Page 13 of Sage (Club Nymph 3)

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“I don’t know why you like me,” I murmur more to myself than him.

“We’ll get married one day,” he says.

My breath hitches in my throat, I laugh at him to hide the shock.

“Don’t laugh, I’m serious. I even saw it in my dream.”

Looking at him, I finally smile and nod. “I want to be your girlfriend.”

I smile through the tears and the lump in my throat. We were so young, but I can still feel what I felt that day. Years that have passed didn’t change my emotions about him, only made them stronger, harder, sharper. I’m so shaken by the intensity I feel after reading a memory that happened decades ago.

Putting my diary back in the drawer, I grab the envelope he gave me. Again. I want to ignore it and devour every little detail at the same time.

Finally, with a sigh, I rip open the envelope; my hands are shaking with anxiety.

Dear Nikki,

It’s kind of comical that the day you get your freedom is the day I lost mine. But that’s not important.

You’re free now. That’s all that matters.

I knew something was wrong when you didn’t show up to meet me. I knew you would make it whenever you had a chance. I’ve waited for you for months, Nikki, but you didn’t show up, not even once.

I was almost obsessed with seeing you. There was a bad feeling inside me. I tried to get inside a few times, but they didn’t let me. I wanted to see the Priest, but they didn’t let me. It was awkward, Nikki.

One night, I was determined to stay until the sunrise. I must have fallen asleep as I waited for you at some point, but I was woken up by a gunshot. Then, everything was chaos. You were covered in blood. The Father was dead. I tried to come to the hospital with you, I tried to reach you, but someone held me back.

I begged the Sheriff to let me see you, but he didn’t let me. He said they were still investigating things. I sneaked into the hospital once, you were asleep. I kissed you then. I don’t know why I did it. I think I hoped you would wake up, but you didn’t, and I got caught.

I couldn’t visit you again in the hospital.

When I could see you again, you were already behind bars, and they weren’t the only thing that stood between us.



Chapter 12


Age 11

Fifteen minutes later.

Under your window.

I miss you.


I smile when I see his message just under the frame of my window.


I quickly put his note back in its place when I hear my mom’s voice.

“Veronica! Clean the kitchen, I’m going to pray.”
