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My girl.

He had no idea what those simple words were to me… but they were the world.

“Did you give it to old Clark like this, Doe?” Blue growls, his fingers thrusting harder.

It’s then that I can definitely name the other emotion.


My body trembles at the unfairness of it all.

This was a mistake.

I tense, pushing against Blue, wanting away—needing away from him.

“Oh no, you’re not getting away from me that easy, Doe,” he warns, moving me so my back is solidly against his front again. As much as I wanted the distance, my damn body mourned the loss of his fingers. I jerk, pushing away from him. I’ll go home to my vibrator. It might not be mind-blowing, but at least it doesn’t talk.

He slaps my ass.

The sound of his hand coming down hard on my flesh reverberates in the small room. I instantly still. This is new. In our time together, Blue never did anything like this. I should hate it, but the feelings surging through my body have nothing to do with hate—neither does the way my pussy contracts, and my knees weaken.

“No running away, Doe. If you don’t want me, that’s one thing. But there will be no running away just because you’re pissed,” he says, his voice so stern that it sends shivers down my spine.

He has a hand on the small of my back and pushes me down against the table. The cold wood slaps against my breasts, making me cry out in shock, but I bite my lips, swallowing it down. The cold friction actually feels good against my hardened, aroused nipples.

This is better. I don’t have to look at him. It’s sex. That’s it. There doesn’t have to be a past or a future.

It’s just… sex.

“Spread those legs, baby.”

I do what he says, my heart running away with me—needing to scream for him to just take me already.

The side of my face is flat against the table. I angle so I can see him—which is probably stupid—but I need to know what he’s doing. I can’t get a good view, but I can tell he’s stroking his cock. I moan because that is something I’d love to see. Blue pushes his cock between my legs. I can feel the tip at my entrance. He pushes, moving through the wetness, coating me, as the head of his cock slides against my clit. Back and forth he does this—torturing me.

“Blue,” I groan, thrusting my ass back against him, trying to move so I can trap his cock and ride it—desperate to come.

“You need something, Doe?” he asks, and I can almost hear the laughter in his voice.

The bastard.

“Stop toying with me,” I order, my voice a needy growl.

“But it’s so…” I feel his cock recede as he draws out his words, and then all at once he thrusts inside of me—almost violently. “Fun,” he breathes out as he buries himself to the hilt.

He doesn’t move. I can feel him, so deep inside of me that it’s hard to breathe. I don’t know how long he stays like that, his cock buried in me, but the entire time… all I can think is…

I hope he never leaves.

Chapter 4


Sweet Jesus.

My eyes close as I sink deep inside of her.


She’s always been my dream woman. My fantasy. The love of my life.

My biggest regret.

And the one woman I should hate with everything in me. Sometimes I think I get close, but it never happens. I can never fully push her out of my heart.

Which makes me a fucking idiot.

How does a fucking kid get so tangled up in a woman that it haunts him for the rest of his life?


Especially when that woman leaves him behind and marries some fucking bastard who didn’t deserve her.

I can’t think about that right now.

I’ve waited a lifetime to be right here. It might make me a fool, but I’m going to enjoy it. This time, I’ll do it on my terms. I won’t allow her to touch my heart again. She’s not dealing with a boy now. I’m a man. We were kids. I made a bad decision, but I didn’t give up on her. I knew—in the end—we would find our way back together. Maybe that was arrogant, but I loved Meadow. I just needed time. She’s the one that didn’t wait. She gave up on me. Now, she’s in for some surprises. I should feel sorry for her, or maybe even guilty. Fuck, if I will, though. She did this. She turned me into this man.

Right now, however, I’m just giving her my dick—exactly what she wants.

What I want.

This is familiar with her. I’ll make her crave me. Sex is the one thing—maybe the only thing—we ever did right.

I pull from her silken depths until I’m completely out. Meadow gives this little mewing noise that makes my cock jerk. My fingers entangle in her hair, pulling her up off the table, and I slam back inside of her. I ignore that being inside of her is like coming home. I ignore everything but how good it feels.
