Page 126 of Best I Ever Had

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I laugh though it’s not the words but the giddiness I feel that’s bubbled up. “Which one?”

“Fuck it.”

I laugh even harder. “It fit. Although it’s kind of your thing, you’re not the only one who gets to say fuck around here.” I caress his cheek just before snuggling into my favorite spot against his side. With his arm around me, he kisses the top of my head.

“Speaking of around here, do you want to talk about your room? ”

“Oh.” I cringe. “That.”

He pops up on his hands and takes a leisurely scan around the room. Glancing back at me, he says, “It’s like going back in time.”

“Guess I blew it. You found out I’m a total weirdo.”

“I already knew you were a weirdo, but that’s okay. I’m a weirdo, too.” Shaking his head, he says, “I’m also feeling very twenty-two again. Your bed is even in the same spot as it was in the apartment.”

“It’s a new bed, though.”

“I’m thinking that’s all that is new. The room’s flipped but the same. The same desk is under the window with your camera on top. The dresser is probably still full of old flannel pajamas.” He flips the covers off and walks to the desk, tapping twice. I know what he’s doing. When he looks back at me, he says, “You kept it. You kept my note.” He then looks at the room again. “You kept everything.”

“I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it. The memories we created there . . . we created Reed.” I lie back, trying not to feel awkward. I had my reasons, and they were enough for me through the years. Stacking my hands behind my head, I say, “I had you when I lived there.”

Coming back to bed, he slides in next to me. “I wish I’d had the same, but nothing at my apartment was you and me. We were a studio walkup just off campus.” He brings me into an embrace, and he kisses the soft spot under my ear. “Free from everything that held us back before, we get to be whoever we want together.”

“As long as we’re together, that’s all I need.”

When he lies back, something comes over him, and he scrubs a hand over his face. “I told you I love you. Like I just blurted it out there. That could have gone sideways so fucking fast.”

I take his hand from hiding his face and kiss each knuckle and then his palm. “Being sideways with you isn’t so bad.” Sitting up enough to kiss his lips, I add, “I love you, Cooper Haywood.”

His hand moves against my cheek as he stares into my eyes. Then he lifts, and our mouths come together. “I love you, Story Salenger. I’ll be the best Mommy’s friend you’ve ever had.”

I burst out laughing. “That should be easy. I never had another.”

“You always were too good for me.”

“I’d say I’m just right, and we’re perfect together.”

I snuggle back, relishing the quiet moments as much as the laughter. But soon, my eyelids are too heavy to keep open. Listening to Cooper’s steady heartbeat, I give in.

I don’t mean to stare but seeing Cooper drink coffee across from me has my heart floating on cloud nine. It’s so unexpected yet feels so right.

Setting the mug down in the sink, he rinses it like the knight in shining armor he is, and says, “I need to get going, or I’ll be late.” Coming around the peninsula, he holds my hips, swaying them gently. He always was a hip man. “When can I see you again?”

We’ve had a Sunday pattern going on for weeks. “I was thinking next Sunday is too far away.”

“If I had my way, it would be tonight, but I understand your schedule is very different from mine.” Embracing me, he asks, “What works best for you and Reed?”

“You being in our lives.” My words have him leaning back to find my eyes. “What about we make Mondays puzzle and pizza night?”

His smile could light up the pre-dawn sky. “Sounds like something I’d like to do with you guys.”

“Good. Maybe we just start from there and let things happen naturally.”

Kissing my forehead, he pulls back. “Music to my ears.”

I walk him to the door. He kisses me once more before jumping down the five steps onto the sidewalk. My heart stops like it does every time my son tries to do that. Rolling my eyes, I cup the side of my mouth. “You’re worse than Reed.”


Oh, shit.

Reed comes running down the sidewalk with Lila and Jake close behind.

He runs into Cooper’s arms and hugs him. This time, when Cooper hugs him like he’ll never let go, my heart stops for different reasons. When he buries his head against Reed’s neck, I cry . . . like a baby.
