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Son of a bitch, that’s the last thing I want.

“You’re going to regret it,” she says, stubbornly.

“So Miffy thinks she’s a cat. What’s the big deal? What’s wrong, Doe? You of all people know I can handle a pussy.”

Meadow gasps, but not as loud as Mom or Leddie do. I fucking forgot they were here for a minute. I get so wrapped up in this woman that whenever I’m near her everything else fades away. I also forget my mouth when she’s around, too.

Before I can apologize, because shit, I do owe her one, she draws her hand back and slaps the hell out of me. I don’t flinch, even though it hurt like hell. The sting lasts long after she walks away and closes the door. I watch her go. I don’t think it could get much worse.

And then I turn around and face my mother.

Fucking hell, I really shouldn’t have come here today.

Chapter 7


I close my eyes as someone knocks on the door. My head hurts, my body is sore, and my stomach hates me. I don’t want to go more rounds with Blue. I don’t think my heart can handle it.

“Go away,” I mumble into my blankets.

The door opens, and I twist to raise my head so I can see who is bothering me. I’m both disappointed and relieved when it’s not Blue.

“Ida Sue, I really just need to be alone for a bit,” I murmur. I love her. She’s like a second mother to me, but I can’t deal with anyone named Lucas for the rest of the day.

“I just brought you some ginger ale and crackers, baby.”

I let out a sigh that mostly turns into a yawn and force myself to move, so I’m sitting on the bed.

“I don’t really want anything,” I explain—even while she puts it on my rickety nightstand. It’s not really a nightstand. It’s one of those cheap tables that has three legs and a top when you buy it. You screw the legs in, throw a tablecloth over it, and have an instant table. It was a whole ten bucks at Dollar Land. That’s one of the stores they’ve opened up over the years that I can wholly support. It fits my budget.

“You need to try to stay hydrated.”

“What happened to your face?” I ask, noticing for the first time a big scratch along the side of her cheek.

“Nothing. Miffy didn’t like me trying to keep her separated from her man.”

“Yeah, Miffy is a bit of a ho. That’s why I keep her in the cage on the other side of the room from Seymour. Doc is supposed to come spay and neuter at the shelter next week. It can’t happen too soon in Miffy’s case.”

“Next week,” Ida Sue murmurs, but just shakes her head. “I’m sorry about my hard-headed, shit-for-brains son,” she says, sitting down beside me, putting her hand over one of mine.

“I don’t think there’s an apology anyone can give for Blue. He just is what he is,” I mumble. “It’s not your fault. He hates me. There’s no getting around that.”

“Sometimes he probably does, honey.”

I give a self-deprecating laugh. “Gee thanks, Ida Sue.”

“Just stating the truth, honey. You’ve heard the adage that there’s a thin line between love and hate? It’s freaking true.”

“I don’t think love counts here, Ida Sue. Blue hates me, pure and simple. Hell, maybe he even has a reason. It’s not like I explained anything to him way back. I didn’t feel he deserved an explanation, but looking back, I suppose I should have.”

“You love my son,” she says matter-of-factly. My first instinct is to deny it, but I can’t—not really.

“Sometimes I hate him, too. If you think about it, I hate him more than love him,” I rationalize and for some reason that makes her laugh. “Is his name really Moon?”

“Yeah. He hates it, of course. I don’t even think most of his siblings know. Blue’s always been private. You know most of the family think he’s still a virgin?”

My eyes go wide with surprise and laughter bubbles out before I can even attempt to stop it.

“Does he know?” I ask, the words jumbled in with my giggles.

“Probably. I swear I love my kids, but how they could think someone with my blood running through their veins is a virgin at Blue’s age is beyond me.”

“I need to get ready and go check on the shelter.”

“Oh, it’s fine. After Blue took Miffy and Seymour home, we closed for lunch. We’ll head back over after your mother gets finished eating her egg sandwich. I just came over to tell you that you have a date Saturday night.”

“I…uh… let’s break this up a bit. Blue adopted both Miffy and Seymour?”

“Yeah. I couldn’t separate them, dear. They love one another.”

“They fight constantly until Seymour takes control.”
