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That makes me smile. I’ve obviously worried him today, and I hate that. I need to break it to him that I’m pregnant, but I’m not sure how he will react. From the day he was born, it truly has been just me and him. Clark phoned it in when it came to being a father. Even when he didn’t, it would have been better if he had. I just don’t know how Adam will react when he discovers Blue and I are going to have a baby—especially when I’m not sure how I feel. I want my baby, but I have no idea what’s going to happen with Blue.

I lean my forehead on the door to the kitchen and just as I’m about to open it, I hear Blue’s deep baritone voice.

“When we were younger, I used to take your mom to Joe’s and she loved these. Now, mine won’t taste like Joe’s but—”

“Hold up. You and my mom used to date?”

“Yeah, when we were in high school. She was the prettiest girl at Mason High. Hell, she still is.”

“Dude, you have a thing for my mom.”

“Yeah, I guess I do,” Blue says, and immediately, my heart jumps against my chest.

“You want some advice, Blue?” my son asks, and I can feel my eyes go wide.

“You’re going to give me advice on how to win your mother over?” Blue asks. He sounds so serious and I’m glad. I’m not sure Adam could handle it if Blue laughed at him.

“Yeah. I mean, you’re kind of cool. Much better than my coach.”

“Gee thanks. No offense but I’m thinking my mom’s pet cow would be a better pick for Meadow than your coach.”

“Probably,” Adam laughs. “Coach is kind of a horn dog. Katie Simpson has him in study hall, and she says he pops Viagra in there and then sneaks into the teacher’s lounge with the librarian after class.”

“What do you know about Viagra?” Blue laughs.

“Man, I’m almost ten. I’m not a baby.”

I hear Blue’s laughter join Adam’s and I smile as I hear it. I walk inside and look at my son and the man I’ve loved for most of my life. If you were to look into my heart, these two and my mother would be all that you would find. It’s always truly been that way and maybe that’s why I’m so scared.

“What’s going on in here?”

“Mom! You’re awake!”

“Yeah, finally. I guess I was really worn out,” I laugh. “Where’s Mom?”

“She’s still gone with my mother. They decided to spend their bingo winnings shopping. Mom has some kind of secret going on. She’s keeping it very hush-hush.”

“That doesn’t sound good, Blue.”

“Don’t I know it. Are you going to come over here to me, or do I need to chase you down?” Blue asks. My eyes widen in surprise.

“I’m sorry.”

“You worried me today, Doe.”

“Is that why we’re having meatball subs for dinner?” I murmur.

“Well, yeah.”

I walk closer, standing on the other side of the small island, opposite of them.

“Thank you,” I tell him, smiling.

“That’s not good enough, Doe.”

I blink. “It’s not?”

“I want your lips.”

I gasp, my eyes darting to my son and back to Blue. “Blue—”

“I’ve been worried. Adam and I fixed an amazing dinner, and I need your lips, honey.”

“I don’t think this is the place or the time—”

“Mom, kiss him. He cares about you,” Adam pipes up.

“Yeah, Doe. Kiss me. I care about you,” Blue adds.

“I can’t kiss you. I’ve slept so much I haven’t fed the animals since early this morning. I need to go to the shelter and—”

“Already taken care of, baby. Adam and I even cleaned the cages.”

“I…you did?”

“Yep. Now, do I get your lips?”

“That depends,” I mutter, feeling the heat of the blush on my face.

“On what?” Blue asks looking at me thoughtfully.

I sneak a glance at Adam and his grin as he looks down speaks volumes. I should probably think carefully before I make a move here, but even when that small voice inside me advises caution, I find I want to ignore the warning.

“On whether or not you did all that for a kiss or just out of the kindness of your heart,” I respond, not bothering to hide my grin.

“Well, you are a great kisser, Doe.”

“Ew, gross. I don’t want to hear that,” Adam whines, making us laugh.

“Then close your eyes, buddy. If that bothers you, this might, too,” Blue warns, leaning over the counter.

I stretch to meet him. I plan on just making it a small kiss, but Blue slides his hand against the side of my neck, holds me where he wants me and gives me a gentle kiss, nibbling at my lips, sliding his tongue inside my mouth at a leisurely pace. It’s sweet, beautiful, and so good my heart warms inside of my chest. I don’t know how that’s possible, but it is. He pulls away, making the kiss brief, but he doesn’t let go of me until he kisses my forehead, too. It’s so different from any way that I’ve ever been kissed before, and yet, I think it’s the best kiss I’ve ever had.
