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I shake my head of the memory. I’m in the forest, alive and breathing, while Finn and Jarred surround me. They’re like wolves, hunting with bloodlust on their minds. Adrenaline shoots through me when I hear a twig snap close by.

As long as I can get to the lake, I’ll feel calmer. But the moment I step away from the tree that’s been shielding me, an arm wraps around my middle and a hand shoots to my mouth before the scream lodged in my throat can escape.

I’m lifted into the air before the person carrying me makes his way deeper into the darkness. The scent of his cologne, the smell of his skin isn’t familiar, and panic sets in. I swing my legs, trying to kick at my attacker, but it’s not use.

Baring my teeth, my attempt at biting him only earns me a dark, sordid chuckle that sends fear racing down my spine. His hold on me is so tight, my lungs struggle to work. And when he finally sets me down, he spins me so fast, I’m dizzy. My back hits a tree trunk and that’s when I come face to face with the dark mask that’s peering down at me.

My mistake is to open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Instead, my kidnapper slides his thumb along my lower lip, dipping it onto my tongue and pressing down hard. He leans in, his body pressing mine against the trunk, causing it to bite into my back.

I bite down on his thumb, and another dark rumble vibrates through his chest. Either he can’t feel the pain, or he enjoys it. My blood turns to ice when I look up into eyes that hold me hostage.

“Now what do we have here?” he coos into the mask before he tugs at the material and I’m met with a man who’s breathtakingly handsome, but there’s a sadistic glint in his eye. “I didn’t think I’d find something so delicious when I came out for a run tonight.”

He tugs his thumb from my mouth, and I let out a scream while praying Finn and Jarred hear me. “Do you always run with a mask?”

“Only when I’m hoping to find something delicious to satiate my hunger,” he says darkly, while his eyes trail over my face then to my lips, where they linger for a moment too long. There’s no doubt this man must be Creed Haven.

“Let me go, please,” I say, my voice breaking as fear takes hold of me. I know he’s known Finn for most of his life, but Finn never said they were friends.

“Why would I do that?” he questions, while tipping his head to the side.

“I’m Finn’s fiancée,” I blurt out, praying with all I have that he considers the man I’m going to marry somewhat of a friend. Even if they don’t like each other; hopefully, there is something human in him.

I’m about to make my case when I hear my salvation. “Creed,” Finn’s voice cuts through the darkness, and he appears like a mirage in the desert. “Leave her.” There’s a moment in time when I think Creed will refuse Finn. I see the war etched on his face. He wants me, but he knows that it won’t end here. Finn will kill him. Of that I have no doubt. The two words linger in the air long after Finn spoke them.

I hold my breath.

My pulse spikes when Creed runs his index finger over my lips once more before he pushes away from the tree. He steps back and turns to Finn. “Good to see you again, Thorne,” he says as he nears Finn. “You’ve got yourself quite a firecracker there.”

“I do. She’s mine.” The possession in Finn’s voice is nothing short of caveman-like. Both men stare each other down. Jarred stands to the side, but he doesn’t come to me. It doesn’t take long before Creed offers a wave and races into the darkness, his form disappearing quickly.

“So that’s Creed Haven,” I mumble, trying to break the tension.

“Did he hurt you?” Finn is on me in seconds. The fear that flickers in his stare is heartwarming.

“No,” I tell him. “I’m fine. He scared me a little, but other than that, he didn’t do anything else.” Thankfully, I add silently.

Both men tangle their fingers with mine. “I’m taking you home,” Finn says.

“I think you need a shower, and we can calm you down after that,” Jarred promises, and my body reacts as my pussy pulses with the need to be filled.

“It was fun,” I add, hoping to lighten the mood. Even in the dark, I can tell Finn and Jarred are tense. I’m sure it’s because of Creed. They clearly don’t trust him, but thankfully, they seem to be on speaking terms. If they weren’t, tonight could have gone a lot differently.
