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“Yeah...I did. I just figured you’d deny it, because you were determined not to have another relationship.”

“I’m not denying it. I want a relationship with you. I want to call you my boyfriend and do all the things a couple should do.”

A dazzling smile split across Tripp’s handsome face, deepening those dimples of his. “Really?”

He held out his hand and waited for Tripp to walk over and take it. “Yes, really. I’m sorry for making you think otherwise.”

“We should probably keep this quiet at work though. They might try to split us up if they know we’re a couple.”

“You’re probably right.” He nodded.

Tripp leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. “Glad we’re on the same page.”

“Me too.”



JAYME WAS glad to be home. He walked in the front door, followed by Tripp. They kept him overnight for observation but deemed him fit to leave the next afternoon. He was bandage free, but still had a line of staples running in a six-inch line across the side of his head; starting just over his left ear.

He set his stuff down by the stairs, then turned to Tripp and wrapped his arms loosely around his waist. Tripp draped his arms around Jayme’s neck, and cocked his head slightly in question.

“Can I help you?” Tripp asked with a small smile playing across his lips.

“Yeah, you can fucking do me,” he replied, punctuating his words by pulling Tripp up against him.

“My, my, aren’t we demanding.”

Jayme hummed, and leaned in to kiss and nip at Tripp’s neck; just under his ear. Tripp’s breath caught. He tilted his head to give Jayme better access.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” Tripp rasped.

“Oh, I’m sure.” He rolled his hips against where they were pressed together, rubbing his erection against Tripp’s. “I’m thinking maybe I can give bottoming a go.”

Tripp jerked his head back to look at him, his honey colored eyes concerned. “Are you sure?”

Jayme nodded, and gave a small shrug. “You seem to enjoy it, so yeah, why not?”

“As long as you’re feeling okay.”

“I feel fine. Come on, I know you want to.” He let Tripp go and started up the stairs.

“Fuck yeah, I do.” Following him upstairs and into Tripp's bedroom.

Jayme looked over from where he was standing at the foot of Tripp’s bed, to find his partner standing in the doorway; his eyes hooded, and his full lips parted. Damn, he looked sexy. Keeping his gaze on Tripp, he began to strip. First, he slowly pulled his T-shirt carefully over his head, and tossed it away. He then kicked off his sneakers, and finally; he slid off his sweatpants and underwear at an annoying, slow pace.

Tripp made an aggravated noise. “Come on.” He growled.

Jayme grinned as he kicked them aside. His cock stood at attention, eager to get this party started. He fisted it, and lazily pumped his hand up and down the shaft. Tripp looked ready to explode. His hands were fisted at his sides, and his nostrils were flaring from the force of his breaths.

He cocked his head to the side. “What are you waiting for?”

That seemed to do it. Tripp tore his T-shirt off as he stormed over to him. He grabbed Jayme’s face, being careful of his head; and crushed their mouths together in a bruising kiss. The first swipe of tongue had Jayme moaning. Jayme slid his hands around Tripp’s slim waist, and up his muscular back. Tripp ravaged his mouth, until they were both panting and pulling apart in search of air.

Tripp kicked off his shoes and shoved his gym shorts and underwear off his hips. He then pushed Jayme onto the bed. He scooted up farther on the bed and laid his head on a pillow. Tripp crawled up onto the bed, and immediately took Jayme’s cock into his mouth. Jayme cried out.

He lifted his head and gazed down his body to watch as Tripp sucked him off. Tripp rolled his eyes up to meet his gaze.

“Fuck.” He breathed.

“I love your big fucking cock in my mouth,” Tripp said, before taking Jayme down his throat.

“Oh Jesus!” He choked.

He grabbed ahold of Tripp’s hair, and yanked his head up and off of his cock.

“You’re gonna make me come, and I don’t want to do that until your cock is buried in my ass.”

Tripp hummed his approval, then leaned over to grab the lube and a condom from the nightstand. He put them on the bed next to Jayme’s thigh, then sat back on his heels between Jayme’s legs. Tripp grabbed the lube and poured some on his fingers. He knew what was coming. Tripp had played there before, but never did more than a couple of fingers. Cool lube met his hole as Tripp pressed a finger inside of him. He squirmed at the intrusion. It was always weird at first, but it would become pleasurable. Tripp worked his finger in and out for a minute, before he added another one. Jayme gasped at the stretch.
