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Ty turned and gave him a smile that melted him. “Good morning. I’m glad.”

Then he was enfolded in thick, heavy arms. Ty loved to tuck Kell into his chest and practically drape his tall body over him. It often felt like an alpha marking his scent on what he’d claimed. Kell hugged him back. When Ty pulled away he placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and glanced down at his now fully clothed body. “Better. Now I can think.”

Kell laughed lightly, “Think about what?”

“Breakfast. I had a place in mind to take you, but I forgot the name of it after you opened the door.”

Kell remembered slamming the door in Ty’s handsome face. He couldn’t hide the humiliation flooding his cheeks. “I think we were both surprised when the door opened.”

“Mmmhmm. I sure was.” Ty ran his finger down the center of Kell’s chest. “Do you usually open the door in various stages of undress, Kellam?”

Kell shook his head in pleasure at the way Ty said his name. Damn, he loved to hear him talk. Loved to listen to his intellect, quick wit and sharp tongue. And when he turns his slang on and off at will. Oh my god.

“No. Because, I don’t ever have company.”

“Good. I’d hate to have to put an end to that,” Ty said casually, before walking off to look around Kell’s small place.

Kell covered his grin.

Ty stood in front of one of the two bookshelves Kell had next to a television he hadn’t turned on in months. He didn’t have cable or Netflix so there was no point. Ty fingered the bindings of the classics he loved, before pulling one out and opening the cover. It was his favorites entitled The Mastery of Love.

“You mentioned breakfast. If you’re hungry. I can make you something. We don’t have to go out to a restaurant. We’re always eating out,” Kell said. Now that Ty was finally in his place he didn’t want him to leave so soon. Thank goodness he’d been able to pick up some groceries this week.

Ty replaced the book and came to stand in front of him. Sometimes Kell wished he was a mind reader, because the way Ty gazed at him said so many things he wished he could hear aloud. Ty didn’t stop advancing until their chest were touching.

“You wanna cook for me?” Ty whispered in his ear.

He held in another moan at Ty’s intoxicating fragrance engulfing him. “Yes.” He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Ty’s body responded. “I mean. I’m not a master chef or anything but I think you’ll like it. And I… I really want to cook for you.”

Ty put his thumb and finger under Kell’s chin and lifted his head. Kell’s hair fell back against his shoulders, Ty’s eyes followed the movement. “That sounds nice,” he murmured softly. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Of course not.” Kell pulled away, not wanting to stab Ty in his thigh with his hard erection. “You can sit at the table. It won’t take long. You want some water or juice?”

“Orange juice, if you have it.” Ty settled his long legs under Kell’s bistro table and watched him prepare their banana oatmeal pancakes, scrambled eggs and cut up oranges. They talked about their work week, and how excited they were to advance to the next stages and maybe getting a bit physical in the field.

Ty’s smile was beautiful, his laugh light and contagious. Kell cooked their food with extreme meticulousness. He wanted the eggs to be so fluffy they dissolved in Ty’s mouth. And the pancakes to be as light as air. It felt really good to be able to do this for him. Ty had fed him daily for weeks now, he was glad to be able to return the favor in the only way he could.

When Kell stopped getting his small allowance from his father at eighteen, he’d had to move to an even smaller apartment. Back then, he’d barely made ends meet with his few hours at the dojo, and odd jobs for Duke, but by the grace of God he’d managed each month. A tight budget didn’t begin to describe his financial situation. He’d prayed that wouldn’t be a turn-off to Ty, since the man didn’t appear to be hurting for money and was all about style and image. But in an individually special, and enduring way. Not in a pretentious way. Never once did he make Kell feel less than, or frown at his cheaper clothes with disdain. It was always the opposite. Sometimes the way Ty looked at him made Kell wonder if he was about to be devoured.

Like right now.

He placed the carefully arranged plate in front of Ty while trying to avoid those suggestive eyes that watched him like a hawk. He refilled Ty’s orange juice without him asking and added two glasses of chilled water to the table. He placed a few condiments between them then set his plate down opposite him. He bowed his head and said his grace. After he said amen, Ty picked up his fork and began eating. Kell watched him take the first few bites. Liking what he saw.

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