Page 28 of Nanny and the Beast

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I had let things get too far.

Too crazy.

Chapter 18


Yulia and I spent the afternoon on the floor of her massive, baby pink tiled bathroom.

To kind of make up for the bad news that I would soon have to break to her about leaving, I promised her an activity of her choosing after her lessons. Her immediate request had been to dye her hair color to match mine.

She was only a child and I really didn’t want to use dye on her beautiful virgin hair, but I had an idea. I asked Zelda if she could get me some American red Kool-Aid. I had to spell it for her, but in less than an hour, she had located a supplier and got me the four packets I’d requested.

I gave little Yulia a choice. We could put the Kool-Aid on for an hour and her hair would be a little bit red or we could leave it on for three hours and it would be almost as red as mine. I warned her that three hours with a shower cap on would be annoying, but she was determined.

I thought she might cave in, but bullheaded determination must run in this family’s blood. She kept the Kool-Aid in her hair for the full three hours.

A batch of freshly baked scones courtesy of the Chef kept us company, as she sat atop the counter, and I blow dried her mid-back length hair. Her mouth was stuffed with the pastries and at the amused look I gave her, she smiled and offered me a bite. I accepted it, purposely nipping her hand in the process.

With an impish grin, she pulled her hand away, just in time to save it. I really liked this child. If only things had been different, I knew I could have gotten her to talk. With a sigh of regret, I turned my attention back to her hair, and her blue-eyed uncle.

I missed him, and not in a heartfelt way, but in a sexually frustrated way. My pussy felt hot and strangely swollen from the violent fucking Yuri had subjected it to and my body felt empty.

When I was done with Yulia’s hair, I ran my fingers down the red mass and turned her around to face the gigantic mirror.

I’d expected her reaction to be joy or at least surprise at the new look, but when she stopped chewing and went quiet at her image…I was confused.

“What is it?” I asked.

Seconds passed and she didn’t say a word. Then she smiled, but it was such sad smile that my heart broke.

“What is it darling?” I pleaded.

She began to cry.

I knew she couldn’t be the adult she was trying so hard to be by masking her emotions. I wanted so much to help her, but I didn’t know how to. “Please don’t cry, my darling. I’m here for you. Just tell me what’s wrong. Please. What is it? Maybe I can help,” I begged as I pulled her into my arms.

But she wouldn’t speak. Just cried her little heart out, her chest heaving with the choking sobs.

I held her tightly to my chest and waited patiently, patting her back to comfort her. I didn’t know how I would be able to leave her in such a fragile state. Part of me began to think I couldn’t do it. I would just have to stay away from her uncle and help this poor suffering soul. If I didn’t help her I would suffer far more than, if I got my heartbroken by a cold, heartless man.

Lifting her from the counter, I carried her back to her bedroom and laid her on her huge Princess bed. Then for the first time, I fitted my body next to hers. Was it her inability to speak that hurt her or the loss of her parents that haunted her?

She had so much more than I ever did when growing up. I’d been bounced around foster homes until eventually I grew past the age of being wanted, or even being able to be adopted. Rather than being angry at the unfairness of life, I had just returned its chill and aloofness to everything and everyone around me without apology. Except Charlotte.

And now this poor little girl. I could almost believe that right now she was sadder than I’d ever been.

I cradled her in my arms and rested my head against hers. I knew from experience that the tears would probably be a good release for whatever demons were tormenting her.

Eventually, she quieted down. When she shuffled, and tried to pull out of my arms, I immediately let her go. Sitting up, I watched her.

She got off the bed and headed over to her chest of toys by the windows. She brought out a photograph in a gold frame.

I waited patiently.
