of the house. It was strange and slightly alarming because that was where Jason and Kristin had disappeared to. I stayed alert for several more minutes, listening to the sound, watching the Scotch shake in my glass. I looked back at Austin and shrugged my shoulders, a look of concern still on my face. I slowly stood up and straightened my sweater, feeling the chill that was seeping from the still broken front door. I walked over to the window and looked outside, but all I could see was a blanket of white coming from the storm out there. I looked to the right and squinted, seeing what looked like the edge of Jason’s coat sticking out from the corner of the porch. That was strange. What the hell were they doing out there? It had to be in the teens, if not colder.

I looked harder and realized that the jacket was moving in and out of my field of vision. I stopped, listened, and watched for several moments, trying to get the connection. Suddenly, with wide eyes, I brought my hand up to my forehead. The coat was moving in and out at the same rhythm as the pounding against the side of the house. I looked again and waited to nod my head, noticing that with every push forward was another loud thud. Oh my God. I had to be wrong. There was no way they were doing that in a blizzard on the front porch. What was I saying? If anyone would think that was a good idea, it would be Kristin and Jason. Immediately, I started laughing, walking away from the window and covering my mouth. Austin looked over at me with confusion.
