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“No, being soft to you might be putting the toilet lid down—which is good practice but not exactly at the top of the list of what a woman wants in a man.”

I grunt. “I’ve been gentle with her. I make sure to give her choices on everything. I’ve not demanded anything from her—even though I bloody well want to. I let her call the shots.”

“What I’m hearing is that you cut your balls off,” Mom quips. “You sound like you’re being a wimp.”

“What? No, I’m not.”

“Get real, son. It’s a wonder you’re not fetching her slippers with your teeth like poor Seymour when he brings Miffy her favorite toy.”

I frown. There’s a chance that she has a point. Damn it. Still, I deny it. I have to protect my manhood as best as I can.

“It’s not true, Mom. Meadow knows I’m all man.”

“You can’t see me, but I just rolled my eyes so hard they went through California and are presently somewhere off the coast of Florida.”

“Very funny.”

“What did I tell you, son?

“To handle Meadow with care. No offense, but I think that is part of the problem.”

“Lord, I know you have something between those large ears of yours. I also told you to pull her damn hair.”


“Of the two of us, Blue Moon Lucas, I have the insight to what a woman wants. We want a man to be gentle with us, but we sure as hell don’t want nice all the time. Sometimes a man has to show her he’s her man and set her blood on fire. What do you think Jan does every time I push his buttons? That’s why I always do it—including that damn runway show. I know exactly what I’m getting, so I keep doing it. I don’t know for sure, but I’m thinking that’s why Jan lets me push it to the limit.”

“Are we done with the sex advice?”

“It depends on if you listen,” she complains. “Still, I guess we are. I should get moving. Jan and I are alone tonight, and I figure I owe him a good dinner.”

“That’s nice.” And normal.

“I can be nice. Anyway, I have to go. It takes me a good hour to oil the kitchen table so it’s nice and slick.”

“Jesus,” I gripe and she cackles.

“You walked into that one,” she says, still laughing. “And Blue?”


“Sometimes to get a woman under control spankings are needed,” she advises. She hangs up before I can respond—not that I would know what to say anyhow. I put my phone away, feeling disgusted. My life has basically been reduced to a man who gets sex advice from his mother. How pathetic is that?

Chapter 39


I’m so nervous. After Petal picked up Adam, I got Mom settled. Our neighbor Mrs. Reynolds is going to keep a check on her. I’m worried about leaving her, but she wouldn’t hush. She’s been getting around better, so she wants more independence. It’s hard for me. She got a little upset that I gave Mrs. Reynolds a key to check on her if she couldn’t get her on the phone. It’s the only way I’d agree though.

I frown when I pull into Blue’s driveway. His trucks are home—he has one he drives when we’re together or he’s traveling and one that is strictly for farm and ranch duties. The garage door is open, though and the utility side by side he keeps in there is gone.

When I talked to him this morning, he was already out in the fields working. That means he’s been out all day and it is way past lunchtime. He has no idea I’m coming by. We’ve fallen into an easy pattern. As nice as it is, I miss Blue. I need to be careful with Adam, but I know I need to talk to Blue about sitting Adam down. I’m dragging my feet. I don’t know how to explain to Blue that after being trapped with Clark, it’s hard to take the jump again.

Heck, I’m afraid if I bring up Clark at all Blue might remember he hates me. If I tell him that, I know he’ll get pissed. So, it’s been easier to ignore it all.

I use the key Blue gave me to get inside. It’s my first time using it and I must admit, it feels strange. I put my overnight bag on Blue’s bed and make my way to the kitchen. After washing my hands, I make him a sandwich. Next, I grab a small bag of the baked chips he likes, along with a water and a sports drink.

It takes me a bit to locate the keys to his work truck but eventually, I find them.

I’m not sure what part of the pasture he’s in. I know he was working with his horses earlier, but he’s nowhere to be found there. I drive out to where he mentioned raking his hay to make sure it was good and dry before baling. When I see him, I can’t help but smile. I blow the horn, but he’s on an older model Ford tractor. It’s not his usual one. It’s loud. I start walking, waving as I go to get his attention. He looks up and I see the surprise on his face. He shuts off the engine. Holding the bag with his lunch in my hand, I walk a little faster.
