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“Do you see what you’ve done?” she accuses.

“What do you mean?” I rub the back of my neck, trying to occupy my hands. If I don’t, I’ll reach over and grab her.

“You’re confusing my son.”

“How do you figure that?” God, she really is beautiful when she’s pissed.

“Didn’t you just see what happened? He told you to kiss me!”

“I noticed and it got me to thinking.”

“That we need to stop this madness?”

“No, it reminded me that I won a bet yesterday when I got your mom to eat, and you promised me something.”

“You cannot be serious!”

“Oh, but I am,” I murmur, stepping into her. She tries to back up, but she hits the door. She has nowhere to go. “You wouldn’t want to renege on a bet would you, Meadow? I mean what kind of message is that sending Adam?”

I slide my hand against her neck. Her hair feels deliciously heavy against my hand. I hear her swift intake of breath, feel the vibration of tension move through her body as she stiffens her body even more. She’s trying to hold herself away from me—too bad her body is giving her away. Her breathing is rougher, her nipples pebbled, pressing against the fabric of her shirt.

“It’s showing him that I am interested in his mom, and I’m going to handle you both with care.”

“You don’t exactly have a good record of that, now do you, Blue?”

“I don’t remember you holding a grudge, Doe,” I murmur, letting the pad of my thumb stroke up and down along the delicate line of her throat.

“Maybe I’ve changed,” she challenges, but her voice is soft and hungry. I’m so close her sweet, honeysuckle scent moves through me, getting me drunk.

“Then, we should definitely kiss, so I can see if that’s changed, too.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“You’re always saying that—especially when I think it just might be the best idea I’ve ever had.”


“Sometimes you have to take a chance, baby. There’s no going back and fixing where I fucked up. We can only go forward and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

“Don’t I get a say in this?” she whispers, licking her lips.

“That depends,” I respond, so close I feel her breath against my skin.

“On what?” she asks and fuck she’s almost purring. I know if I touched her right now, she’d be wet and ready for me. With her mother and son inside the house, that’s not an option right now, but soon she’s going to be mine again.

“I need you to answer me. Yes or no, baby, do you want my kiss?”

“We need to pull back and think about this. I have my son to think of.”

“Sweetheart, no matter what happens between us, I will not hurt Adam.”


“Never, Doe. I will never hurt Adam. Now, answer the question. Do you want my kiss?”

“Damn you, Blue Moon Lucas…”

I grin. I have her. “Yes or no,” I press.

“Yes,” she growls, our lips all but touching.

“That’s all I need,” I groan, and then I pull her to me, taking her mouth with all the hunger that has been building since my taste of her at Mom’s wedding. She doesn’t realize it, but I’m claiming her just the way I’m claiming her mouth.

I’m never letting her go.

Chapter 26


I’ve asked myself a million times what the hell I’m doing. I haven’t got an answer. I suppose I should worry if I did start answering myself. It’s been two weeks and instead of pushing Blue away, we seem to be getting closer.

And I’m enjoying it.

Today he’s going with me to the doctor. I had an appointment before now, but the doctor’s office called and rescheduled. I promised Blue could go to the first one. I couldn’t tell him he couldn’t when they changed the appointment. Right?

At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

I did manage to convince Blue we could just meet at the front of Dr. Morrisey’s office. As I walk to the front of the building, I can see that Blue is already waiting on me. I try to ignore that he looks extremely handsome leaning against the side of the building in his worn jeans, boots, soft blue t-shirt, and Stetson. His face looks somber, but that’s how Blue looks most of the time. He’s quiet, and despite coming from such a loud, fun-loving family, he’s more reserved, much quieter, and less outgoing than the others. I think that’s what attracted me to him. He’s a lot like me in that respect.

He doesn’t notice me until I’m coming up the steps. It appears he was lost in thought. Is he having second thoughts about me being pregnant? I touch my stomach, as nerves float through me. I can’t say I haven’t worried and thought about it. I want my baby, though. I want him or her even if Blue decides not to be a part of our lives. When his lips pull into a smile, his beautiful eyes sparkling at me, my nerves change to butterflies.
