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“Have you had anything to eat today?”

“I tried, but it just didn’t sound good.” Her eyes close, and my heart slips in my chest because she seems to curl her head into my hand. I doubt she even knows what she did—but I do.

“Do you think we should go to the doctor?” I ask. I’m warring with myself because there’s a part of me that wants to just demand it and load her into my vehicle and take her. Still, Meadow knows her body and how she feels. As long as she seems okay, I won’t push it.

“No. Honestly, I’m okay, just really tired. I did this with Adam, too. My body doesn’t like being pregnant that much,” she mutters. “It likes to give me hell.”

“Okay, but if you aren’t feeling better by evening, you’re going to the doctor,” I grumble. I’m not happy, but I’ll let her have her way for now.

“Yes, boss,” she responds.

“Finally, you admit it,” I joke because she called me boss.

“I’m too tired to roll my eyes at you, Moonie.”

That makes me grin. “You know what, Doe?”


“You might be the only person around who could make me like that name, baby,” I laugh. “I’m going to fix you some lunch. You lay right there.”

“Blue, I can make myself a sandwich,” she argues, fighting the blush that comes to her face when I call her baby.

“You get out of that bed, and I’ll spank your ass red. Now, relax and I’ll get you some grub.”

“I’m too old to be spanked,” she mumbles, curling back into her covers.

“That’s funny. I seem to remember you liking it not that long ago,” I murmur. Her mouth opens in shock, and I laugh as I close the door.

“Is Mom, okay?” Adam asks, still looking worried.

“She’s good, sport. I think she’s just really tired. How about you help me wrestle her up some food? I think eating might help her,” I respond. I’m pretty sure Meadow hasn’t told him about the baby yet. I’m hoping that when she does, I’ll be there with her. I don’t want to rush her, but I also want Adam and Meadow to start seeing me as part of their lives. Oh, who in the fuck am I kidding? I want the three of us and the child she’s carrying to be a family.

“Do you know how to cook?” he says, frowning up at me.

I laugh. “I think together we can figure out how to open a can of soup.”

“And maybe make grilled cheese? Mom likes grilled cheese.”

“She does, does she? I’ll definitely make note of that. C’mon let’s see what kind of damage we can do to Miss Leddie’s kitchen.” I put my hand on Adam’s back and we walk into the kitchen together. This feeling settles in my chest. This is what I want. Now, if Meadow will just cooperate.

Chapter 29


I wake up with a start. I wasn’t even aware that I’d fallen back to sleep. It takes me a few minutes to focus, but I rub my eyes and sit up slowly. My head is pounding—probably because I’ve yet to eat today. At least the world seems to have stopped spinning.

I force myself to get up and go to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror, I want to cry. I can’t believe Blue saw me like this. I look outside and it’s close to dark. I evidently slept through lunch. The fact that Blue is still here with Adam makes me feel funny. It’s not a bad feeling either.

I decide a shower is a must. I make it very quick one—mostly to wash off and tame my hair. I don’t have the energy for clothes, so I choose some comfy, old, flannel pajamas and matching socks. When I look in the mirror, I feel bad. I mean, I look way better than I did earlier, but maybe I should put a little more effort in since Blue is here. My stomach picks that moment to make a large rumbling noise. I put my hand over it to muffle the noise.

“I’m sorry, peanut. Mommy will get you some food,” I murmur with a smile.

This warmth fills me as I think about my unborn child. I want this baby. I want Blue’s baby. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but this child is a blessing and I’ll never forget that fact. After running some product and a brush through my hair, I decide to let it air. Normally, I blow dry it, but I want to hurry and see what’s going on with Adam…and Blue.

As I walk down the hall, I can hear Blue and Adam talking. The sound leads me to the kitchen. I should go in and announce I’m here, but I can’t resist listening before I enter.

“Are you sure Mom will like this? She didn’t wake up for the soup, so she needs something she will really like,” Adam tells Blue.
